Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 236: 【Included under your command】

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The next day, Pengcheng.

Zheng Hongrui's one-week trip to Ningzhou came to an end. He didn't get the expected goal, but he got unexpected results.

After leaving the airport terminal, Zheng Hongrui took a taxi back to the company.

At the beginning, he and three other partners went to the Sunshine Golf Building in Pengcheng to rent a warehouse of less than 20 square meters, and founded Lawo Intelligent Company here.

After half an hour's drive, Zheng Hongrui came to the building where his company is located.

When he entered the warehouse, three men about his age were crowded inside.

The warehouse is sloping and not very high. I don't know if a small open space is enough for 20 square meters. Anyway, it is a very small warehouse. This is the current workplace of Lawo Intelligent.

It's more of a utility room than an office.

When the three partners saw Zheng Hongrui, they all put down their work and looked at him in unison.

"Brother Rui, what's the result? Did you get the investment?" Wu Yi, the youngest member of the team, couldn't wait to ask Zheng Hongrui who had been out for a week, and the other two members were named Wang Yan and He Changxing.

Four single dogs form the start-up team of Lawo Smart.

The three were originally Zheng Hongrui's colleagues, but they were "flickered" to resign and decided to fight for a shot, so they jointly founded the company with capital, all of which were saved during their work, and the four of them collected a total of 8 million funds.

Zheng Hongrui invested the most. He invested all the 5 million yuan he had saved over the years. He Changxing and the three of them each collected 1 million yuan, each accounting for 12.5% ​​of the capital. Zheng Hongrui, who contributed the most, accounted for 62.5% of Lawo Smart. Equity.

Naturally, Zheng Hongrui was also their leader, and no one objected to this.

If they are not all single, they would not dare to ALLIN, knowing that starting a business is the road of no return.

The capital of 8 million is only enough to buy an ordinary house in Pengcheng. For a start-up technology company that wants to make a difference in the field of new energy vehicles, this amount of money is still a drop in the bucket. point.

At this time, Zheng Hongrui came to the computer desk he was working on, moved the chair, sat down, looked at the three partners and said, "I saw Lu Ming, and we chatted with him for almost three hours, and we talked quite a bit. joy!"

"What? Did you actually see Lu Ming?" He Changxing, Wang Yan, and Wu Yi exclaimed in unison. After reacting, the three immediately rushed up and moved to Zheng Hongrui's side to surround him.

Wu Yi hurriedly said: "Brother Rui, don't think about it, brothers, your broken method really works? We are all thinking about how you got kicked out."

Zheng Hongrui said with a smile: "Just kidding, of course it's true, why are you lying to you about this kind of thing?"

He Changxing next to him stretched out his hand towards Wang Yan with a smile and said, "If you lose, take one hundred yuan and hurry up. You can also transfer the online payment to me!"

Wang Yan, who lost the bet, had to take out a hundred-yuan cash and admit defeat.

Wu Yi quickly asked, "How much is Lu Ming going to invest for us?"

Hearing this, the other two partners also took heart, and immediately looked at Zheng Hongrui, their eyes full of anticipation.

Tiansheng Capital’s investment in the primary market is known as “Kai”. It is really rich and not bad. Other VC institutions rarely invest more than 10 million in angel rounds. Sheng Capital all started at 30 million.

Zheng Hongrui said, "Lu Ming didn't give me a penny!"

"What? Didn't give a penny?"

Wang Yan and others couldn't help being stunned when they heard it, and the originally expected eyes were suddenly disappointed, but at this moment Zheng Hongrui added: "Not only did we not get any investment, but I also packaged us up for sale."

The three are stunned again!

Zheng Hongrui said with a smile: "The general situation is like this, Tiansheng Capital has just established a wholly-owned new energy vehicle company Tianyu Yunchi, Lu Ming will not invest money for me, but he plans to dig me over to take charge of Tianyu Yunchi. Chi CEO, no, it's us!"

The three continue to be confused!

"Brother Rui, what is the situation?"

As Zheng Hongrui explained the reasons for them in detail, He Changxing and the three also turned from shock to excitement. Wang Yan said excitedly: "My God, Lu Ming is planning to let us control Tianyu Yunchi? ... He's not crazy, isn't he? Dare to ... "

One really dare to let go? One really dare to accept?

