Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 234: [It’s a pity not to give me a part-time job in Tiansheng (fifty-six/ninety…

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Peach Garden Forest, in the living room.

Cheng Xinyan brought an afternoon tea and left. At this moment, Lu Ming and Zheng Hongrui were sitting in the living room, mainly listening to Zheng Hongrui telling his story.

"...New energy electric vehicles are bound to be the mainstream in the future, and only as time goes by, the meaning of traditional resistance will become less and less." Zheng Hongrui said, he said this very firmly.

Lu Ming sat comfortably with Erlang's legs crossed, and asked with interest, "How far is this 'future'? Thirty years? Fifty years? One hundred years?"

That is to say, on purpose, Lu Ming understands when this "future" is better than anyone in the world today. After all, in a sense, he is a soul from the future.

Not out of reach, but close at hand.

Zheng Hongrui said very confidently: "It's not that far, at most ten years or fifteen years later!"

Lu Ming looked at the other party and asked with great interest, "Are you so sure? How can you see it?"

"Because our country needs new energy vehicles, so does the world." Zheng Hongrui looked at the other party's answer, organized a few words in his heart, and then continued: "The 'father of the former Soviet Union' said a word: when human beings need to be able to When nuclear fusion is controlled, controllable nuclear fusion will become a reality. The same is true for new energy vehicles. When everyone urgently needs them, they will make life-threatening research and development, which can stimulate technological explosions. This is actually obtained from the blockade of my country by the West. Verification, the more they block the technology, the more desperate we are, the faster the breakthrough in research and development."

Lu Ming asked succinctly: "The question is, why do you need new energy vehicles so much?"

Zheng Hongrui replied without any hesitation: "An obvious problem that our country has always faced is that it is too dependent on overseas oil. If the Strait of Malacca is blocked, our economy will come to a standstill. The degree of dependence is actually getting higher and higher, and the reason is not complicated, that is, we are developing too fast.”

Lu Ming nodded silently.

The reason for this is not complicated. The country is developing too rapidly, the economy has been taking off for decades, factories need a lot of fuel to start construction and ordinary people drive, and it is only a matter of time before the number of cars in the Greater China market breaks through the world's first. Oil dependence is two years away from reaching the 70% red line.

Dependence on overseas oil is not a big deal, but it cannot be too serious, otherwise, it will fall into a very passive situation, and will be in crisis silently.

The biggest crisis is the potential national security risks. Oil needs to be imported in large quantities. If the international environment changes, it will face huge risks.

Some things can't be used, but they can't be avoided. This is a backhand. You have to prevent others from messing with you. After all, the essence of this world is still a jungle society, and there is basically no way for silly white sweets to survive.

Strength is always the foundation of maintaining justice, dignity is only above the sword's edge, and truth is only within the range of cannons!

You must know that the former Soviet Union put the country's lifeline on oil exports in the later period, so the oil price plummeted, the Soviet Union immediately lacked foreign exchange, and the daily supplies could not be supplied. There were long queues everywhere, and it quickly collapsed.

Over the years, the country has actively promoted the "Zhongba Economic Corridor", allowing the energy lifeline to open up a land channel to reduce the dependence of the marine energy lifeline.

But this is far from enough. Another major direction is technological breakthroughs.

That is to encourage the technological research and development and breakthroughs of new energy electric vehicles. Over the years, the state has given a lot of subsidies to the industry. One of the reasons behind it is to reduce overseas oil dependence, which is one of the breakthroughs in the national energy security strategy.

If the vehicle is fully electrified, the dependence on oil can be greatly reduced, because oil can only be purchased from several countries such as Saat, Russia, and Yilang, and the transportation line can be cut off only by cutting off the Strait of Malacca. Lost the sea transport channel.

There are many sources of electricity, such as traditional thermal power generation and hydropower generation, and now vigorously developed photovoltaic power generation, wind power generation, including nuclear power, etc., and China happens to be vast and sparsely populated in the northwest hinterland of the country. The place to play.

Zheng Hongrui told Lu Ming like a lot of things: "my country's car ownership is the first in the world in recent years, but more often it is for other people's wedding dresses. Every time a car is produced, foreign companies make a lot of money. Technology patents are owned by foreigners, and the big profits are made by Europeans and Americans.”

"In addition, I used to take the path of 'technology for the market', but now it has basically been proven wrong. If the technology is not cultivated, it has cultivated a bunch of parasites waiting for technology. The market is handed over, but the technology is not. It never worked out.”

"And even if we don't say that new energy vehicles have advantages, we can't talk about inherent disadvantages. After all, everyone is on the same starting line, trying, and the patents are basically blank. Expensive components are equally expensive and require the same Improve."

As for technology research and development, Lu Ming understands the trend of technology. Usually it's okay to brag and tell stories, but if he really ends up doing technology research and development, he doesn't have the skills, and he can't compare to the professionals who really do research and development.

Lu Ming said, "I want to hear your development direction and long-term plan for the Lawo Intelligence you founded."

With the continuous communication with him, I realized that Zheng Hongrui is a rare talent, and he almost coincides with him in the general strategic direction. As long as such a person encounters a Bole, he will definitely be able to take advantage of the situation. Lu Ming is very happy to be his bole.

At this moment, Zheng Hongrui took a sip of tea and said in a deep voice: "In Lawo Intelligence, in our team, I am mainly responsible for the development of autonomous driving algorithms. The current mainstream autonomous driving tests are mainly on fuel vehicles, but I think that The best combination with autonomous driving, or the best combination with software, should be electric vehicles.”

Having said this, Zheng Hongrui looked at Lu Ming and looked at the other party and continued: "Actually, it is not complicated. Electric vehicles rely on electricity to control the motor. The overall structure is much simpler than that of fuel vehicles, and the refined operation and response are much stronger than those of fuel vehicles. If the control accuracy of a fuel vehicle is an ordinary ruler, an electric vehicle is a vernier caliper, which is very precise and has a fast response, so it is naturally suitable for software control.”

Lu Ming said with a smile: "I heard there is a saying that the response speed of electric vehicles is ten times that of traditional fuel vehicles, and they are naturally matched with software."

Zheng Hongrui said: "The technology at this stage is not mature enough, and the integration of software and cars is not obvious, but I don't want it for many years. In the foreseeable future, a car will be like a mobile phone, embedded with countless codes and other modules. , and these modules require a lot of so electric vehicles are naturally suitable for modularization."

"In this sense, the biggest difference between future electric vehicles and traditional fuel vehicles is the modularity and programmability. If traditional fuel vehicles are Nokia's Symbian system, then electric vehicles are iOS systems."

Lu Ming felt more and more that the little-known entrepreneur in front of him was very suitable for running Tianyu Yunchi. He had a strategic vision, a clear understanding of the industry, and a clear judgment on potential opponents and future patterns. , making him the CEO of Yuyunchi that day is suitable.

When Zheng Hongrui tried to use his best and best state to tell Lu Ming his story and solutions, so as to get investment from Tiansheng Capital for Lawo Smart, which he founded, he did not know that the big guy sitting in front of him had already started. Hit him or even his entire startup team.

Lu Ming loves talents, it's a pity that such talents don't work for me in Tiansheng.

You want his wealth, he wants your people, and then people and wealth get both, perfect, this wave of brothers has nothing in the atmosphere.


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