Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 202: 【Q&A session (41/73)】

In the afternoon, the general meeting of shareholders entered a question-and-answer session.

The first person qualified to ask questions was an analyst sent by an institutional shareholder: "Good afternoon, Mr. Lu, I am an analyst from Guanghui Fund. It is said that your first investment in the primary market is Pinduo. Duo, everyone was not optimistic at that time, but the growth rate of Pinduoduo surprised and even shocked the capital market. Does this mean that the e-commerce field will usher in a new reshuffle in the future? According to Tiansheng 150 investment portfolio, it seems that you did not buy the stocks of Ali and Fuji Xun."

Lu Ming: "The Tiansheng 150 portfolio matrix is ​​the investment target for listing in the domestic market. Of course you can't see it. How do you know that I didn't buy the stocks of Fuji Xun and Ali? Our overseas investment sector, well, I have a little news. For you, last year we bought the shares of Alibaba and Tengxun, one cost US$62 and the other HK$102, the returns are not bad at present, and these two stocks have brought us at least three times the cumulative returns.”

As soon as everyone heard it, they called out to the good guy. The cost of Ali was only $62. Now the stock price has risen to $115, with a cumulative increase of +86%. What amazes everyone the most is that $62 is almost copied to the floor price.

The actual income has more than tripled, so don't think about it, Lu Ming must have made a big T after taking the longs and taking the shorts in order to create three times the excess income. Ali and Teng Xun both had a relatively large kill last year. fall.

The outer disk and Hong Kong stocks can be shorted.

Brother 8000, a retail investor who attended the meeting, sighed in a low voice: "Cow pen, the low point of Teng Xun's stock price of HK$104.5 was set at the end of 2014. The cost of Tiansheng's holdings was only HK$102. The most important thing is fatal."

A friend next to him sighed: "It is definitely a top player in the contemporary capital market, not only in the domestic market, but in the peripheral market where the strong are like clouds, it is as good as an away game."

No wonder annual report disclosures show that overseas investment returns are so exaggerated.

Lu Ming continued to answer: "I don't care whether the pattern of the e-commerce field will be shuffled because of fighting Duoduo. I will embrace Ali when I fight Duoduo. Oh, by the way, let me reveal it again. Jingdong is in front, Amazon is in front. After, you tell me how to lose? I win no matter what, right?"


The shareholders in the audience heard Lu Ming's sarcastic tone to say these words, which caused the audience to laugh, and they were speechless.

One brother, this wave has wood in the atmosphere!

Even Amazon has not been spared, and Amazon has more than doubled its revenue, absolutely in the atmosphere.

Lao Xiao couldn't help but said: "Niu, this is the unparalleled advantage of big capital. If I am optimistic about the e-commerce field, I will arrange for companies with leading temperament to directly invest in the entire track. I will make a lot of money when I fight, but I can't get up. I bought Ali and Jingdong, and I still made money, and then I invested in Amazon to take up the international market."

Lu Ming smiled along with all the shareholders and finally added: "Investing in Pinduoduo may allow us to make up for the loss of Ali in the primary market, which is also impossible. I am still making soy sauce in Ali's early growth stage, haha. "

The crowd laughed again.

Lu Ming: "Our investment in ByteDance is based on the same logic, which may allow us to make up for the dividends that we missed out on Fuji Xun's early growth in the primary market. Similarly, we also bought Fuji Xun's stock and allocated Facebook. stock."

Everyone has to admire Lu Ming's investment skill level. Whether it is the primary market or the secondary market, the shots are really accurate and ruthless. To be ruthless is that Lu Ming has the courage to make big bets, such as Zhaoyi Innovation and Huizhou. Companies such as Ding Technology, which have been listed on A-shares, have brought several times the return on investment to Tiansheng Capital.

Probably this can also explain why so many institutions have crowded their heads and queued up to send money to him, and why they can manage a trillion-level asset scale so quickly.


The second questioner: "Good afternoon, Mr. Lu, thank you for your opportunity to ask questions. I am a minority shareholder and also an ordinary retail investor. My question is that ordinary retail investors are often caught in a vicious circle of continuous losses. How do you, as the best investor in the capital market, see this phenomenon?"

