Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 175: [Going back to three thousand o'clock to lie down again? (Guaranteed 2/2)]

Tiansheng Capital Headquarters.

At this moment, Qi Wei, who came to Lu Ming's office, gave a report with unconcealed excitement: "The US dollar index has reached 100 US dollars, and the US dollar index options contract we hold has brought a doubled income of +108%! "

With a profit of more than 32.5 billion US dollars, Qi Wei's excitement is beyond words.

With the rise of the US index, the premium of the option contract has also risen. The exercise price of the option contract held by Tiansheng Capital is 94.2 US dollars, and the current price has reached 101 US dollars. As long as Lu Ming wants to close his hands No worries about no one accepting the contract.

Because this is almost a risk-free arbitrage, the big capital in the market likes it. The investor who takes the order buys the right of the option contract, and then exercises this right, and can make a risk-free arbitrage profit of 7%.

Because the biggest risk has been taken by Tiansheng Capital in the past three months.

It is no wonder that the premium is doubled for this kind of almost profitable business, because even if the premium is doubled, for the investors who take over the deal, after removing the premium and transaction costs, the arbitrage will still be rich after purchasing the right and exercising the option. profit.

The most important thing is that there is almost no risk.

Lu Mingyan gave a concise and comprehensive command: "It's almost done, close one-third of the contracts, and gradually close the remaining contracts in December. The profit funds will lie down and wait for me to arrange."

If one-third of the options contracts are liquidated, there will be more than 20 billion US dollars of liquidity after cashing out, which is about 138 billion yuan at the current exchange rate.

Qi Wei nodded, and after a while he couldn't help but say, "Mr. Lu, the RMB has been depreciating rapidly recently. Seeing this trend is to break the important psychological defense line of 7, the short selling of overseas speculative capital is very strong. How should we deal with it?"

After the last foreign exchange war, Qi Wei also understood that Tiansheng Capital is on the side of the country. One of the benchmarks is an iron law, that is, Tiansheng Capital can make profits through offshore RMB, but only if It plays a role in maintaining the equilibrium water level of the offshore exchange rate.

The **** can't be crooked!

In other words, Tiansheng Capital is an independent regiment that stands on a united front with Yang Ma, and the opponent is the international air force.

Lu Ming said: "In the field of financial capital, China may be a novice compared to Wall Street, and may not be good at how to play virtual currency games through finance, but this does not mean that my country has no control over its own sovereign currency. ."

Qi Wei nodded and said no more.

This is a protracted exchange rate war, which has actually lasted for more than a year from the end of last year to now, and various international short-term capital is making a comeback.

This time, all kinds of international hot money directly participated in the war, and the Federal Reserve provided remote support behind the scenes. The opponent's offensive seemed to be directed at the exchange rate of the RMB.

But it's definitely not that simple.

What Lu Ming knows is that their real goals are two, one is to decapitate the renminbi in this currency war, so as to consolidate the hegemony of the US dollar in the world monetary system.

Another reason is to hope that after the renminbi is brought down, it will be possible to reproduce the economic plundering of Southeast Asia after shorting Southeast Asia in the last century, intending to build the world's second largest economy. The economic achievements of decades of hard work. in the bag.

In the eyes of the beautiful country, the rabbit on the other side of the ocean is unusually plump, far from being comparable to the size of Southeast Asia at the beginning.

Eating this rabbit can greatly realize the inflated valuation of the US stock market. You must know that since the financial tsunami in 2008, the S&P 500 index has risen to more than 2,200 points after the collapse and fell to 666.79. The bottom has more than doubled.

Such a rapid expansion of valuations must be confirmed. It is obviously false to rely on the development of Laomei’s own enterprises. Only by harvesting wealth on a global scale through US dollar hegemony can these valuations be truly landed safely.

Otherwise, it will either continue to push up the valuation to keep this game of drumming and spreading flowers, or it will collapse again.

The inflated valuation is not supported by fundamentals, and one day it will explode.


In the days that followed, Lu Ming was in charge of the remote command at the Tiansheng Capital headquarters in Ningzhou, while Qi Wei was in charge of the specific execution level.

Lu Ming had already made an arrangement in his mind about the whereabouts of the 20 billion option contracts that were liquidated, and it was the same as last time, that is, to be long in RMB, and long-term, including most of the liquidated later. After the option contract realizes the profit, continue to increase the position and go long in RMB.

How much profit you make from offshore RMB is secondary, the main thing is to find a reliable place to live for this capital. To put it bluntly, it must be invested again, otherwise Tiansheng Capital will make a consolidated profit in fiscal year 2016. It will explode. Just 30 billion dollars in the dollar call option will make double the profit, that is, more than 100 billion yuan.

It is better to be reflected in the company's asset profit and loss statement, and directly reflected in the net profit statement. Tiansheng Holdings will not be able to suppress it.

Fortunately, the company's share price is extremely high, and the chips are highly concentrated in the hands of institutions, and the main institutions are Guo Jia team, Tiansheng Holdings can still achieve a high degree of control.

If the stock price is cheap, it will be different, and a large influx of irrational funds will really be unstoppable.


At the end of November, Big A has reached 3300 points for the first time since the crash at the beginning of the year.

But it only stayed at this position for a day, and the next day, Wednesday, November 30th, it dived. The Shanghai Composite Index came to 3300, which is the consensus of many institutions and markets in this bull trend.

If the expectations are fulfilled, then it can only turn short and fall.

From the technical point of view, the Shanghai index has indeed entered the trend of double top divergence, and from the perspective of technical analysis, it is time to leave the market.

When Tiansheng Capital opened the "Tiansheng 150" portfolio for the first time, the market rose by nearly 300 points. The expectation of this round of market is that Tiansheng Capital added the "Tiansheng 150" portfolio for the second time. At that time, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index The position is in the early 3000s, and the market benchmarked the last amplitude, 3300 to equal to fulfill the expectations.

However, fulfilling the expectation of "Tiansheng 150" is only one of the internal reasons for the and another key factor that really makes the big A go short is the external market. To put it bluntly, it is the factor that causes the devaluation of the offshore RMB exchange rate, precisely because For this reason, speculative capital in the domestic capital market is flowing out, and after it has flowed out of the stock market, it will also flow out of the country.

Today's foreign exchange reserves are about to fall below the US$3 trillion mark, which shows how serious the phenomenon of capital outflow is.

These profit-seeking and speculative capitals will inevitably try their best to flow out in the background that the devaluation of the RMB is going to break 7, and then put them into the international market with the intention of converging with international speculative capitals, so as to pass the RMB The devaluation makes a lot of money.

The continuous net outflow of funds in the stock market has almost offset the huge capital scale of 135 billion that Tiansheng Capital entered the market, including the exit of some short-term profitable funds.

3300 points are not stable at all, so I can only continue to play at 3000 points. This time, it means that Big A has been playing at 3000 points for a whole year. Looking at this situation, I can still play at 3000 points for several years. , which is a very big A.


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