Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 223: 【The sentiment index remains high (51/93)】

At this moment, the small fans in the comment area are all confused and don't know what happened. They fell well in the morning and can't go back.

The buddy who just cut the meat is regretful and tangled at the moment. At this moment, Huayou Cobalt has risen to the point where he is wondering whether to chase after him. It's a little regretful, but when it goes up +7%, I sigh and take it back.

This trend he simply can not find a starting point to buy.

"Fall a little further, if it drops to +6%, I'll take it back, give me a chance to admit my mistake..." The buddy secretly said while staring at the time-sharing chart, and then two minutes later, there suddenly appeared a tens of thousands of large orders and frantically sweeping up the goods.

At 13:47, Huayou Cobalt closed the daily limit of the board, and one million lots of orders were sealed on the board.

"Draft Master, Wocao is Second Master!"

This buddy was shaking with anger, and immediately cursed in the comment area: "The main NMSL, right? It's only a hundred thousand yuan from labor and capital, right?"

All the small shops are confused. In the morning, funds from all walks of life are still speculating on the cold rice of the "Xiongyu New District Concept". As a result, in the afternoon, the relevant targets of the new energy vehicle sector have skyrocketed like a drug, and related stocks have skyrocketed. Sealed all the way.

By the close of trading this afternoon, all 26 stocks with the concept of new energy vehicles in the sector closed their daily limit, accounting for half of the daily limit of stocks in the two cities today. more than +8%.

This guy is so excited to see a lot of stocks with daily limit!

And even more angry is still to come, this buddy sees the next market news and people are stupid.

That evening, Huayou Cobalt issued a suspension announcement on major matters:

[The company is proposing a non-public offering of shares to Tiansheng Capital to raise cash. This matter is uncertain. Upon the company's application, the company's shares will be suspended from trading on June 2, 2017. The company promises that within five trading days (including the suspension day) ) to disclose the relevant situation, and promised to suspend trading for no more than one month]

Huayou Cobalt is not the only company that announced the concept of new energy vehicles today that has accepted Tiansheng Capital due to private placement. During the period from the closing of the afternoon to about 8 pm today, a large number of listed companies gathered at this time to announce the suspension of trading. Announcement, Tianqi Lithium Industry, Ganfeng Lithium Industry, Yiwei Lithium Energy, Tianchi Materials, Prostate and many other companies have issued suspension announcements in the same situation.

All because of the proposed non-public private placement to raise cash from Tiansheng Capital. These news made the entire capital market explode, and the shareholders also exploded.

"Fuck, I said why the new energy is suddenly convulsing, is this Nima reversed?"

"The ultimate reversal!"

"Brother, ah, now I don't even hold up the cards, and directly discuss the private placement with the management of the company!"

"New energy is about to hit the big market! Jue Pen will start the big market. If you don't come, I will stand upside down and eat!"

"A fool knows that the new energy vehicle has been reversed. Raising a placard is completely different from a fixed increase. The former may not be willing, but the first brother has to be strong. The latter may be willing to give it to the first brother. Quench your thirst, but this latter one is thirst-quenching and sweet!"


"That's natural. One is a hooligan, and the other is in love with each other. Of course, it's different."

"Talent, this metaphor is very good."

"Cry to death, I died before dawn."

"Actually, there are already traces of Brother Yi going to do things in new energy. Did you forget that Brother Yi personally went to Leshi to give Lao Jia several billions of pledges last month?"

"After the fact, Zhuge Liang did it all."

"Why does this kind of thing always like to do things at the close on Friday?"

"Oh, it's too difficult, Xiaosan always gets the news last."


In the following weekends and weekends, on the news, the domestic capital market and various investors are hotly discussing the upstream, middle and downstream of the new energy vehicle industry chain, and the heat of the new energy industry has suddenly increased.

All kinds of news are flying all over the sky, true and false.

Every move of Tiansheng Capital is now being watched by the market, and they are all focusing on Brother Yi with a magnifying glass.

There is no way, the first brother has too much money in his hand. The total size of Tiansheng Capital's own and LP assets has exceeded 2 trillion. This kind of capital energy, which industry and which industry you enter, has to be directly sourced. take off.

No, the new energy sector set off a daily limit frenzy last Friday. Half of the daily limit stocks in the two markets that day were related to the concept of new energy vehicles. Nearly 1 percentage point of the broader market was boosted by this emotional stimulus in the afternoon, and a large amount of off-market funds ran into the market.