The regular annual general meeting of Tiansheng Capital is broadcast live on the whole network. Anyone can watch it. Just click on the official website of Tiansheng Capital. There are not a few shareholders who watch the live broadcast, even if they are not shareholders of Tiansheng.

When hearing this question, retail investors could not help but raise their attention by three points.

At the meeting of shareholders, Lu Ming was silent for a while after hearing the question, moved the microphone on the conference table, and then said, "I actually want to avoid such a question, why do retail investors always lose money, from a psychological point of view, the reason for the loss is roughly It has gone through such a process: observation, optimism, waiting, impulsive, chasing up, and settling to death.”

Lu Ming described it in vivid language: "I saw a target, well, I observed it, and I was optimistic when it went up, but I wanted to wait for a pullback to a low level before starting, so I waited, and I waited and saw that the target went up. When I was in a hurry, I chased it in an impulse. As soon as I chased in, the good guy was covered in the quilt the next day. ."

After a while, Lu Ming added: "When the stock I held fell by about 10%, I was lucky. When it fell to about 20%, I regretted that I didn't cut the meat earlier. After it fell to about 50%, I could only play dead. Selling or not selling it is like that, numb, numb, many people are like this."

"Then another situation is that your position has just risen a little and you want to sell but don't dare to sell it. On the one hand, you are worried that the profit will be lost if you don't lock in, and on the other hand, you are worried that you will not be able to eat the meat after you sell it. I am worried that the profits will not be guaranteed in the future.

The melon eaters who watched the live broadcast of the annual shareholders meeting couldn't sit still, and the discussions flew up.

"I feel offended... [covers face]."

"Brother, don't scold, don't scold..."

"It's so real, it's me."

"It's no wonder that I keep losing money. The main force is holding my mind to the ground of waiting for the dog to disperse."

"It's so heartbreaking to hear."


"Don't talk, don't talk, next question... [laughs and tears]"


At the same time, Lu Ming, who was present at the shareholders meeting, spoke again: "...In the end, I still don't have much knowledge about the company that holds the target, and I don't know the psychology. You can't control the panic that you can only see the face of the so-called main force. To get out of this vicious circle, you must first get out of the emotional hype of hot topics created by hot money."

"Then choose a really good company, a leading company, a company with fundamentals and performance to hold it for a long time, accept the fact that it is slowly getting rich, accompany the growth of the company and share the dividends of growth with it. The reason for panic is because of my heart. I also know that I am hyping up a garbage company with no future, so I am afraid, so I am in a constant state of panic.”

"The reason why I know all this is going to be hyped is because I don't want to accept getting rich slowly, and I want to get rich overnight. When I am willing to accept getting rich slowly, I will naturally stay away from the **** of the market, and naturally I will choose a good company leader. Company, when you choose such a company, even if it falls, you will not be afraid, because you know that it is the best core asset in the market, and it will rise when it goes down, but the more it falls, the more you buy it.”

Having said that, Lu Ming's answer has also ended. He still advocates the view that "big is beautiful, and core assets" In fact, if small and medium investors go to hold core assets now, and hold a long-term In a few years, you will definitely be able to make money in the end. Even in the big bear market next year, you can have a bottom line to control the retracement. If you are smarter to avoid risks, you can lock in some profits.

Lu Ming knew that even if they chose core assets, they would still follow the old path of "observation, optimism, waiting, impulsive, chasing up, and getting stuck".

They will not go in directly because of Lu Ming's current family's words, they will choose to observe carefully for a while and wait for a while based on "their own opinion", thus missing the best time window, and finally come to their senses. Just took a look at the edge of the well, and eventually it will fall.

The losses that people should suffer in this life, the pits they should step on, the crimes they should suffer, and the tuition fees they should pay will not be less. There are no shortcuts to take. Those who say there are shortcuts are all liars. realized.

Lu Ming also doesn't care about the small scattered people. He has a more important task, that is, in the future game with foreign capital, he must let foreign capital make a knife to harvest before letting foreign capital make a knife. If there is no leeks to be cut, it must be cut.


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