Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 196: [Crush down the company's 2nd quarter results (guaranteed second/second)]

Lu Ming reminded: "If you hit about 24 yuan, you must go and buy a big ticket later. Haitian An's Maowulu randomly chooses a full warehouse and goes in for three or five years. Don't touch the small ticket, 90% of the tickets in the market. In the end, it’s all trash with thunder, even if it’s good at the moment, it will be gone in the future when it explodes.”

The seven or eighty big votes that can really win for more than 30 years are the same. Even the US stocks are the same. The ones that can win for a long time are just over a hundred. If these big votes fall, it is an opportunity, while the small ones will go down. It's really gone forever.

Li Chengyao nodded solemnly again and again: "Understood, thank you boss."

"Remember to make a fortune, you need to keep your voice quiet, it won't work if you shout everywhere." Lu Ming smiled, and after saying this, he turned around and walked towards the building.

After watching the boss for a while, Li Chengyao returned to the driver's seat and called "Ness" excitedly. He was very fortunate to be Lu Ming's employee. Otherwise, he really didn't know how to get back 50% of the losses.

Having learned this lesson, Xiao Li also cherished the wealth password given by the boss very much. After returning to the book, he honestly did as the boss said, and bought one of the five tickets of Haitian An's Maowulu.

"I want to buy Tiansheng Holdings...Unfortunately, I can't afford it, it costs more than 900,000..." Xiao Li pondered to himself, he actually really wanted to buy the stock of BOSS's company.

In the end, I decided to buy Wuliangye after the ticket of Chuangye Environmental Protection was sold. The stock price was less than 50 yuan per share, and the 600,000-700,000 in hand could afford more than 100 hands of Wuliangye.

The words of an authoritative person like the boss are the biggest reassurance. Xiao Li plans to start with five years after buying Wuliangye.


When Lu Ming arrived at the company, he entered the trading room, which had not yet opened.

When Li Mingyang saw the boss coming, he couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Lu, is there a big move today?"

When BOSS comes to the trading room now, he usually has to make a major position adjustment and stock exchange. Usually, he rarely comes to the trading room. Tiansheng's value growth mix is ​​basically Li Mingyang doing daily management. Lu Ming will be present, even so, he will have a meeting to make a decision, and then hand it over to Li Mingyang to deal with it.

"No big move, hit the hot spot, and give the company a lower second-quarter performance." Lu Ming shook his head, there was no big move today, just came to Big A to withdraw money and pay wages to the employees below.

Li Mingyang was dumbfounded, the boss said the most domineering words in the calmest tone, and he did have this strength.

Obviously, Lu Ming is here to trade Sheng Capital's own institutional account today.

In fact, it is really too simple to do a good job in the Q2 financial report. The profits from the direct cashing of offshore funds are transferred back to China, or the stocks held in the domestic capital market are cashed out a little.

At present, in the overseas investment sector, Lu Ming is mainly doing the US dollar index, and he decides Qi Wei to implement it.

In the past few months since the beginning of the new year, the US$15 billion capital has been leveraged to triple the leverage of US$60 billion to go long and short the US dollar index. It is still the trend of maintaining downlink relay.

At the beginning of January this year, the US dollar index was shorted, the short positions were closed at the beginning of February, and the backhand was long. At the beginning of March, all the long positions were closed off the market, and then the short positions were closed. At the end of March, all the short positions were closed again and the backhand was long. In April On the 7th, all the long positions were closed again and began to go short.

With so much space and repeated horizontal arbitrage, in just three or four months, a profit of 22 billion US dollars was made through the US dollar index. Although the US dollar index fell by less than 5%, Lu Ming made a turnaround. times the excess return.

In addition to shorts and longs taking all, the main factor is the option trading of the US index through triple leverage.

The foreign exchange market with a daily transaction volume of one or two trillion is the real super ATM machine. There are the world's top hedge funds and a series of top players to play capital games. The most important thing is that you don't have to worry about the old beauty pulling the network cable. Lu If Ming goes to the North American stock market to cut too hard, it is not ruled out that Wall Street will pull out the network cable to cheat, or simply prevent your funds from going away, lock you up, and freeze you.

