Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 356: [Brother Baqian goes out of customs: numb and numb]

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the reborn financial giant!

However, it was said that Tiansheng Holdings closed the board this afternoon, and the 8000 brothers who were to come out in two days did not know that he was lying down and making money again today.

Target held: Tiansheng Holdings (603230)

Number of shares held: 68,200 shares

Average cost: 14239.33 yuan

Current market price: 32028.69 yuan

Market value of positions: 2.1843 billion yuan

Profit and loss of the day: +198.6 million yuan (+10.00%)

Floating profit and loss: +1.2132 billion yuan (+124.93%)

Brother 8000 is now about to make 2 small goals a day. Instead, what he is thinking about in the office is to never blow up, never blow up, never blow up.

Unless I have to, I really don't want to go to Southeast Asia.

You can come out the day after tomorrow. Brother 8000 is counting on time.

However, entering the detention center this time has also given Brother 8000 a new harvest. It is through the "Boss Brother Qianbi Mining" who was temporarily detained in the detention center to learn about Bitcoin, and I have heard of Bitcoin before things, but didn't get to know them in depth.

This time in the detention center, the head of the mine told him about the currency circle, and the 8000 brother further increased his posture of virtual digital currency. Suddenly, he felt that Bitcoin, this ghost, can actually rise to a maximum of more than 120,000 yuan. One heck.

In the eyes of Brother 8000, isn't virtual currency the same as Q coins? They are all virtual coins. How could this Bitcoin be so valuable? I immediately became interested in the currency circle.

However, regarding the matter of Bitcoin, it is only a whim in the office. Brother 8000 is still worried that if he comes out this time, he will be finished. If he goes out, he will have to run away in a hurry. In case of restricted consumption , can't even go abroad.


At the same time, after Tiansheng Holdings closed the 10th daily limit and closed the board, the convertible bond next door directly repaired and took off within the day, and in the afternoon, it turned red from the water and triggered one and two temporary stops one after another.

In the last three minutes of the late trading, the price of the convertible bond hit a high of 777.371 yuan today, and finally fell back. It closed up 28.09% on the day and closed at 725.070 yuan.

Some of the bettors were so daring, they bought the dips when the bottom flashed today, and they earned 40 or 50 points in blood today.

Convertible bonds have once again entered the frenzied frenzy stage, but they are still somewhat restrained compared to the previous continuation of the frenzy at the end of the session. There are fewer and fewer people overnight, and they all know that if they continue to rise like this, sooner or later, they will be subject to supervision.

Everyone knows it, but still can't resist the temptation. This wave of Tiansheng convertible bonds rose from the bottom of 117 yuan, and it rose five times in 10 days. Although it was much weaker than the previous wave, which also rose 14 times in 10 days, it is still quite exaggerated. what.

This wave of super main rises in the main stock, the 10-day increase of +159.37%, is indeed much weaker than that of convertible bonds.


Wednesday, April 11.

Before the market this morning, an analyst from Zhongxin Securities suddenly jumped out and raised his evaluation of Tiansheng Holdings. The target price was raised to 40,000 yuan within the year, and the total market value was 3.2 trillion yuan.

This wave of operations caught investors off guard.

"What's wrong with this guy under Zhongxin? Chasing Tiansheng Holdings all the way, is it love?"

"It's true love!"

"This time, Axin blamed Axin by mistake, and lost his wealth password."

"At the beginning, this analyst sang a lot when Tiansheng Holdings' stock price was more than 7,000 yuan."

"Hey~~, I could afford it first, but now I really can't afford it."

"Actually, it is possible to engage in securities ETFs. Tiansheng Holdings has made a surge. The securities ETFs have risen by nearly 20 points in the past four days. The main rising wave was lifted hard."

"This wave of brokerages was obviously suppressed by the main force and gave way to the leading big brother. Even so, the securities sector has risen by 18 points, worthy of being the king of stocks!"


An analyst from Zhongxin Securities came out to brush a wave of presence. An hour later, the results of the call auction came out. Tiansheng Holdings was "scared" and opened lower by -0.57%, attracting ridicule and ridicule from thousands of investors who eat melons.

But what I have to say is that Ashin has been chasing Tiansheng Holdings all the way, but he has regained the goodwill of the shareholders, but it is only a loss, and there can be no more.

As time went by, Tiansheng Holdings opened low and stepped back not much, and then began to rush up. The intraday high rose to +2.45%, and the stock price hit 32,814.4 yuan and began to fall back.

The next disk fluctuated up and down, and there was an obvious stagflation pattern. Investors who paid attention to this stock saw this stagflation situation and felt that Tiansheng Holdings' super main boom was coming to an end.

After the close, Tiansheng Holdings rose and fell, closing up +0.85%. The stock price closed at 32,300.2 yuan, with a total market value of 2,584.016 billion yuan.


The following day, Thursday, April 12.

At around 13:00 in the afternoon, the 8000 brothers in the detention center were already sitting in Nan'an. Let's check the time. Today is the day for "exit"!

I waited anxiously for a few more minutes, and finally someone came.

A police officer opened the door of Brother 8000's detention room, stood at the door and glanced at him and said, "Ye Gang, you can go now!"

Hearing this, Brother 8000 was in high spirits, and nodded again and again: "Okay, I will definitely be a good person in the future, I will not dare to do it next time, no, there will be no next time!"

The police didn't even bother to listen to him.

After going through the formalities, this 8000 brother is already familiar with him, and it is not the first time he has come in, and it may not be the last time.

After taking the confiscated items, Brother 8000 couldn't wait to take out his mobile phone when he left the police station door, and then turned to the securities trading APP software on the interface.

Brother 8000 looked at the time, it was around 13:21.


Without opening it immediately, Brother 8000 took a deep breath. At this moment, he was a little helpless. He was afraid that when he clicked in, the account would have been liquidated, and he would be penniless and bankrupt. Carry tens of millions of dollars in debt.


At this moment, Brother 8000 noticed that there were no unread messages in his mobile phone text messages. After reacting, he was a little excited on the spot, but he still held back.

If the account is liquidated, there are probably 10,000 unread messages in the SMS box, and there are no missed calls.

What does this mean?

Indicates that there is no explosion!

Didn't even get to the cordon!

This time, Brother 8000 logged into his securities account without hesitation. When he saw the account position information, he petrified on the spot.

It took three minutes for him to regain his senses.

Brother 8000 squinted his eyes and shook his head violently, and then looked at his holding account again, focusing on the floating profit and loss numbers and muttering: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 , 7, 8, 9, 10…”



Brother 8000 suddenly slapped himself, then raised his head for a moment, opened his mouth, his expression was very similar to Wang Dachui, and his mind was sending out three self-tortures to himself:

This is real?

Is this a dream?

Is this my account?

After a long time, Brother 8000 ended his self-torture, and then looked down at the phone screen again, staring at his securities account information.

Position target: Tiansheng Holdings (603230)

Number of shares held: 68,200 shares

Average cost: 14239.33 yuan

Current market price: 33219.56 yuan

Market value of positions: 2.2655 billion yuan

Profit and loss of the day: +62.7003 million yuan (+2.84%)

Floating profit and loss: +1.2759 billion yuan (+133.29%) He finally confirmed that this is all real, this is not a dream, this is his account!


Brother 8000 took a deep breath on the spot, covered the phone with both hands, kicked his legs and jumped up the whole person, and jumped three times in a row and shouted excitedly: "Grass mud horse, numb, numb, earn numb!"


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