Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 228: [The demon stocks finally appeared in June? 】

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"If this gameplay spreads, those LP institutions in China will see it and play along..." Su Xiaoman couldn't help but look at Lu Ming.

The LP investment package securitization game can theoretically magnify the leverage countless times. Once a thunderstorm occurs, the pickers who bought these derivatives will lose everything.

Although it will not directly affect Tiansheng Capital, if the scale is large, it will cause systemic financial risks and cause a chain reaction, and no one can stay out of it.

Even Tiansheng Capital, which was originally out of the picture, has to be affected by Chiyu, because the larger the scale of assets under management, the easier it is to be affected. For example, if a company that happened to invest in is affected, Tiansheng Capital will also be affected indirectly, and even after positive feedback is formed, it will be affected. Accelerated crash.

If domestic institutions play like this, in a sense, they will have more advantages. The first is Lu Ming's influence and popularity in China, and the second is that domestic Tiansheng LP institutions have already made huge profits.

A typical example is the more than 50 billion yuan of Chaoyun Trust. The current market value has reached more than 270 billion yuan, but it cannot be redeemed.

If the securitization is packaged and securitized according to this routine, and it is divided into N shares of wealth management products, so that ordinary people can afford it. In theory, Chaoyun can not wait for more than ten years to return the capital with interest and let others. Take over and take on subsequent risks.

You buy tens of thousands, he buys tens of thousands, and the other person buys hundreds of thousands.

As for Lu Ming's current influence in the domestic capital market, it is no exaggeration to say that there is really no shortage of such pick-ups, and there are not a few people who are superstitious about his investment myth.

Just look at how popular the Tiansheng Yaoji next door is. Even if the subscription limit is 800 yuan a day, the net subscription scale in one trading day is now increasing by 300 million to 500 million yuan, which shows the degree of investor pursuit. .

According to this trend, the capital market of Tiansheng Yaoji will exceed 300 billion yuan within this year, and it will be a record number again.

Seeing Su Xiaoman's worried look, Lu Ming stretched his waist and said calmly: "Then they are playing with fire, I can't control them if they want to play like this, that is their business, I have nothing to do with it anyway. A dime relationship..."

The reason why Wall Street institutions dare to play is because of different countries. Lu Ming believes that several major LP institutions in China will not play like this. First of all, the Guo Jia team LP institutions such as social security funds and pension funds will not touch them.

However, private institutions such as Chaoyun Trust and Wanxiang Capital did not dare. Iron Fist Profound Truth is not a joke, and some savage capitals who dared to play like this did not meet the LP access threshold of Tiansheng Capital. Lu Ming did not lower the threshold to maintain High-quality LPs also make sense. If you don't play with such people, you will save yourself from being dragged into the water.

Lu Ming crossed Erlang's legs and said: "With the urine of Wall Street, if nothing else, they developed this derivative tool, and they are definitely not satisfied with what I said, and they will definitely add a short-selling mechanism. Come on, at the end of the day, the Fed will wipe their ass, and then the world will pay the bill, haven't they been doing this all the time?"

Su Xiaoman sighed softly: "I can understand why the management must firmly maintain the strong ability to intervene in the capital market, and can't easily let foreign capital come in..."

Regardless of this group of people, they really want the rhythm of God.


People from several institutions such as Goldman Sachs came and went quickly, and they stayed for two days before leaving, leaving a group of followers and institutions in a confused circle.

John Bryan and others also did not accept media interviews, and Tiansheng Capital did not release any news. It was too late for everyone to run the interview. The media went to Goldman Sachs Greater China to interview the film director, but they did. But he also said he didn't know what was going on at the headquarters.

This made people who were paying attention to the matter from the outside world full of question marks. Tiansheng, Goldman Sachs and other overseas institutions met and talked about what they were talking about. Before the parties concerned released news, they could only rely on guesswork.

This matter has not caused much sensation for the time being, and investors have not paid much attention to it. Recently, everyone in the capital market has been paying attention to the hype of the new energy vehicle sector.