The international foreign exchange market is different. The sea is absolutely wide, and the sky is so high that the bird can fly, and the old beauty can't control it. Here is the hard power of real swords and real guns.

It is impossible to be blocked by various countries. Because of offshore funds, Lu Ming is engaged in the foreign exchange market as an international hot money, and changing his vest. The speed of European and American countries investigating Tiansheng's capital account will never catch up with Lu Ming's vest. speed.

Originally it was speculation, and the point was to run fast, make a fortune and run away. Funds can be temporarily stationed in Hong Kong, or they can be directly returned to the country. Anyway, people in China still dare to cross-border to unplug the network cable and arrest people.


However, he said that it has entered the call auction stage. Lu Ming scanned the market situation for a few minutes and then decisively issued a trading order: "After the opening, directly scan the Jidong equipment, Chuangye environmental protection and Xianhe environmental protection, how many sells and how many!"

The familiar boss is back.

Several traders who were assigned to the trading order had already prepared their funds, and they waited for 9:30 to start scanning the goods. These transactions were all funds from Tiansheng Capital's own institutional accounts, not investors' funds.

Tiansheng Capital covers the bottom line of how much it makes and how much it loses. It was originally for the operation of rushing performance in the second quarter and earning some money to pay the employees.

Offshore overseas investment will not directly cash out profits and distribute dividends to shareholders, so it will only be reflected on the company's end-of-period balance sheet in Tiansheng Capital's Q2 financial report, but not on the net profit statement.

However, the profit statement still needs to be done. It cannot be too good or too good, but it needs to maintain stable performance growth and stable dividends.

It is very necessary for Tiansheng Capital to distribute dividends every year. The Guo Jia team in it all gather to hold shares, and it has a luxurious lineup including the social security fund. In short, the investment of the social security fund will not only increase the price of the assets it holds, but also It is best to have a steady cash dividend every year.

In addition, the ex-rights and ex-dividend distribution of dividends is also an adjustment to the share price of Tiansheng Holdings. After all, Tiansheng Holdings has a special position in the market.

As the opening time came, traders began to place orders to buy three tickets of Lu Mingdian. Not many were bought. One ticket was about 300 million, and at most 500 million, compared with the daily trading volume of 23 billion. Just right.

These three tickets have already risen sharply after entering April, and Lu Ming is chasing the rise halfway.

The market hotspot in April is undoubtedly the "Xiongyu New District Concept" that was ushered in not long ago, and the long-immersed hype has also ushered in a big market. Environmental protection, the monthly increase of these three tickets is doubled.

The wealth code given to the driver Xiao Li in the morning is Chuangye Environmental Protection, which is the concept of Xiongyu New District. This ticket can be expected to be around 25 yuan in the future. Now the price is less than 14 yuan, and there is more than 80% increase in profit expectations.

It's almost the end of and the market sentiment triggered by the concept of Xiongyu New District is only halfway through, and the sentiment of the subject matter in the market is extremely hot.

Because the market is not very good, the overall profitability of the market is very poor, but this also makes the concept of Xiongyu New District highly recognizable in the market. Everyone is crowding here, and it will naturally push the market out of high-standard form.

Lu Ming is also following the market to join forces, but the amount of his release can far exceed ordinary hot money.

"... Baobian Electric sucked 300 million low by one transaction, and directly fired up the cover plate in the afternoon!" Lu Ming issued a trading order again. Today's trading strategy is very simple. The arbitrage operation to rush performance does not seek to earn too much, but a profit of one billion yuan is enough.

If the ticket of Baobian Electric is not the previous high holding up, it is someone else's funds, Lu Ming still wants to guide a wave of market sentiment out of the second wave of the big market, but think about it, the price is a bit high, the key is that it is not easy to go. , Pulling up the trouble of shipping, it will take at least a month to get out of the game.

The time cost is too uneconomical, which is obviously not in line with Lu Ming's fast-paced style of speculation.


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