Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 226: 【Negotiation (52/93)】

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The executives of the three major overseas capital institutions arrived in Ningzhou at 18:00 on the same day. Several foreigners had just stayed at the hotel to rest, and news of their presence in Ningzhou began to spread within two hours.

The general public and mainstream media did not know and did not pay attention, but the financial media related to the capital market quickly paid attention to the report, and many domestic investors also saw the news one after another.

At about 8:00 p.m., several major market software popped up a small window with real-time alerts:

[John Bryan, vice president of Goldman Sachs Group, appeared in Ningzhou, and several executives from Morgan Stanley and Carlyle Investment Group came with Goldman Sachs Group. 】

The news spread over time and attracted more attention. The headquarters executives of several well-known capital institutions on Wall Street went directly to Ningzhou, and the followers unexpectedly thought of Tiansheng Capital.

John Brian and the others went to Ningzhou. It seemed that apart from finding Lu Ming, there seemed to be no one else who could send a vice president from the headquarters to meet in person.

After all, Tiansheng Capital's current reputation is there, and its booming development momentum has become the first domestic and Asia's first asset management institution and investment group.

But no one knows what Brian and others are doing specifically, and the miraculous source has not received relevant news, or has not released the news.

This has also caused various speculations in the capital market. Are overseas capital institutions optimistic about domestic investment opportunities? Still optimistic about Tiansheng Capital's investment ability? Various institutions can not help but start to speculate.

For Goldman Sachs Group, no one in the investment world does not know that this capital group, which was established in 1869, is one of the largest investment banks in the world. It is notorious for backhanding its own existence in the 2008 financial tsunami. , Although the reputation is not good, but Goldman Sachs himself does not feel shabby.

Morgan Stanley is the first investment bank to enter the country, and its main investment fields are manufacturing, food industry, beverage industry, home building materials, real estate and so on.

Carlyle Investment Group is also an investment company that entered the country relatively early. There are also many investment funds in China. The main investment fields include IT service software industry, telecommunication network, electronic semiconductor chips and so on.


"Mr. Lu, 35% of the performance commission is too high."

The person who said this was John Bryan, the vice president sent by Goldman Sachs Group. At this moment, in this conference room of Tiansheng Capital, Lu Ming has personally received people from three Wall Street institutions for some time.

The two sides had been in contact before the meeting, and the two-sided talks soon went straight to the point and entered into substantive talks and consultations.

The three major foreign capital institutions did not agree to Lu Ming's proposal that the entrusted funds should take 35% of the profits as a commission for excess performance, on the grounds that Tiansheng Capital's existing LP institutions all had a 20% ratio.

Excess performance improvement is how much you earn, and the profit has to be divided. 10 billion earns 5 billion, Tiansheng Capital has to take 1.75 billion, and the entrusted funds have to pay a stable custody fee every year, including subscription fees and redemption fees. can not be less.

"I can bring rich returns to LPs, of course I have to get a little more commission." Lu Ming said calmly: "The first LP partner of Tiansheng Capital handed over about 8 billion US dollars to me to manage, In less than two years, I have created a $24 billion return on investment for him, and this profit number continues to expand."

The implication is that there is no need to talk about 35% of the performance commission.

The performance of Tiansheng Capital is indeed not to be said. Although Lu Ming's investment style is known for his aggressive investment style, the rate of return that matches it is quite amazing. The problem is that the time is not long, and Tiansheng Capital has not been established for a long time. It will take time to verify whether it can bring high returns in a long-term and stable manner.

The biggest problem here is that time is irreversible. If it is verified that Lu Ming can be as stable as Warren Buffett and the rate of return is much higher than Buffett's, he will miss the best time window, which is also a key risk window.

Tiansheng Value Growth Mixed Fund is a complete mess. Since March 16, 2015, Christian Democrats who were the first to get into the car have achieved 60 to 70 times the return on investment in the past two years.

Now everyone knows Tiansheng Yaoji Niubi, but it is no longer possible to want the magic income of dozens of times in two years.

The reason is the same, if it takes five or ten years to verify the stability of Lu Ming's investment return, then the verification is successful, but it will be regretted for watching it for a few years.

But then again, several overseas capital institutions present can still judge Lu Ming's investment level by the indicator of his investment success rate.

Analysts at Goldman Sachs found through the statistics they could find that Lu Ming had made so many investments, but so far he had not lost a single sum of money.

Frequent shots and an undefeated record are quite terrifying, and can be called magic.

"OK, we admit that Mr. Lu's investment level is indeed quite good, and we also believe that you can bring rich investment returns to LPs. It is not a big problem to get more commissions, but the exit mechanism should be shortened. Fifteenth The lock-in period of 2 years is too long for us, up to three years," said John Braine.

Executives from The Carlyle Group agreed with Brian: "Yes, the world is full of uncertainty, and there are too many uncertainties in fifteen years."

three years? What are you kidding?

Lu Ming shook his head and said, "Large funds must have a long period to ensure stability. Otherwise, I invest in an industry, and you suddenly request a large-scale withdrawal in two or three years. Who will take over your withdrawal funds?"

Lu Ming did not give in at all on the withdrawal mechanism and the lock-in period, and would rather not accept the other party's money than lower his standards.

Obviously, if these three major institutions decide to invest, it must be a relatively large number, and it will not hurt if it is a small number of several hundred million.

But then again, Lu Ming doesn't accept small funds. He either only accepts funds from dozens of large institutions with a scale of tens of billions of dollars, or only accepts funds from ordinary people. For example, Tiansheng Value Growth Mixed, a maximum of 800 yuan a day The subscription amount is just enough to meet the investment needs of non-specific groups of public investors with a monthly income of around 3,000 to 5,000.

Therefore, the middle-income group with investment needs or those who are close to financial freedom are not very interested in Lu These investors even complained that the 800 yuan a day subscription for the enchantress has no desire. It's not enough to be an LP.

But in fact, they still have a channel to get benefits from Lu Ming, that is to invest in Tiansheng Holdings, and there is definitely no problem in buying the shares of this company.

It can be seen that all social strata groups can actually find their own investment channels in Lu Ming.

It's just up to them whether they can seize the opportunity or not.

At this time, Lu Ming looked at Brian and the others and said, "Everyone, in any case, we will not lower Tiansheng's LP entry threshold in the slightest, and the confidence comes from the fact that we have enough confidence to bring more than expected to LP. Return on investment, if you are worried that the time period is too long to bear the risk of uncertainty, I have a way to solve your doubts.”


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