the next day.

Lu Ming sat at the dining table and enjoyed breakfast alone, with a tablet next to him, tapping a few times from time to time to follow industry news.

"Brother Lu, yours is here."

I saw a slender and beautiful housekeeping lady holding a piece of Lu Ming's outside and placed it on the empty chair next to her. Her name was Cheng Xinyan, and she was also a domestic employee who was carefully selected by Uncle Liang to work in Taoyuanlin. .

Uncle Liang made the arrangements strictly according to the standard of "beautiful food" that BOSS said, so the housekeeping staff hired must not only meet the requirements of high professional standards, but also be young and beautiful, younger than Lu Ming in age, you know Lu Ming was young himself, and the dozen or so housekeepers were quite arrogant.

So much so that Lu Ming was a little worried that if a few photos of the landscape in his peach garden were taken and streamed to the Internet, it would be the rhythm of the hot search.

However, it doesn't matter if everyone hires them, you can't fire people, that's all.

At this moment, Lu Ming on the dining table stared at the information on the panel and said, "I'm called brother, I'll change it, and tell your other colleagues by the way, if you use this title in the future, you will have to deduct your salary. Oh."

Cheng Xinyan smiled and nodded in response: "Okay, Brother Lu, I'll inform the sisters later."

Lu Ming gave a "hmm".

Cheng Xinyan continued to do her work and came to Lu Ming's master bedroom with a new sheet and quilt.

Putting the new sheets aside, when Cheng Xinyan put away the messy sheets on the bed...

Suddenly it doesn't feel right.

Cheng Xinyan couldn't help but smell it, her brows furrowed immediately, the scent of a woman's perfume remained on the sheets, and after a while she found a few long strands of hair on the edge of the pillow, which was the iron proof that a woman had slept here.

Sheets and quilts are changed every day, and there is no chance of this dereliction of duty, although a few hairs are innocuous.

Cheng Xinyan looked at a strand of hair dozens of centimeters long in her hand and couldn't help muttering: "The boss has just come back and someone climbed up on the first day, the speed is really fast!"

Immediately tossed the strand of hair, a little envious.

Few women would refuse to meet a handsome and rich man like Lu Ming, at least Cheng Xinyan would definitely not refuse, even if it was a one-night encounter.

Regardless of appearance, height, talent, wealth, or social status, this series of indicators is a full-scale man, and the most important thing is that he is still so young.

Basically, there are not many girls who can resist, and they will break the defense in front of Lu Ming in minutes.

"Anyway, we'll meet often in the future, so there's a chance!" Cheng Xinyan hummed to herself, she had already set a goal, not only did she have to sleep in this bed several times after changing it.


At the same time, in the garden's butler's office on the other side, two young security employees are waiting here, one of them is the resident bodyguard of the garden who has just been recruited, and the other brought him here to stay in It is natural to wait for the co-signature here, and then it will be an official employee.

"Uncle Liang is busy with something. He will come over later. Please fill in the information on this contract form first, and bring a copy? By the way, the options on the form are only to fill in this one, and you have all the other options. You can fill in according to your own situation." The security captain Song Pengyun took a document and a pen and handed it to the newly recruited Tian Hong.

"Team Song, why do you want to fill in the outside?" Tian Hong asked curiously after taking the contract form.

The Taohuayuan Forest is very large, with dozens of rooms. It can be said that all employees can live in it. Lu Ming is the only owner of this huge garden villa, so he also provides employees with food and accommodation, and can live directly in the garden.

There is only one requirement, no matter male or female employees, only singles can do it, and those with families can't bring their wives and children, otherwise who is the master?

Employees who do not live in the garden also have corresponding housing subsidies. Uncle Liang did not go out to allocate houses for employees to live in, but directly gave cash subsidies, or lived in the garden if they met the requirements.

Basically, Cheng Xinyan, Tang Li and other housekeeping girls or private health care workers have chosen to live in this luxurious garden, and the girls are all single without exception.

Song Pengyun looked at Tian Hong with a weird smile and said, "You kid is going to fill the garden, so don't come to me crying."

Tian Hong scratched his head, still puzzled.

"No matter whether other colleagues have homes or not, they have not filled the garden..." Song Pengyun glanced at the door, confirming that Uncle Liang had not come yet, turned around and said to Tian Hong in a low voice, earnestly:

"Don't act like a fool, Uncle Liang doesn't even live here, do you have your consciousness and eyesight to understand? Although it is said that all the employees can choose to live here, the boss's speech is subtle. The essentials are the outer strings of the conversation, and the subtext is that those girls are fine, don’t just understand the superficial meaning like a fool, will you be embarrassed then?”

Well, after such a wise advice from the captain, Tian Hong suddenly realized, and immediately nodded with an expression that I understood, and said, "I understand, it will indeed be very embarrassing."

That's right, when the others look at you with strange eyes at the same time, Tian Hong thinks about it and feels ashamed to stay.

Actually, Lu Ming's thoughts on this matter are really not what they think, it's just that they think too much.

If nothing else, ten iron kidneys can't stand it!

Allowing employees to live in the garden is just to make the garden feel like a world of fireworks. The requirement of being single is only to prevent the employer from being turned upside down, but also to not affect their own life.

However, Song Pengyun and the others would never think that way, including Uncle Liang. They were thinking of something else. They were thinking that the peach garden forest was not called the peach garden forest, but the happy garden.


Obviously, Lu Ming couldn't explain this kind of thing to them, and other people's thoughts couldn't stop it.

But it doesn't matter, and it's not a bad thing.

At this moment, while Tian Hong was filling out the contract form, Song Pengyun did not forget to teach him: "Also, young people, remember, those girls in the Taoyuan Forest, don't chat up and chase others just because they are single, I understand. I mean?"

Tian Hong smiled and nodded again and again: "I understand, I definitely understand. I don't want to lose this high-paying job. Besides, I also have self-knowledge, and those beautiful girls can't see me."

The captain nodded with great satisfaction and said, "Yes, the young man is enlightened, the children can be taught, work diligently and conscientiously, and work for a big man like Mr. Lu, even the security guard is unique, nothing else to say. In terms of treatment, Mr. Lu is generous, working here for a few years can definitely buy a house in a big city like Ningzhou, and by the way, he can earn his wife."

As a private bodyguard hired by Tian Hong, the basic salary is 670,000 yuan per year, which is still after-tax income. The average monthly after-tax salary is more than 50,000 yuan per month. Including bonuses and other benefits, he will receive 80,000 yuan in one year. No problem.

This is just the treatment of an ordinary security It is definitely above the average treatment in the industry, and the treatment of Lu Ming's personal bodyguard who is inseparable is even higher, so he should be treated separately.

After filling out the contract form, Uncle Liang came a few minutes later and signed the contract. Tian Hong was the resident security employee of this garden villa.

Tian Hong left Uncle Liang's office with the captain with the contract in his hand. On the way, he saw the boss just going out. He seemed to be chatting with a housekeeping lady at the door. Although he didn't know what they were talking about, the lady seemed to be talking. Being teased, he was overjoyed, and after a short chat, he left with a slightly shy look.

Is this the daily life of a big boss? This life is really unpretentious...

Tian Hong couldn't help but muttered secretly, he had never experienced the life of a rich man, and he didn't know how he felt, but he had seen it now anyway.

Today is Tuesday, the full-time driver Li Chengyao has driven his car to the gate of the yard and waited for the boss to pick him up to the company. Lu Ming got out of the garden and got into the car. Li Chengyao took him to the headquarters of Tiansheng Capital.


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