Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 375: [Empty glove white wolf, I am a wolf and a wolf myself]

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If the foundation wants to become an LP member of Tiansheng Capital, it has to invest money, but the foundation's current account of more than 160 billion cannot be used for investment. Where does the money come from?

And if you want a higher return on investment, the higher the principal, the better. Where does the principal of the foundation's investment come from?

Very simple, leverage, that is, the foundation adds leverage and debt to itself!

The specific operation method is that Lu Ming lends his own money to the foundation, intending to lend 300 billion yuan to the foundation as the principal for investment, and then the foundation entrusts this money to Tiansheng Capital Management to become one of its LP institutions. After earning money, return the principal and interest to Lu Ming.

For example, after doubling the profit of more than 300 billion yuan, the total is more than 600 billion yuan. The foundation will return the more than 300 billion yuan in debt to Lu Ming with interest, and the remaining 300 billion yuan is the foundation's net assets, which is Empty glove white wolf, and he is also empty glove and white wolf.

However, Lu Ming doesn't have so much cash flow to lend to the foundation anymore. The dividends from the past were allocated to the Science and People's Livelihood Fund and his own family trust fund.

Although his current worth is as high as 1.3 trillion, this is the nominal worth of 55% of Tiansheng Holdings he holds, and the actual disposable cash assets belonging to his personal name have not even reached 10 million, and will not be reduced. Holding the shares of Tiansheng Holdings, another his shares have not passed the lifting period, and the ban will not be lifted until April 2019.

But, no problem!

These are not a problem for Lu Ming at all. With stock assets worth 1.3 trillion yuan in his name, it is not easy to find 300 billion liquidity to lend to the foundation?

A stake pledge is done!

Pledge out the stock at a discount, and then get the current cash flow, don't you have the money?

300 billion is not enough for a bank, but if Lu Ming is willing, the major banks will definitely break the threshold. What banks like most is to lend money to people who are not short of money. They often send umbrellas in sunny days and collect them in rainy days.

All banks know that Lu Ming's business is a low-risk high-quality business, and the amount is really huge, but it doesn't matter, the bank is not worried that Lu Ming can't afford it. , and further share the risk.

If Lu Ming is facing bankruptcy now, it can basically indicate a super earthquake in the domestic financial market. It is difficult for people to imagine how big a financial crisis must have occurred to cause Lu Ming to go bankrupt. His bankruptcy does not only represent himself. Bankruptcy, as well as Tiansheng Capital and the trillions of money under its control all mean that something big has happened.

Conversely speaking, it is too big to fail, so of course banks can borrow with confidence.

Then there is an interesting logic, the more this is the case, the less able Lu Ming is to fail. It is precisely because he knows that he cannot fail, so the bank dares to give it more, and then it is even more impossible to fail, so the positive feedback continues.

However, Lu Ming did not intend to pledge to the bank, but pledged to the LP institution under Tiansheng Capital, but not to Tiansheng Capital, because the "Company Law" stipulates that the company shall not accept the company's stock as the subject of the pledge, so As a shareholder of Tiansheng Capital, Lu Ming cannot pledge his equity to Tiansheng Capital.

However, the company's LP can accept Lu Ming's equity pledge as a pledgee. There is nothing wrong with the LP's money being managed by Lu Ming, but legally speaking, the money belongs to someone else.

It's really complicated to go around in circles, but there must be a process to follow. Lu Ming's operation is completely in his own financial system, taking the money out and putting it back in the end.

In fact, nothing has changed. The only change is the change of the owner. In fact, science and funds have not paid a cent, but they have actually leveraged the principal of 300 billion yuan and become a major LP member of Tiansheng Capital. .

The total scale of Tiansheng Capital's own assets + managed LP assets has not changed.

The reason for not pledging to the bank is also very simple. Tiansheng Capital currently has too much liquid cash, and it is impossible to invest more than 300 billion from the bank immediately, and it can only depreciate on the book. There is no need.

300 billion is not a small amount just to depreciate after lying down for a day.

Now, a lot of money has been invested in the bond market, but Tiansheng Capital's liquid cash is still more than 1.5 trillion yuan. Lu Ming does not expect to make much profit in the bond market. It is just a means to hedge inflation as a whole.

If you go in for a while, you won’t be able to come out. The most profitable thing is stocks. It’s already mid-to-late April, and there’s still about half a year left before you can buy the big A in a big way.

Lu Ming is now holding the cash flow, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, waiting for the bottom of the gold to come out, and then work in it. As for Tiansheng Capital's performance in the second half of the year, of course, he has to cut foreign leeks to enrich its performance.

The funds cashed out from North America are still in Hong Kong to this day. When the "Vest" is finished, it is ready to attack the world as diving capital at any time. In the second half of the year, I have to get a vote back.

It just so happens that Tiansheng QDIE Fund's current outbound foreign exchange quota is useless, and it has risen to 7.5 billion US dollars. The 300 billion yuan from the Science and People's Livelihood Foundation has been implemented. After officially becoming Tiansheng Capital LP, it will directly take the foundation's LP funds. About 47 billion yuan will be exchanged for 7.5 billion U.S. dollars to go overseas, and priority will be given to this money to make high-return profits.

Let the funds of the foundation make more profits, and the leveraged liabilities can be reduced as soon as possible.


The next day, Friday.

This week ushered in the last transaction. The chip semiconductor sector has pulled out two big Yang lines that rose by more than +5% on Wednesday and Thursday in a row.

Yesterday Thursday, the chip sector set off a rising tide in the afternoon, but the ebb was also very fast. There was a differentiation in the late half an hour, and it began to go away from the weak to the strong that day. I really didn't guess at the beginning and didn't guess at the end.

There is further differentiation today. The miscellaneous hairs that follow the trend and rise directly in the auction will open a lot lower, and they will not even give it a shot. The bowl of noodles that I chased in yesterday is sour and refreshing.

The leaders in the sector all opened higher today, and Trillion Innovation directly opened more than 3 points higher, setting a record high.

At this time, many retail investors admit their mistakes cut their hair and chased the leader. The barrage comment area is shouting that the strong are going to be strong, and the leading stocks have reached new highs. The space above has been opened, and there is no pressure. Bullish!

At 9:30, the official opening of continuous bidding, the chip and semiconductor sector opened up and moved up, Huiding Technology, Zhaoyi Innovation, etc. rose by more than 5%, especially Zhaoyi Innovation, which opened straight up, +5.75%, +6.54%, 7.39%…

Investors see that every minute and every second is breaking new highs. This is the rhythm of entering the second board. In a hurry, hurry up and buy quickly. The strong are always strong, the leader is the strongest, and Tiansheng Capital is at the first level The market has already laid out this vote, holding 13% of the total share capital. What is the panic of a brother sitting in the seat?

It's Gan!

Just when everyone thought that Trillion Innovation was going to be the leader of today's semiconductor sector...

At 9:31:52, a 14,300-hand selling order was thrown out with a "snap", interrupting the upward momentum. At the click of a click, the time-sharing line was smashed to +6.29%. Investors who went in felt a "squeak" in their hearts when they saw this selling...

A bad premonition gradually came to my mind.

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