Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 138: [Go up the relay trend (1/70)]

After Tiansheng Holdings went through a ground floor and accelerated the first entry into the second plate, on April 25 next Monday, there was no second entry into the third plate as expected by the market. It rose and walked out of a small Yang line with a shadow line. The transaction volume was moderate and released a little, and the transaction volume exceeded 1.5 billion.

In the following days, after entering the second half of April, Tiansheng Holdings finally stopped making noise. It is impossible for such large-cap stocks to go up and out of Anshi's super market, because the institutional votes with a high concentration of chips, It is not an ordinary institution, and the attributes of the securities sector make the rise and fall of Tiansheng Holdings have a more special meaning. Any rise or fall will not be purely due to corporate fundamentals.

In the next few days, Tiansheng Holdings began to enter the consolidation phase, with ups and downs. In the next few months, the overall increase will be more or less, and the K-line pattern shows that the bottom is slowly rising, basically no There has been a Zhongyang line with a daily increase of more than 5%, and the daily turnover has also remained in the range of 1.2-1.8 billion yuan.

As time goes by, Tiansheng Holdings walks out of more and more daily K-lines after backdoor listing. The trend formed by the combination of these K-lines is that the apex is connected to the apex, and the low point and the place are connected, forming a small lama. The pattern, or the ascending channel of the expanding triangle pattern, the breakthrough method is also to break through the platform, adjust after the break, and after the adjustment is completed, the force is charged up.

The amplitude of the box is in the range of 6~7.5%, and the breakthrough of the box is roughly equal to 1 to 1, and the deviation will not be very large.

When the box is broken, it will step back on a box and wait for two to three days at the bottom, then start to rush out of the top of the next box, and then start to adjust, while adjusting, it is also waiting for the moving average to catch up, and the moving average catches up. After that, it also means that the adjustment is over, and it begins to break through and walk out of a new cabinet platform, and so on...

At first glance, the K-line form that Tiansheng Holdings has come out looks very beautiful and neat. The so-called 5-day, 10-day, 20-day, and 60-day moving averages have come out of a perfect divergent long arrangement trend.

Behind this perfection, it also means that Tiansheng Holdings' chips are highly concentrated, institutions are highly controlled, and there are not many retail investors in it.

If there are too many retail investors, all kinds of chasing ups and downs, one guy all follows the nuclear button to connect the board and the yin, and the other guy all fires the sky gun with the board and the yang, and the K-line form that comes out is skyrocketing and falling, all kinds of staged big top.

The most typical example is the Anshi shares next door. This is a good stock and a good company, but the K-line pattern is a bit ugly, with all kinds of pointed tops and big ups and downs.

Because the equity was too scattered during that time, all kinds of demons danced wildly.

Of course, the result of Lu Ming's tossing in Anshi's shares last year is also indispensable, but the key is because there are too many retail investors in this ticket.

Anshi's shares are not bad. The sharp rise and fall last year was caused by the fierce competition for control. The fundamentals of the company itself have not been subverted because of this. The big tops of last year have been recovered and broken through this year.

And some junk stocks with no performance, formed by hot money and bad houses, are really the tops in history, the kind that will never return.

After the end of the "Antian War", Lu Ming changed the logic of Anshi Group, which led to the company's transformation from a tasteless and unfortunate abandonment to a sweet and sweet pastry in the eyes of today's market capital. The number of institutional holdings has reached hundreds and it is still increasing, and Anshi's shares have gradually begun to rise and relay.

This is inevitable.

The current K-line shape of Anshi's shares has gradually become more and more beautiful, the bottom has been continuously raised, and the moving average has begun to diverge and long-arranged. The reason is the continuous increase in institutional holdings and the decrease in retail investors.

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The price of Anshi's shares is also getting more and more expensive. The floor price of 15 yuan last year is gone forever.

It is foreseeable that the price of Anshi's shares will only get higher and higher in the future. On the one hand, institutions are increasing their holdings. On the one hand, Anshi Group itself is also repurchasing shares. On the other hand, Anshi's shares are rising more and more slowly. .

Retail investors are very impatient and dislike being too slow and too expensive. Generally speaking, the absolute number of shareholders of Anshi Co., Ltd. continues to decrease slowly.

Then there was a pullback, but the magnitude of the pullback was not large. It was just a pullback of the moving average. There was no so-called gold pit. When retail investors gathered, the callback ended and went up again, not only returning to the price sold by retail investors, but also slowly breaking through.