On the weekends, the news continues to ferment, and the emotions of the entire capital market seem to be activated.

Over the weekend, the new energy sector ushered in another major news that stimulated all investors who pay attention to this industry, that is, Tiansheng Capital disclosed to the public that since May, the company's director Gao Hua has led a delegation to run around the upstream, midstream and downstream industry chain of the new energy vehicle industry. Enterprise research and communication with the management of the enterprise.

More sources claimed that Tiansheng Capital should pay more attention to the ecological layout of the new energy vehicle industry and invest hundreds of billions of funds to build an ecological strategy for new energy vehicles.

A series of big and small news are stimulating the emotions of the entire capital market. The people in the car were happy on the weekend, and the people who were shaken off the car were scolded on the weekend.


In the new week, Lu Ming came to the company this morning. He didn't go to the trading room, but also paid attention to today's capital market in his office.

Several listed companies in the upstream and midstream industry chains of new energy that hit the daily limit yesterday have all been suspended from trading, even if the market loses the core hype target, that is, the listed company that has the expectation of private placement to Tiansheng Capital.

Whether the private placement is bad or good depends mainly on why the company decides to increase. If it is to develop new performance growth points, introduce strategic investment, etc., the basic listing is good, and the stock price will rise sharply; if it is to make up for corporate losses, it has to be Seeking external financing means that the poor management of the company requires external blood transfusion to continue its life, which is obviously negative.

However, these companies that have been suspended have introduced Tiansheng Capital as a strategic investor, and they have made a large-scale shot, which shows that Yi Ge is not just playing tickets for a period of time and running away, but has really long-term layout in this industry, and real funds will enter the market. This expectation is very strong.

For the hot money, speculation is the expectation, regardless of whether it is good or not, let’s talk about the market first, who will take over the market later is not what they care about.

However, the application for suspension of trading by several companies with strong expectations did not reduce the market sentiment and capital's pursuit of this sector. The call auction opened this morning, and the new energy vehicle sector continued to be hilarious.

The market has new expectations, that is, who will be the next listed company to be "turned over" by Gao Hua?

Indeed, there are quite a few listed companies in the new energy vehicle industry chain that are on Lu Ming's list and have not been suspended. The market is bound to react.

However, it doesn't matter how much the secondary market is hyped. This time Tiansheng Capital does not need to compete with hot money and retail investors in the secondary market. Strategic investment private placement of shares ignores the secondary market and directly talks to the company's management about valuation. The secondary market has reached a market value of 50 billion. I accept the fixed increase of stocks based on the market value of 20 billion. The cost price is lower than the secondary market.

The higher the fry, the better.

Lu Ming glanced at the bidding market of the new energy vehicle sector. There were three direct bidding boards for stocks that belonged to the concept of new energy vehicles, and the miscellaneous hairs in the back row were also open.

However, after 9:24:30, in the bidding stage of the last 30 seconds, two of the three stocks that were bidding on the one-word board did not open the market. They dived directly in the last 30 seconds, and finally just opened higher. 3 more points.

The only one that opened the auction directly with the daily limit, that is, Anjie shares. This ticket was listed at the issue price of 23.41 yuan in September last year. Tiansheng Capital had already invested in the primary market before the company was listed.

Since the listing of Anjie shares, it has risen to a high of 90 and has fallen all the way to around 50 yuan, close to half, and Tiansheng Capital's cost price is only 15 yuan, even if Tiansheng's investment is cut in half again Still floating.

This ticket is now superimposed on the concept of Tiansheng Capital, superimposed on new energy, and superimposed on new shares. There is no suspension of trading. The daily limit was reached last Friday. It is not surprising that it is directly listed today.

And this one-word board is also the main capital in it, telling other big capital in the market that if I want to eat alone, no one should come here, go to other places to find food.

The funds for making deals are not from Tiansheng Capital, but from other funds in the market. Lu Ming is now watching a play.

The new energy sector is so exciting now. Lu Ming, as a party and a trendsetter, all layouts and actions are carried out in the primary market. Currently, he has not participated in the secondary market. Those who should have participated have already participated.

No matter how hot money in the market is, it will do. The higher the speculation, it will only increase the price of the stock assets held by Tiansheng Capital, and make the number of assets under management a little larger.

Why not?


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