I glanced at the comment area, and several comments kept saying that the protagonist's listing was an act of giving away money to the Virgin.

I have been talking about it for a long time, and I may not understand what the basic indicators such as PE, PB, ROE, asset income statement, etc. of the company represent, and why the protagonist should operate his own money alone, and the LP's money should be kept in the company's listing. Are you kidding me? It's as funny as the bank taking the depositor's savings fund and leaving it in the company's listing. Is the depositor's money owned by the bank? Is LP's money owned by Tiansheng?

What's more, when the protagonist is worth 1 billion, all the money is injected into the company. The statement that the 200 billion is the protagonist is very confusing. Let's understand the concept of owner's rights first.

Finance is really a very complicated system. The author is a layman who only dares to understand a little bit. He tried to simplify the writing as much as possible so that everyone would not be so tired. The purpose of this book is definitely not to learn any professional financial knowledge from the book. Are you kidding me to learn professional financial knowledge in an online article?

You see, if I were to write super detailed and talk about free money, I would definitely say that you are insane, not to mention readers, I feel like water, an IPO recruitment document contains hundreds of pages, this is finance, how do you write it?

It’s not that we don’t want to discuss in depth, of course there can be no problems, but the topic of discussion itself must be tenable, which will help the logic of the book improve, and the author doesn’t think that his writing has no logical loopholes at all.

But you can't come up and think that 1+1=3 is the correct answer and let us and normal readers accept it as the correct answer, we can't accept it.

What I like the most is the above saying that the LP's money is kept in the company's listing, it is meaningless, and I don't bother to reply, really.

Like the emotional line that everyone criticizes, it is very meaningful. The author is humbly accepting everyone's criticism and actively changing and improving, but you obviously have an IQ of 130, but you have to be forced to drop it to 50 and then in the other party's IQ. I can't accept being defeated in an advantage, and I believe that even a normal reader can't accept it.

Sometimes I really want to say the phrase, "Cognitive intolerance is an intellectual defect." You can't communicate, and you suddenly understand why those powerful Niu San are so cold, you can't communicate with chickens and ducks.

Those who talk about the 2400 valuation, talk about the behavior of giving money away, maybe they don’t even understand the most basic connotation of the word “transaction”. What is a transaction? The most basic understanding is to exchange things for equal value. Why did he come to the conclusion that he gave away money for free? Because he qualitatively traded from the standpoint of robber logic, in his eyes, only if the protagonist gets 100% of the benefits without any corresponding exchange is not an act of the Virgin giving money for nothing.

Is this a deal? This is robbery! Not what is robber logic?

The protagonist gave Tiansheng a private placement and a backdoor listing. The capital market raised 45 billion for the company, leveraging more capital to make the cake bigger, making more friends, and giving a certain low valuation to the company. There is more room for improvement, and it is finished in less than 100 Chinese characters. How simple is it, is it difficult to understand?

The reason for this question may be that he regards the company's assets and the company's market value as a concept. He thinks that the company has 200 billion net assets, and then the valuation of 240 billion is tens of billions in vain. The company's total assets are more than 100 million US dollars, but why is the market value only more than 40 billion US dollars?

The market value is the pricing and valuation of the company's future expectations through the secondary market. Therefore, with the PE price-earnings ratio, it is the expected value to be realized, the future tense, and the future prospect of the gaming company between the two gambling dogs. Gambling Dog A I like the company, so I bought the stock at a high price to bet that the stock will be more valuable in the future, so the company’s market value skyrocketed, and the arbitrage overdrafted the future. , someone took it.

This is why a company in the stock market has a very good performance, but the stock price has fallen sharply, because the expectations have long been overdrawn, and the performance is the realization of the expectations. It must continue to rise unless there is a receiver who thinks that the future will be better, so it rises again, In this cycle, as long as the pickers come one after another, the stock price will keep rising.

This is all a game of gambling dogs in the capital market in the secondary market, and it has a half-cent relationship with the company entity? There are no fundamental changes to the corporate entity.