The psychology of price anchoring made retail investors afraid to enter. After waiting for a while, they found that the stock price could never go back. Finally, they got impatient and chose to leave, and went to other places to look for the so-called "value depression" to buy the bottom. .

The number of shareholders or retail investors of Anshi Co., Ltd. has continued to decrease in this way. In contrast, the number of institutions has continued to increase and the stock price has continued to rise.

It is also worth mentioning that after the backdoor listing of Tiansheng Holdings, it has had a huge impact on the securities sector to which it belongs. It is not an exaggeration to say that it has changed the future trend of the securities sector.

Tiansheng Holdings entered the securities sector, and the weight of a company accounted for one-fifth of the entire sector, becoming the real core ballast stone level of this sector. Tiansheng Holdings took off and the entire securities sector was bound to rise.

When the securities companies pulled their hips, Tiansheng Holdings, which was not a securities company, was actually not affected and followed its own independent trend, which led to the securities sector becoming defensive.

Tiansheng Holdings maintained the trend of rising and relayed. When the brokerages pulled their hips, the entire securities sector was sideways. Because Tiansheng Holdings, which continued to rise, was on the tray, it could offset the decline of the brokerages, so the sector could not fall.

But if Tiansheng Holdings also fell, that would be a good guy. The entire sector now has to look at its face. When Tiansheng goes up, other securities firms may not follow, but if Tiansheng falls, other securities firms in the sector are the ones who will accompany them to the end. Tiansheng dares to fall. Other brokerages not only dare to follow the decline, but also lead the decline.

You can go up in Tiansheng at will, and if you go down, my brokerage will accompany you to the end.


The time has come to May.

Splendid Overseas Chinese Garden.

Early in the morning, Lu Ming and An Yirou were having breakfast in the restaurant in the villa.

"Let me tell you something, Anshi Group won the first major industrial project land in Ningzhou New Financial Center this year at a price of 3.75 billion yuan at the end of April." An Yirou took a sip of milk, put down the glass and looked at Lu Ming said.

Hearing this, Lu Ming raised his head and glanced at her in surprise, "Isn't it rumored on the Internet that the land for this project is tailor-made for Huijing? Why did your father cut him off?"

Since last year, Anshi Group and Huijing Group have broken up. This time the boat of friendship has capsized, and it may be difficult to play happily in the future.

The land for this project was won, and more than 3.7 billion yuan can be said to be a sky-high price. Such a sky-high price to seize the land from Huijing Group does not rule out the element of hatred, but it is definitely not the core reason. It seems to be the determination of Anshi Group to deploy financial real estate. Incredibly firm.

"Let's talk about the main point. Is the old man in trouble? I can definitely help. After all, it's the old man." Lu Ming said a few words and continued to enjoy breakfast. It must not be about money. Liu is not a group company that lacks money.

An Yirou smiled and said immediately: "Because the listing conditions for this land are very strict, the developer needs to develop and construct the financial headquarters building group, and there must be no less than 5 provincial-level regional headquarters of nationally licensed financial institutions. And introduce no less than 15 financial companies with independent legal personality."

Lu Ming nodded and didn't speak. His little girlfriend also said bluntly, "Yesterday my brother called me and asked me to blow the pillow with you and let Tiansheng Capital settle in the new financial center."

Tiansheng Capital has only been established for one year, but the speed of its rise is very exaggerated. Now it helps investors to manage more than 300 billion of The company's own assets exceed 200 billion, and the combined scale more than 550 billion.

In terms of the scale of assets under management, it is already in the same order of magnitude as Anshi Group, and it is also the largest investment group in Ningzhou.

Neither Chaoyun Trust nor Wanxiang Group are local companies in Ningzhou, but only have branches in Ningzhou. It is an unquestionable fact that the leading financial group in Ningzhou is now Tiansheng Capital, and Tiansheng Capital Today's asset management scale is among the best even in the country.

Lu Ming also did not plan to stay in Hualian Commercial Building. After thinking about it, he smiled and said, "Then you go back and tell my brother-in-law, of course there was no problem in the past. The so-called fat water does not flow to outsiders, but the premise is that I want an independent financial institution. The building is also the landmark of the financial center. Tiansheng Capital is the leader of Ningzhou Financial Investment Group, and the leader must be treated as a leader, so you can return to him like this."

This also saves you from preparing for the construction of an independent headquarters.


(Ps: Obviously, all 50 chapters of the manuscript have been released, but why do you still owe 70 chapters? It is clear, and the remaining 4 chapters of the manuscript have been drained. Wait, the monthly pass seems to be approaching 5500. ...Gan!)

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