Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 397: 【fierce】

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the reborn financial giant!

The result of the call auction of Zijing Mining opened +1.53% with a share price of 3.98 yuan, and the auction transaction volume reached 357 million yuan, reaching the top position in the auction transaction of the two stocks today.

The bulls actually won, although it was a small victory, but it really surprised the melon-eating investors and OTC funds, because now this stock, everyone with a discerning eye knows that the bulls are mainly retail investors, and the bears are mainly institutions. .

In fact, the institutions that smashed the market today did not go all out. Seeing that the bullish sentiment is so high, the institutional funds also hope to rush to a high level and then smash hard, and they can generate more profits, and they can also drive yesterday. The quilted funds become short positions and can be poured out together, so why not do it with one fell swoop?

As long as the retail investors make a profit and then drop it, watching the profits continue to fall and even lose money, it will greatly drive them to take profits and stop profits.


At the same time, Lao Yang's short-term hot money team still has some positions in Huafeng shares today, and most of the funds are in short positions waiting for new opportunities.

There are still about three minutes before the opening time, Lao Yang immediately instructed: "Everyone pay attention, prepare all the short-term funds, and direct all the Stud Violet Mining Mining today, and then the positions in Huafeng shares will be sold directly, and then Immediately stud to Zijing Mining for this ticket! Remember that all short-term funds and all positions are taken in!"

The twenty or so brothers in the group were all very surprised.

Group friends: "Old Yang, is it so fierce? Just a shuttle? That's 247 million!"

Old Yang was staring at the time-sharing board of Zijing Mining, and immediately replied: "The current transaction volume of Zijing Mining has reached the scale of tens of billions, and we can't even find anything if we spend more than 2 billion in it. Big waves come out."

Qunyou: "This ticket released a huge amount of 17.9 billion yesterday, out of such a terrifying upper shadow line, and the retail investors' funds locked up on it are tens of billions of dollars. With such a heavy selling pressure, will I be smashed when I enter today? …”

Lao Yang: "I can't rule out this possibility, but it's more likely that I'm optimistic about it being a demon, this ticket is so tossed now, the popularity is too terrifying, the emotional index has exploded, and the first brother has been pulled into the water by retail investors, there is such a ticket The big gods and giants are sitting in the town, and they can't go anywhere, and this vote is one of the constituent stocks of the Tiansheng 50 index, which shows that the fundamentals are fine."

Lao Yang: "Now the popularity explosion is very worthwhile. I guess all kinds of funds in the market, including other large and small hot funds, are also watching closely. I am a bit more aggressive.

Friends of the group: "Old Yang, you say do it, then do it!"

Group friends: "Go!"

Group friends: "Then I placed the order directly on the daily limit?"

Lao Yang: "Yes, those who have a position will hang up the price limit first to grab money!"

The attention and popularity of the ticket of Zijing Mining is very high now. As far as the big A cities are unmatched, Tiansheng Holdings has to give way temporarily. The big and small retail investors, large and small institutions, large and small hot money and even foreign capital have the eyes All pay attention.


The market opened on time at 9:30. At this moment, the long-established bulls were in a hurry and topped at the same time. Lao Yang and others immediately dropped the limit and smashed the remaining positions of Huafeng shares, and then exchanged the freed up funds to Zizi. Concentrates stud again.

+4.36%, +6.79%, +8.96%...+9.95%, Zijing Mining's stock price hit 4.31 yuan at 9:31:57, almost straight up the daily limit!

[The gold concept plate opened higher, Zijing Mining closed the daily limit, Chifeng Gold, Silver Gold, etc. followed up]

The major market software pushes the news before and after, and the time-sharing barrage of Zijing Mining is also very popular now.



"This board seal hangs!"

"Blast the empty dog!"

"Hahaha, the organization was blown up!"

"One brother will always drop God!"

"Reverse the daily limit, the brothers are too good!"


After the opening of Zijing Mining, 3.2 billion volume of energy was traded in just three minutes, and the turnover rate reached 4.36%. This wave of volume and energy released yesterday's short-term quilt funds and bottom-hunting profits. run away.

In short, the trading is very active, and the turnover is also increasing.

