Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 380: 【dialogue】

On Saturday morning, Lu Ming's special car took him to the temporary studio set up by the "Dialogue" program team in Ningzhou. After receiving a phone call from the assistant to the president of Tiansheng Capital, the program team stopped overnight yesterday. Exploding liver, set up the studio.

Since Lu Ming became famous, he has never been interviewed by any media, nor has he participated in any public forums and conferences.

Those well-known Internet bigwigs either appeared in this forum or that summit, or this show or that party. Every three to five years, they swiped the whole network, causing all kinds of melon-eating netizens to watch and watch.

In comparison, Lu Ming, a new-generation business leader, is simply "too low-key", but again, he really can't keep a low profile when his strength is there.

Although people don't appear in the rivers and lakes, there are legends of a brother everywhere in the rivers and lakes. This is Lu Ming's influence.

The day before yesterday, at the inauguration ceremony of the Science and People's Livelihood Fund, which triggered a collective "riot" of chip semiconductors and turned the audience up. At today's height, what Lu Ming said could easily trigger short-term mood swings in the capital market.

His current influence, at least in China, has reached the height of Warren Buffett, but there is still a gap between him, and this gap lies in the radiation range of his influence.

Lu Ming's current influence can only radiate to the domestic capital market. Although there are also foreign countries, it has not yet reached the domestic level.

And Buffett's influence radiates all over the world. After all, he has dominated the financial world for decades, and he is also an 88-year-old old man. The qualifications are there, Lu Ming is only 27 years old this year.


Around 10:00, Lu Ming came to the studio.

The host of the show saw that the superstars of today's capital market were coming, and hurriedly stepped forward to receive them. Knowing that Lu Ming was in a hurry, he exchanged a few words and started recording the show as soon as possible.

In fact, the program team is also in a hurry. After recording in the morning, they will start editing and post-processing immediately, because this program is premiered on Yangshi Finance Channel every Saturday at 9:30 pm.

That is to say, it will be broadcast tonight. Of course, there is also a pre-recording. If Lu Ming doesn't come, another episode that has been recorded will be broadcast, but if Lu Ming accepts it, he will be broadcast first today.

The dialogue section of this episode is also different from the past. In the past, there were several people who communicated with each other. This section is a platform for communication and dialogue. The characters who can appear on this show are from various fields with considerable weight. Big Brother: Or the authoritative person who influences the economy, or the corporate giant who has experienced the ups and downs of the business world, or the parties who have witnessed hot events, etc.

Basically, many well-known bigwigs from all walks of life have appeared on this show.

But there is only one guest in today's episode, Lu Ming. The reason is that he won't participate unless the show team comes. Lu Ming's wrist is a bit big, and now there are only a handful of people in China who can invite him. .

The reason why it took so much effort to even come to Ningzhou is that if Lu Ming was not invited to this show once, it would always feel that it was not perfect, and it would be a little bit worse.

If the show crew went to Ningzhou to record the content of the show in person, they would definitely not be able to invite other big stars to be in the same frame. Others are not as big as Lu Ming, and they are also a wrist. If they come here, it does not mean that they are one of Lu Ming's side. supporting role?

How embarrassing is that?

The program team is also very clear about this, so it is impossible to invite other people. This episode of the program is definitely different from usual.

But it doesn't matter, it is precisely because Lu Ming hardly participates in the program or the forum, and now that he agrees to it, it seems that the dialogue is a good point for this program. My colleagues in the media industry can't invite big bosses who can't be hired by my program team. Move, don't you have a pen?

Not only has the show's force been stabilized, but it has also risen to a higher level at once.

After three or five minutes, Lu Ming and the host went to the studio and sat down. The scene was relatively simple, with a single sofa for each person, a table next to the sofa, and a bottle of water on the table.

The host saw that the staff outside the camera made a sign that everything was ready to start, and immediately turned his attention to Lu Ming: "Mr. Lu, can we start?"

Lu Ming, who was sitting in a big boss position, stretched out one hand and then retracted it, nodding his head to indicate that he could be ready at any time.

After a while, the host said: "Mr. Lu, as the founder of Tiansheng Capital, what kind of company do you think this is? Some people say that Tiansheng Capital should not be placed in the securities sector. What do you think?"

Hearing this, Lu Ming smiled and asked back: "Then it can't be placed in the banking sector, right? As a non-bank financial company, it is not appropriate to be classified in the insurance sector, and it can't be said to be a separate sector, right?"

