Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 367: 【It's Gan】

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the reborn financial giant!

Brother 8000, who was staring at the market software, was also muttering while scanning the list. He randomly clicked a ticket on the list, code 002806, and the name Huafeng shares. The current market value is only 2.897 billion, a proper small cap share.

This ticket was listed at the end of July 2016. From the day of listing, it has gone out of the daily limit for 24 consecutive times, and the stock price hit a maximum of 79.95 yuan, which is crazy.

The auction opening today is only 21.15 yuan.

Brother 8000 looked at the K-line chart of this ticket. It fell by nearly 4 points the day before yesterday, and the transaction during the whole day was only a pitiful 26 million yuan. Released 80 million, a proper daily limit for heavy volume.

At this moment, the bidding result is also opened at a price of 21.15 yuan + 9.87%, which is a quasi-one-word board. The reason why the word "quasi" is included is because the bidding has not completely sealed the one-word board, and there is still 3 cents left to count. real cover.

"Just do this, I'm Young Master Ye coming to play the board relay!" Brother 8000 watched the ticket for a while, and he just did it without saying a word. I didn't pay attention, and I didn't even bother to press F10 to see the company's basic introduction. I don't care, just play.

At this time, there is still the last minute and a half before the market opens. Brother 8000 is a stud with his backhand. He will put the 130 million funds in the account into the daily limit, and it will be as vigorous as possible.

Since I don't care, the mentality is completely different, and of course there will be no hesitation in making a move!

It is worth mentioning that orders placed within 5 minutes from 9:25 to 30 are irrevocable. Orders can only be canceled after the market opens, but the price limit is often filled at the moment of opening before it can be withdrawn.

At 9:30, the continuous bidding was opened and the second board was blocked. The 130 million capital of 8000 brother was a proper main capital for this small-cap stock. After the opening of the market, his large orders were traded first, and more than 1,700 were traded in the first ten seconds. 10,000, someone sold another 25 million a minute later, most of which were eaten by Brother 8,000 because he had a lot of money.

And he still has 93 million unsold, and now he is lined up on the board with more than 40,000 tickets.

After the ticket was sold for about 40 million, there was no transaction volume. Because there was no volume in the selling order, the funds and some retail investors in the ticket saw such a strong shrinking second board, and naturally they would not sell it. out of will.

Ten minutes later, not only did 8,000 brothers have more than 40,000 orders, but other funds were added to 100,000 orders.

"Direct seconds, Wanshou brother 6666..."

"Fuck, when I saw that the bidding was not blocked, I thought it was a lure for multiple haircuts. It sold out and I couldn't get in!"

"Take off!"

"The main force!"

"The closing fund is more than 200 million yuan, it should be stable!"

Looking at the content of the barrage floating through the time-sharing interface, Brother 8000 is quite comfortable, and the secret channel has increased his strength. Brother likes it very much.

Just throwing tens of millions in this kind of small ticket is the main force and big capital, and the impact on stock price fluctuations is visible to the naked eye. Inside, the water won't splash a few drops.

Brother 8000's operation has no logic. It just depends on the mood to do things. It is by virtue of his unpretentious "money ability" that he directly brings the mood of this ticket to the same level.

Later, more short-term funds came in to seal the board. Brother 8000 didn't understand why the sudden increase of funds came in and queued up for a while, but he didn't think much about it. After buying it, he didn't pay attention to it after watching it for a while. The bill funds have not been withdrawn, they are just hanging there.

Brother 8000 got up and left in front of the computer, changed his clothes, and went to the garage of the villa. There were five brand-new luxury cars in it. Rambo and Faraday were among them, and they were all worth tens of millions.

He randomly selected a lot and left the villa, and then drove the luxury car to flirt with the girl.

The Huafeng shares he bought this morning hardly changed hands during the session, and the orders on the board increased from 100,000 to 170,000.

The reason is that there are funds in the market to classify Huafeng shares as a chip theme, and today's chip concept theme has skyrocketed against the bad news. Yesterday, due to the bad news that Zhongxing was sanctioned, technology stocks led by the communication sector plummeted across the board. , and even the broader market crashed more than 3 percent.

The topic of chip concepts has also been popular for a while. With such a big negative, most people, especially retail investors, are bearish, especially in the semiconductor sector. Yesterday, most people were scared to cut their meat and were killed by the army of bears. Throw away your armor and flee.

But today, not only did the entire chip sector not get out of the market that retail investors thought continued to plummet, but instead jumped upwards and opened higher all day long and rushed upwards.

This has blinded the popularity of cutting meat yesterday, and various technology stocks have reversed yesterday's big negative lines.

The Huafeng shares have shown their strength when the whole market was crying yesterday, and the daily limit was closed against the trend. Today, it opened almost straight and further strengthened. Stud went in to bring up the emotions, causing the ticket to be opened directly on the second board.

Other funds in the market are not idle either. Some people who are keen on the market have a huge disagreement with the vast majority of retail investors at this time. As soon as the Zhongxing Communications incident came out, retail investors thought about the rhythm of the dead. Technology stocks are about to collapse, and the people of Magnesium are about to block domestic semiconductors, which is super bad, so hurry up!

The idea of ​​another batch of funds is completely opposite, what is Zhongxing sanctioned to manage my chip semiconductors? Even if the communication sector falls, what is the matter with your chip sector falling into a dog? This is one aspect.

In addition, on the other hand, these few smart funds quickly realized that this sudden incident suddenly became a hot event for the whole people to participate in the discussion. The attention of the whole people means popularity, and popularity means there is Funds, but from another perspective, the high-tech field is stuck, we should seek breakthroughs, and we should support domestic enterprises. Not only is this not bad, but there is a huge expectation of potential state support, which should be good.

These quick-response funds were able to understand this logic in one night and even some people at the end of the day, and boldly went in. Today, the chip sector directly gapped upwards and opened higher.

The retail investors were stunned in the early hesitant to wait for a callback, but they hesitated for an hour in the early trading, and the stock price was higher. I regretted constantly in my heart, and finally I could only vent my anger in the comment area.

Today's market is still in continuous decline. The three major indexes are green. Only the chip theme in the entire market has bucked the trend and has risen sharply.

Huafeng shares really have nothing to do with chips, but yesterday's daily limit was already recognizable. Today, the second board has the potential to be a demon, and the recognition is stronger. Hot money directly classifies him as a chip-themed stock to speculate. Force a concept.

If it is really a company related to the chip theme, the hot money will not come to speculate on this ticket, which is very paradoxical, and retail investors cannot understand it.

Emotional hype, money says you are, you are not, and money says you are not, and you are not.

Those who bet against the trend in the technology sector today are indeed betting right. Not only are they emotionally betting right, but there is news from the opening ceremony of the Science and People's Livelihood Foundation shortly after the market closes today. Lu Ming's opening ceremony The celebration speech and the operation direction of the foundation have greatly stimulated the technology sector, and those who have a first-mover advantage are excited.


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