Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 163: 【Earnings conference call (20/73)】

Friday, August 12.

At the end of the last trading day of this week, Tiansheng Holdings closed at 7,435.10 yuan today, which is also the highest price today. The stock price has risen and continued to try to break through the previous high.

Judging from the weekly K-line, it has risen this week and the weekly K-line has received a bald head.

Investors found that Tiansheng Holdings has quietly stepped out of its own independent market, and has stepped out of the slow bull trend at the individual stock level. rose.

And if it is calculated from the largest drop of 4398.56 yuan on the first day of resumption of trading, the cumulative income from bottom-hunting here has also reached an increase.

Even if the quilt is trapped at the high point of 7690.88, today, the floating loss has narrowed to the current trend of Tiansheng Holdings, and it is possible to free all the trapped disks in the early stage next week to innovate.

Investors who chased in from the highest point and cut their meat at the daily floor price of 4,660 yuan saw Tiansheng Holdings’ price today after four months.

In the past four months, some of the floor price cuts have been beaten by knives in other stocks. Looking back at the price of Tiansheng Holdings today, it is definitely a double blow to the rhythm of autism.

Some people are sad and some are happy. No matter how cruel the market is, there will always be about 10% of the people who will win.

Tiansheng Holdings also has local tyrant retail investors who are bottom-hunting at 4,660. There is also no shortage of retail investors who bought Wendi shares before backdoor and won the current position. The cost of 3,000 yuan has doubled.

But what is interesting is that this part of the retail investors who have doubled their win by lying down is precisely the one who deleted the software. Since it is meaningless to buy Wendi shares before, it is meaningless to cut the flesh. Therefore, the deletion of the software is out of sight and out of mind, and the right should be a family heirloom. , gradually forgotten.

As a result, it was a big luck. Wendi shares were backdoored by Tiansheng Capital. When the liquidation assets were replaced, Tiansheng Capital also generously compensated the floating losses for the few retail investors who were still in it, so that their holding stocks were unified. 3000 yuan resumption price cost.

The data shows that the small number of investors who have not moved so far are basically investors who have not read the market, forgot their accounts, and deleted the software.

Anyone who learned the news and read the market software ran away on the first day of resumption of trading, and they made money anyway, much better than those investors who rushed into the high point and cut their meat the next day.

Under the circumstances at the time, there were few retail investors who could withstand the panic.


After the market closes today, Tiansheng Capital will hold a public earnings conference call on time at 16:00 p.m. The participating investors include major LP institutional investors, large capital funds, retail investors and so on.

As long as you hold 1 share of Tiansheng Holdings, you are a shareholder and you can participate in this conference call.

As the conference call approached, investors of Tiansheng Holdings all over the country, including some retail investors who wanted to participate in the conference, called in according to the dial-in numbers obtained, reported their names and companies, and then connected .

Before the start of the conference call, participants will be told which number to press to ask questions. After the questioning session, they will enter the queue after pressing the number, and they will be reminded when they are in line, and then they can ask questions.

Compared with traditional conferences, the conference call has the advantages of rapid arrangement, no time and geographical restrictions, and low cost. The number of participants in the earnings conference call of Tiansheng Capital was 267 in total.

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As the time approached, Lu Ming, who was in his CEO's office, put down his work after receiving the news, and used the landline in the office to access the phone number and join the password to enter the conference call.

The financial report conference call of Tiansheng Capital and investors started on time. Besides Lu Ming, the company's management attended the meeting, as well as five senior executives including Tiansheng Capital's chief financial officer and the person in charge of the primary market, Ge Feng. participate.

Lu Ming sat with his back against the boss chair and said nothing, and after a while, the voice of a female moderator came from the conference call: "Good afternoon, distinguished investors! We will use the next hour and a half to hold a meeting. Communicate with investors at the Q2 financial report meeting, let’s talk about the background first…”

In the conference call, the host first introduced the recent situation of Tiansheng Capital, mainly focusing on overseas business investment, the domestic capital market to focus on building the "Tiansheng 150" investment portfolio, and the primary market PE equity investment and VC venture capital investment. A brief introduction is given to the background.

The host completed a brief background introduction and finally said: "Now, Mr. Lu Ming, founder, chairman and CEO of Tiansheng Capital, will take over the meeting."

After a while, Lu Ming, who was sitting in the office, entered the service area and started to speak: "Good afternoon, everyone! The company's management is very satisfied with the performance of the first half of the year. The results of the interim report are enough to show that our operation has strong profitability. Since the first half of the year, we have actively promoted the diversification or diversification of operating business and investment, which will allow Tiansheng Capital to have more room for revenue and profit growth in the future."

In the simple opening remarks, Lu Ming set the tone, which is "diversity" or "diversity", and the investors attending the meeting also noticed this.

Lu Ming continued: "The company's future strategy is to further promote the diversification of fixed income, currency and commodity businesses, and the investment sector is working to improve, broaden, strengthen and diversify our interactions with investee companies."

“How about stock trading? Diversity too. We’re progressively diversifying across products and geographies, and in the second quarter, we saw the benefits of doing that, with strong cash flow and structured products, spanning over Cash and derivatives, across business lines in different regions."

"Tiansheng Capital's global stock portfolio is also extremely diverse, and currently has more than 200 different investments. As for investment management, driven by the diversification of asset management business and differentiated private equity management business, Tiansheng Capital record revenue."

"Tiansheng's strategy of diversification is benefiting greatly, and this road to diversity is not over yet, and Tiansheng places great emphasis on generating higher income through regenerative sources, such as investment management, thereby generating notable operating leverage and achieving Diversification of profit models.”

"Why should we emphasize diversity? Or diversification? The answer is to allow Tiansheng to have a variety of growth opportunities without relying on any single business. If the PE business performs well, the business can make up the difference; if If the VC business is not good, the transaction can make up the difference; if the transaction performance is not satisfactory, the investment management may make up the difference..."

“Trading remains Tiansheng’s largest business by far, which surged to 61% in the second quarter as investors responded to volatility in stocks, bonds, currencies and commodities, and over the long term, realized Diversity management is very necessary..."

Most of the participants were institutional investors, with professional investment and research analysts, and they listened without pressure.

However, some retail investors also came in during the conference call, there are probably dozens of them. Of course, the retail shareholders of Tiansheng Holdings are also relatively wealthy. Except for individual retail investors like Lao Yang, yes, the price investment is old. Yang also participated in Tiansheng Capital's earnings conference call.

Most of them came to make soy sauce, and some even participated in the conference call of listed companies for the first time.

Of course, it is a bit too much to say soy sauce. Retail investors came to the conference mainly to ask questions and prepared some questions, but the core issue is not unexpected, but they still care about how the stock price reacts, EPS, ROE, etc.


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