Putting this template into the plot has a half-money relationship with Tiansheng Capital? The only time that has a relationship with the capital market is the protagonist’s fixed increase. It gets 45 billion from the capital market for the development of the company, and then the company is securitized. The stock market is placed in the stock market for trading and circulation. A group of gambling dogs gather around Tiansheng Capital. Whether the future is good or bad, the betting dogs are betting on them in the secondary market, the protagonist and Tiansheng Capital do their own business, these are two different things, and it is nonsense to forcibly get involved.

As long as you understand the above, you will not feel that it is the behavior of the Virgin who gives money for nothing.

Again, he will not understand the sentence "capital concessions must be the pursuit of greater interests". The company that is 100% controlled by the protagonist is worth 50 billion yuan, and the company that the protagonist holds 55% of the equity is worth 500 billion yuan. Which one has more benefits is very important. Is it difficult to understand?

Does the transfer of certain equity affect the protagonist's control over the enterprise? Didn't you read the chapter "Chapter 098 [The "Double-layer Structure" Design of Equity]"? In order to write this chapter, I checked the agreement of acting in concert, checked the price of limited partnership and other information on the design of the company's shareholding structure, but I ignored it, and then opened my mouth to give money to the Holy Mother, how can I stand it...

It is said that the protagonist is valued at 240 billion to give money to the institution. Why don't you spend more time thinking about why the market value of Tiansheng Capital directly tops more than 500 billion after the resumption of trading and listing?

Who topped the stock price? Did the agency put it on top? Why do institutions want to go up? Isn't it just because the institution holds Tiansheng's stock?

If you don’t give a certain valuation to the stocks that are privately issued by the institution, why should the institution increase the market value of Tiansheng Capital to 500 billion, and the protagonist’s worth to the position of the richest man? Including the fact that Tiansheng Capital will be topped to trillions or even tens of thousands in the future, based on the low valuation given by the protagonist and fixed increase.

Now it is more than 500 billion, and after a while, it will be 1 trillion. Is it a waste of money compared with 240 billion?

What is leveraging greater capital with capital? What is the capital concession must be the pursuit of greater interests? That's it.

Looking back at the low valuation of 240 billion, is the protagonist given for nothing or earned? Speaking of this level, anyone with a normal IQ knows that they have earned it!

I'm really **** off baby, so much is enough to update the content of a chapter.

Because I was really angry, my anger came out.

Even though he is so ignorant and plausible, the reason I am angry is that I know that he can't speak to him. He who is ignorant is invincible if he is fearless. In the face of an invincible opponent, of course I lose, so I am angry.

So I don't reply to him, I can only vent here.

Phew~~ **** me off!

The most irritating thing is that he doesn't subscribe to prostitutes, don't you think it's annoying? Apprentice fan value, genuine subscription costs money, it's good to talk about it, right, I won't say anything.

Well, the anger mentioned above is just a joke. Although I am angry, it will not affect my mentality. Otherwise, it will be impossible for me to work in the industry for four or five years. It is just a feeling of helpless smile.

You have laid everything out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The two-tier structure is written, the reason for listing is written, and the reason for giving the valuation is also written. I have to be careful to control the number of words. If there are too many, I will be sprayed with water word count.

But they were all ignored, and then a very ridiculous point was taken out of context and there was a non-stop chatter. This is what I learned from the BBC media...

If I don't jump out and complain again, I really think I'm wrong.

#send888cashhongbao# Pay attention to the vx public account [Book Friends Base Camp] Watch popular masterpieces and draw 888 cash red envelopes!

It's really too hard to eat a meal from the Internet. One third of the money earned to support the family is the money for getting angry, and the third is the money for being scolded.

It's much more comfortable to chat so much, and I can write two chapters to update it in one breath. If I don't chat for a while, my whole body feels uncomfortable, horrified... I'm also drunk.

Gan! This spit, suddenly now my code word speed is twice as fast as usual, a bit fake, very yea!

Code word code word, keep working hard!

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