The host smiled and said, "So it can only be placed in the securities sector."

Lu Ming said: "This is really not important, where it is placed does not change the fundamental nature of the company, but I am stunned to say that the impact may be the allocation of ETF varieties in the industry, as for what kind of company Tiansheng Capital is... Sheng Capital is betting heavily on the new energy industry, and the main reason is that we think we are entrepreneurs."

Host: "It just happens to be an investor?"

Lu Ming smiled and nodded: "That's right, that's what I want to express, we are entrepreneurs, and we happen to be in the investment business, so from this point of view, why should I leave enough for myself? Therefore, I think Tiansheng Capital should be renamed Tiansheng Venture Group.”

The host said in a curious tone: "The flexibility space you said is..."

Lu Ming is also straightforward and simple: "The translation is four words, I have the final say! Haha~~"

Hearing this, the host couldn't help laughing on the spot, and further deconstructed the words Lu Ming, which means that the LP of Tiansheng Capital paid the money and went to the side to cool off.

In fact, that's pretty much what it meant. From the moment the agreement was signed, the investor would have handed over the control of the money for the next ten or twenty years to Lu Ming. What he wanted to do with it, LP could not interfere.

Although LP institutions can inquire, Tiansheng Capital reserves the right to refuse, because the investment also involves commercial secrets, and Tiansheng Capital has more than one LP institution.

The only thing that can stop Lu Ming is to withdraw unilaterally, but the price is very high. 20% of the redemption funds and all the profits during the period are used as liquidated damages.

What's more, even killing major LP institutions will not do such stupid criticism. The reason is very simple. Except for the invisible rich Qiao Jingping who jumped in the queue and got on the bus, the previous LPs now entrusted all funds to Tiansheng Capital. doubled.

For example, Chaoyun Trust has a return rate of seven or eight times its profits. At this time, it unilaterally defaults and exits. All these profits will go to Tiansheng Capital, and the principal will be deducted by 20% for compensation. Pigs can’t do such stupid things.

At this time, Lu Ming, who had his legs crossed, said eloquently: "This is not to say that it is a matter of fact, and it does not mean that the company has lost the collective efforts of the company. The helmsman has the absolute right to speak and is able to accept good words. He has obtained the collective efforts and avoided endless wrangling. The collective power of the absolute right to speak is endless wrangling and kicking the ball. What is a GP? While having the absolute right to speak, there are also unlimited joint and several responsibilities, while the LP has only limited responsibility.”

Lu Ming added: "I have invested in so many companies that basically have this characteristic, that is, the leader of the company, or the founder, no matter how much equity he holds, he must have the ability to overcome all opinions. He has the final say. The ability to have absolute control over the company, and I would never invest in a company with a chaotic team of founders.”

Host: "This is why Tiansheng Capital does not invest in OFO?"

Lu Ming: "What are you talking about on the Internet, Xiaohuangche? Yes, our company had an investment intention report on Xiaohuangche last year. I personally gave it a no. Basically, I can make a bold judgment. The company is cold."

The host couldn't help laughing and said, "If you say that, I guess the shareholders of OFO will be in a panic and won't be able to sleep after watching our show tonight."

Tiansheng Capital's sturdy record is on display. Lu Ming's mouth is more powerful than the one who has opened his mouth. The success of avoiding the giant pit mine of Leshi is still vivid in my Mr. Jia is still returning next week...

The outside world felt that Tianxiu's divine operation was the perfect "flash" last month, which made the commander of the beautiful country flinch. People in the industry all called Tianxiu-level operations. This divine operation is logically speaking. It is necessary to be able to get the news very early, but everyone knows that Lu Ming can't have eyes and ears around the great commander. So I can only marvel at Tianxiu.

It's such a character, now it's going to be cold to name the little yellow car, it's like the first brother directly sentenced to death.

But the worst part is that the first brother said it, and that is another matter.

The host said in surprise: "Are you not optimistic about this new industry model of the sharing economy?"

Lu Ming shook his head: "It's the founder of the company who made a big taboo. All five shareholders have one-vote veto power. As long as one of the shareholders is dissatisfied and one-vote veto, you don't want to pass major decisions. At that time, I saw According to the report materials of the investment and research department, I saw the company's shareholding structure and threw it in the trash for this project.


Ps: Friendship recommends the new history book of the great **** Lao Wang. The title of the book is also domineering. It is just one word "Zhen". The old iron who likes history can go and read it.


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