Funds from all walks of life are seeing which stock can stand out and become the first demon stock in the second half of the year. This demon stock must have been born in the new energy vehicle sector. This is the consensus of market capital, and hot money has not speculated in other sectors. , the concept of Xiongyu New District has been out of breath.

Funds have been attracted to the new energy vehicle sector. Since the day the market started, this sector has been hot for a week, and its popularity is still high.

Yesterday, when Shen Technology announced the suspension of trading, it was also the fourth time to apply for a suspension after the daily limit. The reason was that the company proposed to privately issue private placements to Tiansheng Capital. It started to be suspended.

Today is Wednesday, June 7th. The new energy sector continues to be hot, and today it has driven the broader market to rise again and stand above 3100 points.

After nearly a week of popularity, the suspension of Dangshen Technology also announced the launch of the competition of demon stocks. Although it has the temperament of a demon, it does not have the fate of a demon.

In the early trading, Anjie shares had been listed for three consecutive one-word boards. Five minutes after the opening, Anjie shares dived all the way, and the end of eating alone was like this. The market did not have the funds to undertake it. As a result, it dived and turned green. To go to the floor.

Shareholders from all walks of life came to Anjie to watch.

"-8%, the bidding came in, the top of the mountain is a little cold."

"I copied the bottoms, brothers, just do it!"

"Niubi, warriors!"

"Counsel with a hammer, frying the board differences is a buying point, the three-board leader is the first yin tactics, changing hands fully and directly, betting that the differences will turn to the same within a day, the buying points in the mode must be done, and the losses in the mode are also recognized."

"If you lose, you will lose, and you have to add a loss in the model, pretend!"

"You don't understand this, right? Adding 'in-mode' to the prefix will give people the feeling of being a great **** even if they lose money, and their temperament will come up... [hands funny]"

"No problem, haha!"

"Huh? Damn it, Anthracite is here, Brother Wanshou! Brother Wanshou! Brother Wanshou is here!"

"Haha, I knew it was going to be pulled up, Kanban, ground floor!"

"Niu Pi Niu Pi, what is the logic of the Great God's Dragon Head Yin Tactics?"

"No way? Could it be that Anjie is the real dragon of this market?"


At this moment, Anjie shares dived in a straight line in the early trading, closing the daily limit and approaching the daily limit, but at 9:52, suddenly there was a large amount of funds entering the market and the frenzied increase, a series of 10,000-hand big unilaterals went up. shopping.

Anthracene shares also rebounded from -8% all the way to red and rushed to +5% and continued to rush upwards, but at around 9:55, when Anjie shares rose to +8.83%, they began to fall back.

In the morning, the short-term customer who was at the -8% position could not help but leave a message in the comment area of ​​Anjie shares.

"Fuck, the rider who stepped on the horse was caught by Fangda Carbon, but luckily he didn't hit the board, otherwise, he would still be able to make a profit tomorrow!"

"Fangda carbon board, so strong, directly second board!"

"Fonda Carbon Five Links!"

"Damn, Anjie really doesn't have the temperament of a leader, it's fake!"

"Could it be that Fangda Carbon is the leader of this market, and it has been relayed all the way, there is no doubt that the true dragon!"

"Fonda Carbon's cost of 9.3 yuan has already made a profit of 80 points. Unfortunately, there are only two warehouses."

"Big boss, the two-storey warehouse layout is also the ultimate meat, I'm envious!"

"The first brother is shouting 'big is beautiful', and you are still chasing demons. Isn't Haitian's Maowulu not fragrant?"

"It's rising too slowly!"

"Huh? Slow? Is it too slow for Mao Ti to rise by +37% this year? Tiansheng Holdings also rose by +17% this year, and it didn't fall much after the lifting of the ban in April. Now it has begun to repair, this time I believe in Zhongxin. Securities, Tiansheng’s share price is really likely to go up to 15,000 yuan.”

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