Tianyu Yunchi was wholly-owned by Tiansheng Capital. It was destined to be born differently. It was definitely not a grass-roots team like their Lawo Intelligence. What made Wang Yan and the others feel incredible was that Lu Ming dared to take such an important company. Hand it over to the grass stage team!

At the end, Zheng Hongrui looked at the three of them and said seriously: "Brothers, the moment Tianyu Yunchi was established, it was a unicorn-level company. For our small team, it has risen to such a high level all of a sudden. It may not be able to adapt, no, it must not be adaptable, this is a huge challenge and an unprecedented opportunity."

After the three of them calmed down, they nodded involuntarily when they heard this. They suddenly became senior managers at the core level of a large company. .

Zheng Hongrui continued: "Incorporating the name of Tianyu Yunchi, Lawo Intelligence will no longer exist. President Lu handed me the baton of Tianyu Yunchi. I can't get carried away. Frankly speaking, everyone's ability is not high yet. Well, so do I, but I have to be."

"So, I can't promote you all to senior management positions in a short period of time. You have to start from middle-level managers and prove that you have this ability, and then I can promote you, convince the public, and give Lu I'll give you an explanation, everyone can understand me, right?"

After all, Tianyu Yunchi is not an ordinary start-up company. With the resource integration of large capital institutions such as Tiansheng Capital behind it, the enterprise framework can be quickly built, and the speed of development is completely incomparable to that of Lawo Intelligence. Many things in the start-up stage You can skip right away.

"No comment!"


"no problem."

The three of them set an example one after another, and they also knew that Zheng Hongrui's arrangement was right. After all, all the guys in the grass stage team were promoted, and they had no idea in their hearts.

But as long as the top position is Zheng Hongrui, it is easier to climb up than others. There is a big difference between having a relationship and having nothing to do with it. Climbing up from below is also more convincing. Otherwise, other industry elites who have been parachuted down will inevitably doubt it.

Before they have no qualifications, they have to accumulate qualifications for themselves for promotion. They also know that Zheng Hongrui, who also has no qualifications but is only admired by Lu Ming and takes over the baton, must face greater pressure and greater doubts, this is certain.

"I got 20% of the equity for the team from President Lu, and it was shared equally according to our ratio. I own 12.5% ​​of Tianyu Yunchi, and each of you has 2.5% of the equity." Zheng Hongrui said: " Although it has been diluted, it is more valuable. In the future, the valuation of Tianyu Yunchi will reach 100 billion yuan, and this 2.5% equity can be worth 2.5 billion yuan. As long as the company is built up, the potential to become a billionaire is also in the future. expected."

Wang Yan and the others naturally have no objection. Previously, Lawo Smart's 12.5% ​​equity was worth up to 1 million yuan, and the value of the company would return to zero after death. Now that it is merged into Tianyu Yunchi, although it is diluted to 2.5%, its gold content is only a few percent. Ten times, hundreds of times soaring, and backed by Tiansheng Capital, it is impossible to return to zero after death.

Zheng Hongrui said in a deep voice: "Because you have taken advantage, you have to start from the middle and grassroots level, and you have to move forward like walking on thin ice and facing the abyss. Brothers, don't think about taking advantage and not doing anything, Mr. Lu. It's not so easy to smash the wool. He didn't sign the weighted average anti-dilution clause, which means that Tiansheng Capital can dilute our shares through continuous financing. Don't forget how Zuckerberg put him The shares in the hands of the co-founders are diluted to Zheng Hongrui added: "But I won the option pool reservation, which clearly stipulates that those who have made outstanding contributions to the company can receive equity incentives. The equity reserved by the option pool, even if the financing is continuously diluted in the end, as long as we can get the equity incentive, our interests can be guaranteed, provided that we have the strength to match it. "

Wang Yan and the other three nodded without saying a word.

Zheng Hongrui said: "To be honest, based on the valuation of Tiansheng Capital's unicorns, it is not true that we suddenly have a nominal worth of hundreds of millions, and we have not proved that we can match it, and Tianyu Yunchi will definitely continue in the future. If we raise money from the parent company, our equity will be further diluted, so in the final analysis, we have to make achievements to truly match the fact that we are worth over 100 million yuan.”

He Changxing nodded and said: "Understand, capital is not a good person, and people like Mr. Lu can't be fooled, but we will prove that how much strength we have to match how much we are worth, and there is no complaint if we can't go up, so we lie down to Jing Yan'er in advance and take a look. It's an unprecedented opportunity, and if it falls, there's nothing to say."


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