Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 238: 【Meeting on US stock market】

the end.

Han Qiulin left the CEO's office. After in-depth exchanges and discussions with the chairman, she became much more transparent and cheerful than usual, and her career seemed to be much smoother.

in the office.

At this moment, Lu Ming is left alone. He is lying on the sofa and resting comfortably. After recalling, he couldn't help but praised to himself: "Tsk tsk tsk, so hard..."

After a while, Lu Ming stood up and stretched before returning to his desk. What I have to say is that after clearing the long-standing inventory and shipping it to Han Qiulin, he felt much more relaxed.

There is definitely no end to the goods, because the passive issuance is continuing.

Going back to the desk and sitting down, Lu Ming looked at a document on the desk. This was the material that Han Qiulin had sent before. He happened to be on the phone with Zheng Hongrui and didn't have time to read it.

open immediately

The material report sent by Han Qiulin is about the availability of funds of the three major Wall Street LP institutions. Goldman Sachs Group, Morgan Stanley and Carlyle Investment Group have all delivered funds to the depository bank accounts of overseas QDIE funds.

The entrusted funds of the three major institutions totaled 13.5 billion US dollars, which is about 92 billion yuan at the current exchange rate. This money did not come to China, and Lu Ming did not intend to bring this capital back to domestic investment. This asset was to be invested in in the U.S. stock market.

This operation of Lu Ming is simply to say: take the money of the people of Magnesium, invest in the market of the people of Magnesium, help the people of Magnesium to earn the money of the people of Magnesium, and then share the money with the people of Magnesium, if they lose money, they will also lose the people of Magnesium. For the money, Tiansheng Capital does not have to bear the risk of loss.

In terms of money sharing, it is a stable trust fund custody fee and a 35% excess performance commission. The management fee guarantees income. Of course, the bulk is the excess performance commission. For example, if you make 10 billion profits, 3.5 billion can be shared without calculating transaction costs.

After reading it, Lu Ming put the materials in the folder layer on the side, picked up the landline and called the assistant president's office, which is Han Qiulin's place.

"Inform Qi Wei, including the directors above the director level of the overseas market investment and research department, to have a meeting in the conference room in fifteen minutes."

On the other side, Han Qiulin in the assistant's office replied, "Okay."

After finishing the call with Lu Ming, Han Qiulin immediately sent a meeting notice to Qi Wei and others one by one. As for what happened at the boss's place before, it seemed as if nothing had happened, and she had no other thoughts and no emotional burden. Power should be part of the job. Afterwards, he threw himself into the work wholeheartedly and did a good job of the chief assistant.


Fifteen minutes later, the conference room.

Lu Ming came to the conference room on time. Qi Wei and other participants had already arrived in advance. Lu Ming came to the chief seat and sat down and went straight to the topic: "Goldman Sachs Group and other three major foreign LP institutions have already received 13.5 billion US dollars of funds. Today's The meeting is to decide to put this fund into operation, what is the total market value of our stock assets in the North American capital market now?"

After speaking, Lu Ming looked at Qi Wei, who quickly replied: "The total market value is about 55 billion US dollars."

It is now late June, the second quarter of this year is coming to an end, and the company's semi-annual report is also being audited.

Up to now, the total market value of Tiansheng Capital's overseas capital has reached 155.7 billion US dollars, about 1,057.2 billion yuan, and overseas asset prices continue to hit new highs.

And that's not counting the $13.5 billion figure just entrusted.

Lu Ming looked around again and said, "Now that we have introduced LP institutions with a Wall Street background, we have common interests with some foreign capitals, and we can be bolder in allocating US stock assets. The funds lying in the offshore RMB exchange rate are cashed out for 6.5 billion US dollars. , to collect 20 billion US dollars, and then find Wall Street brokerage investment banks to leverage 5 times the leverage, which is 100 billion US dollars, and a total of 120 billion US dollars of OTC funds began to make a large-scale deployment in the North American capital market.”

Of the $20 billion in funds, $13.5 billion is from Wall Street capital institutions. It has **** interests with some Wall Street people. Naturally, they will not be discouraged.

At least the investment of this money will not be too difficult for the other party. Goldman Sachs and Morgan will also mediate and clear the siege. After all, this is their vital interest, and they will make things difficult for themselves? Logically it doesn't make sense either.

Lu Ming added: "For this leverage, we will directly look for a securities company in Magnesium for financing. We are not familiar with the place, so we can talk to Goldman Sachs directly. They will use their resources to raise the 100 billion yuan for me. U.S. dollar leveraged funding.”

At this moment, Goldman Sachs Group and other three major LP institutions have not been idle after dumping 13.5 billion US dollars to Lu Ming. They are busy packaging and securitizing this investment asset and transferring potential risks to the magnesium capital market. To put it bluntly One point is that they are busy looking for investors from Magnesium to take over.

The 13.5 billion US dollars itself has a certain leverage. Lu Ming now has to leverage 5 times the leverage on the basis again, and Goldman Sachs Group has to securitize. The actual leverage has reached a rather exaggerated level. It is estimated that The value bubble was blown in advance.

It's almost to the rhythm of the sky.

However, for Lu Ming, he has to bear the risk of 5 times leverage, and it is still investors' money and foreign capital. Of course, there are 6.5 billion US dollars in domestic capital and Tiansheng Capital. The ratio of 30% is 20%. The $100 million is Tiansheng Capital's own money.

The interests are too complicated.

But in general, for Tiansheng Capital, the investment of 20 billion US dollars accounts for 2 billion US dollars, which is 5 times the leverage risk of 2 billion US dollars, and it can fully bear all losses.

Compared with the previous Korean leveraged bigwig Bill Huang, he also leveraged nearly 100 billion US dollars of funds to make a deal, and then made history with a huge loss of 15 billion US dollars within the day of the liquidation.

This matter, to put it simply, is a tragedy in which a Korean who looks like a cross talk actor used Swiss money to use a Japanese broker to sell Huaguo's stock in the U.S. stock market and was finally harvested by the magnesium people.

This time, Lu Ming was a little bit similar, but completely different.

Compared with this gambling monster, Lu Ming is actually unrestrained and has done a good job of risk control. He brings in a large group of friends (LP) to share the risks together, and he will not return to Jiefang like Bill Huang. Before, but if the game takes off, the profit earned by helping each friend will be deducted, and it will be an astronomical amount of income when summed up.

The biggest difference from Bill Huang is that Lu Ming uses the money of the people of the magnesium to make the stock of the people of the magnesium in the market of the people of the magnesium.

As for Goldman Sachs and the others, it is their business to play packaging and then securitization. It does not affect the $13.5 billion that Tiansheng Capital actually received. Anyway, in the end, even if there is a chicken feather, it is the people of Magnesium who pay the bill themselves.

At this time Qi Wei, who was present at the meeting, looked at Lu Ming and said, "Chairman, what are the main investment targets of the 120 billion US dollars of off-market funds?"

Lu Ming said without hesitation: "First grab high-quality high-growth stocks!"

Although futures, foreign exchange, options and other investment varieties are very profitable, if the time scale is enlarged to 50 or even 100 years of history, the most profitable and highest return on investment is investing in stock assets!

Of all investment varieties, none of them has a higher rate of return than stock assets, which is why stock investment is the core reason in the global capital market.

However, everyone feels that Lu Ming's "grasping high-quality high-growth stocks" is a correct nonsense. To make money, of course, we must find those real high-quality high-growth stocks in the market.

But how easy is it to say? And how few people can do this?

If it was someone else who said this, no one in the room would betray him, but it was different from what Lu Ming said, because he happened to be one of the few people who could do it.


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