Lao Yang's short-term hot money team's funds are suspended and rush to raise funds. There is no suspense, and the stud has come in. Now more than 20 brothers in the group are calling Lao Yang Niubi!

Time progressed minute by minute, and Zijing Mining's daily limit board funds were superimposed crazily. At 9:49, it reached an astonishing 7 million lots, with a capital scale of more than 3 billion.

All walks of life, large and small retail investors, large and small hot money were stunned, and they all shouted terror in their hearts.

With such a scale, no matter how you look at it, tomorrow will be the rhythm of the top all the way.

But just when everyone thought that it would be impossible to open the board today, and it would be sealed from beginning to end to closing, the unexpected happened.

At about 9:51, a large number of institutions holding Zijing Mining almost unanimously sold their positions at this moment, and the volume of orders that had been continuously superimposed on the daily limit plummeted.

It's not that the funds lined up to buy at the daily limit have been withdrawn, but that the transaction is crazy!

The barrage fryer of the time-sharing chart is up!

"The gang of institutional empty dogs are going to be unable to seal the deal!"

"Hold on, brothers!"

"Wori, more than 6 million lots were eaten up in less than 10 seconds. How can the short position be so strong? Nima's nearly 3 billion closing funds have been eaten!"

"Fried the board, **** it!"

"Hold on! Hold on! Hold on so fast!"


At 9:51:43, the board of Zijing Mining exploded!

The agency is still desperately smashing and shipping, and the retail investors who think it is impossible to fry the board directly call to leave work early, and also relax their nervous and exciting nerves, and they are caught off guard.

At the moment when the board was fried, many retail investors who were bottom-hunting at yesterday's low level also followed the trend and fled to lock in profits, and became a member of the short-selling energy.

At this time, the stock price fluctuated violently after the explosion, and the long and short sides staged an epic showdown. How intense is the market? From the violent fluctuations of the time-sharing line in a short period of time, one or two can be glimpsed.

After frying the board, because the retail investors were caught off guard, it directly hit +4.73% from the closing board, and cut in half from the daily limit.

Afterwards, the retail investors all reacted and went up in one go, and the stock price rose to +7.19% in one minute, but the short-sellers poured down further, and the stock price was not only smashed down, but also smashed down. It went deeper and dropped to +1.98%, but retail investors were not satisfied, and then launched a counterattack again, and the stock price rebounded to the +4.52% water level.

The long and short sides are vying for each other, and the stock price fluctuates violently.

The people who eat melons outside the market are all dumbfounded. The time-sharing market information of Zijing Mining is constantly refreshed. The Wanshou brother appears one after another. The stock price is not high. This Wanshou brother is not. It's the emergence of pieces.

At about 9:56, the short position can again frantically smash the market, which is a single transaction of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of hands. Many institutions are one-click liquidation.

The stock price of Zijing Mining dropped from the +4.52% water level to below the zero axis in just six or seven seconds and walked out of the intraday low, and turned green for the first time. At this time, retail investors panicked when they saw the green!

In just five minutes or so, the transaction volume exceeded 7 billion, and today the cumulative transaction scale has been enlarged to 11.3 billion, and the turnover rate has also reached 9.87%.

Kong Fang really does not press to death, but presses to death.

The major market software has pushed the small window of the alert message one after another:

[The gold concept sector fell Mining's deep dive turned green, Chifeng Gold, Silver Gold, etc. fell more than -4%]

Not only the gold concept sector, but also the non-ferrous metal sector has been dragged down. It can be said that the fire at the city gate has affected Chiyu.

When the stock price turned green, the retail investors had already started to panic. Although they were madly brushing the barrage to cheer, they really became less and less optimistic about this disk in their hearts.

At the same time, Lu Ming, who is sitting in the office, has been staring at the ultimate confrontation between the long and short sides staged by Zijing Mining since the opening of the market today. , countless pairs of eyes are staring at the sidelines.

When the stock price turned green, Lu Ming glanced at the market information, and there was no order at the price of 3.60 yuan. Lu Ming, who was staring at the market, couldn't help muttering to himself: "The ability of retail investors to do long has been exhausted. The mood of being long continues to be frustrated, and the panic begins to spread, and it is probably time for Lao Li to take action!"


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