Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 200: 【Tiansheng Capital Annual General Meeting (Second/Second Guaranteed)】

Entering May, the adjustment of Tiansheng Holdings has stabilized. There is strong support at 9200 points, and it has not broken three times, which already shows that this position is recognized by the market.

At the same time, from the perspective of the weekly level, Tiansheng Holdings did not go out of the fifth weekly K line, and it ended with four consecutive overcasts. After the first week of May closed, it walked out of a red weekly K line with a cross star. .

Tiansheng Holdings ended its consolidation and started a new round of upward trend.

However, the rise of Tiansheng Holdings is still as slow as before, so slow that retail investors who can't afford it are anxious to see it. Although they can't afford it, retail investors still hope that Tiansheng can be hard-hearted and start a wave of big rises to bring brokers. Sentiment of the plate.

In fact, the trend of Tiansheng Holdings, from the perspective of the daily level, has risen one day and one day, rose two days and fell one day, rose one day and fell two days. After the week of May is over, Tiansheng Holdings rose +0.4%. , and the weekly amplitude is only 2.1%, which makes retail investors feel hopeless.

The trend of Tiansheng's stock price, let alone more than 9,000 yuan per share, really reduced the stock price to 90 yuan, and few retail investors can hold it. One can endure such an ordeal.

But in fact, the price of Tiansheng Holdings has not broken the previous low, the bottom is actually rising, and the bottom chips are basically not loose, indicating that the profit-making market does not want to go.

Also, Tiansheng Holdings, as a typical institutional ticket, is held together by institutions.


After Lao Yang had dinner with everyone, he did not know the city he lived in, but booked a few tickets to fly directly to Ningzhou. In addition, there were 8,000 brothers and other six or seven people who followed him to Ningzhong.

They went to Ningzhou to participate in the annual general meeting of shareholders held by Tiansheng Capital in May. The regular general meeting of shareholders of listed companies is held once a year.

The question and answer session of the shareholders meeting could be answered by Lu Ming personally. There is no reason to ignore the ideas and opinions of the bosses. The shareholders meeting is also an important way to understand the basic situation of Tiansheng Capital. will be absent.

When Lao Yang and others arrived in Ningzhou, they stayed in a local hotel temporarily. The annual general meeting of Tiansheng Capital was two days away from being held.

In the two days when he had nothing to do, Lao Yang also strolled around in Ningzhou.

This is a city with great development potential. Lao Yang and his 8000 brothers went to Ningzhou New Financial Center to see the new headquarters of Tiansheng Capital, which is under construction.

"This is the new headquarters of Tiansheng Capital?" Brother 8000, standing on the other side of the New Financial Street, looked at the building complex that was under construction in full swing. headquarters.

"I heard that this is Anshi Group's first foray into commercial real estate. It is worthy of being a large group, and it is not ordinary to have money." Lao Yang said with emotion that the biggest project of Ningzhou New Financial Center is to develop 50 new financial centers. Tiansheng Capital is just one of the headquarters or branches of large companies.

The plot of the new financial center is adjacent to the cultural and commercial axis of Ningzhou and the ecological landscape belt of the central river. It is close to Metro Line 11 and Line 6. The new headquarters of Tiansheng Capital is not the tallest building. Facing the complex urban texture, the height is not high. Architecture becomes the sole consideration of the landmark business card.

The new headquarters of Tiansheng Capital is based on ecological design that adapts to local conditions, and creates a high-density open office garden. The design forms a gradual opening form from top to bottom according to functional requirements. For example, the gate facing the river is an open and inclusive concept. The open area in the middle of the tower is implanted with green leisure platforms, roof gardens, and creative characteristic spaces such as square boxes and art buildings, forming a public interactive space in the continuous vertical greening.

The bottom of the tower is a double-storey commercial space, and the upper part is an office space. It is divided into two parts: a low area and a high area. The low area of ​​the tower is designed to be closely connected with the city. It faces the Ningzhou City Cultural Square and can enjoy the urban green corridor landscape. On the other hand, the high area with a wide field of view tilts to the east and overlooks the beautiful scenery of Ningzhou River Bay.

The construction of the new financial center in Ningzhou has been underway for more than a year, and the construction speed is rapid, but it is still too early for Tiansheng Capital to move into the new headquarters.


Friday, May 5.

The annual general meeting of Tiansheng Capital was held today. Lao Yang and 8000 brothers who attended the meeting also left the hotel early and went to the company headquarters where Tiansheng Capital is currently located.

The shareholders meeting was held on time at nine o'clock, and the shareholders from the north and south of the river all came to Hualian Business Building at around eight o'clock and began to join the meeting.

Lao Yang and others entered the conference according to the procedures. In addition, major securities and financial media organizations also entered the field one after another.

As of the end of the first quarter of this year, the number of shareholders of Tiansheng Capital has increased to 8,926, which is an increase from the previous quarter. Compared with the scale of the retail investors of listed companies such as Jingdongfang A, where the number of shareholders is hundreds of thousands and millions, Tiansheng Capital has 8,926 shareholders. The number of shareholders of Sheng Holdings is indeed a bit small.

Now the cost of buying a first-hand house is almost equal to the full price of buying a house. The expensive stock price has blocked most of the small companies, and it is normal for the number of shareholders to be small.

After Lao Yang and others entered the venue, they took their seats at the designated location, waiting for the meeting to be held. Now all the shareholders and media who came to the venue have already entered the venue. The meeting hall can accommodate about 2,000 people. The shareholders who came to the venue About 1300 people or so.

The institutions holding Tiansheng Holdings have basically sent people to attend the meeting. The number of small and medium shareholders who come from retail investors is relatively small, and there are not many shareholders. However, the shareholders meeting will also be broadcast live on the Internet, directly on the official website of Tiansheng Capital. Watch, some market software also has a special page link.

With about ten minutes left of the conference, Lu Ming and his company's board members entered the venue, and the originally noisy discussions gradually disappeared. Everyone's attention turned to the independent one where Lu Ming and his board members were located. A seating area facing the audience.

When the 40-year-old brother 8000 saw Lu Ming, he also looked at Lu Ming with amazement and couldn't help but whispered, "Among all the people in the audience, Lu Ming should be the youngest, tsk tsk tsk. "You can manage trillions of dollars at the age of 25, and if it's not for the facts at hand, I don't believe anything you say."

Lao Yang turned his head and said with a low laugh, "You are born to eat this meal, you can't compare."

Brother 8000, who once chased the ups and downs, also recognized The gap between people is separated by a "talent". The world is so unfair, and this kind of thing brings about talent. The gap really cannot be bridged by hard work.

The time came to nine o'clock sharp, the annual general meeting officially started, and the participants were basically quiet.

In addition to holding an annual regular meeting this time, Lu Ming had to use the shareholders' meeting to exert his influence and bring the rhythm of the big A in the area. Tiansheng medium and small cap 300 still has about one-third of the The position was not entered.

It is not surprising that the attendance rate of this shareholders meeting is so high, and it does not prove that the shareholders of Tiansheng Capital are so enthusiastic about participating in the meeting. There are more than 8,000 shareholders, and more than 1,000 people came to the meeting.

The attendance rate was not calculated by head count, but by the shares held by valid voting shares. Lu Ming alone held 55% of the shares, so naturally the attendance rate was high.

The conference had already started, and Lu Ming, who was under the live broadcast, tugged at the conference microphone, his voice then resounded through the conference hall.


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