Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 400: [Lu Ming's damage move]

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As soon as this news came out, it was like a heart booster injected into the market, and investors who bought it today celebrated.

"Comfortable, count the boards, count the boards, and keep the daily limit properly!"

"Institutions stealing chickens can't fail to lose rice, and shipping them is the floor price of cutting meat, haha!"

"My Nima is also sold, Gan!"

"Similarly, in the early trading, I was still complacent about the sudden collapse of the board after selling it. Now Nima's 20 years of cerebral thrombosis has been cleared."


"You can rest assured to carry the sedan chair for the first brother, haha!"

"The jade card that the first brother posted on his personal social media account actually meant this, and the old brother really guessed it."

"Bring the prophet, the knife!"

"Everyone, don't sell it, let those institutions that broke the market cry to death!"

"One brother will never cheat people with goods!"


As soon as the placard announcement came out, all investors who held the stock were quite excited. After such a toss, the target of Zijing Mining can basically confirm that it can ignore the trend of the international gold price and go out of the independent market against the trend.

For no other reason, the emotions are in place, and the key is that the funds are also in place.

As soon as the market opened in the afternoon, Tiansheng Capital's 27.8 million orders for Zijing Mining's stock price of 3.6 yuan were withdrawn, which did not affect the queuing funds on the daily limit, and more than 2 million orders were firmly sealed.

Most of the orders are hot money and board players and some institutional funds, etc. There are also many retail investors who sell flying trying to play boards again, but after queuing for a long time, there is no transaction volume on the board, and the holders are extremely cherished. One is willing to change hands, and he knows that basically he will not be able to get in.

Not only a large number of retail investors have gone empty, but many big funds and hot money have gone empty.

After such a toss, more and more funds in the market have been attracted to the gold concept sector, because the emotions are concentrated here, after Zijing Mining was blocked, the funds will not stupidly queue up to play the board, but turn around and To engage in other gold stocks.

At around 14:20 in the afternoon, the gold concept sector led the rise in the two markets, and set off a daily limit, and stocks such as Chifeng Gold, Silver Gold, Shandong Gold, Zhongjin Gold, and Xibu Gold had their daily limit.

Not only that, in the last half hour of the late trading, the non-ferrous metal sector was also taken away, because most of the listed companies in the non-ferrous metal industry are more or less related to the concept of gold.

In the last half hour, it can go up if it is dipped in gold. As long as you buy individual stocks in this sector, it is basically difficult to lose money.

After the market closed, there were obviously more people discussing the concept of gold, and many stock reviewers began to review the analysis. reason for the fall.

For example, when the bottom is rising in heavy volume, the big Vs say that the trend is reversed and the main force is entering the market. If the heavy volume is falling, the big Vs say that the funds panic and flee, and there are new lows and new lows.

To sum up, it is the responsibility of the big Vs to find a reason for the stock price to rise or fall, and to use this reason to justify the fall, purely for the sake of proof.

Yesterday on Monday, Zijing Mining's daily limit and fried board turned green. After the close of the day, the big V said that the main force was shipping with the help of favorable prices, and retail investors took the orders.

Out of the sky today, the big Vs have released a fresh review analysis, saying that this is the main force of violence, and retail investors cannot have such a large transaction volume, and then draw a picture to talk about the technical aspects, let’s talk about the fundamentals of the industry, and then It is a combination of news, and finally the emotional side, OK, this is the reason why Zijing Mining will rise.

The main force was in tears when they saw it, and they all wanted to shoot these big Vs to death. The labor and capital were washed out by violence!

In the afternoon, the Longhu list came out, and Zijing Mining was on the list. The reason for the list was that the intraday amplitude reached 15%. The net purchase of the stock was 1.236 billion. Among the top five purchasers, buying one seat is for institutional use. The number of shares invested is 460 million shares, and the purchase amount is 1.656 billion yuan.

There is no doubt that the dedicated seat of this institution is Tiansheng Capital. The data is completely consistent with the information disclosed in the placard announcement at noon.

There were three well-known big hot money in the other buying seats. The buying amount was 379 million, 336 million and 158 million respectively. UBS Securities, an overseas institution, bought the five seats with a buying amount of 127 million.

And in the sales seats are five institutional seats.

It was only at this time that everyone confirmed that, oh, it was not retail investors who were washed out by violence, but the so-called main force of institutions. In just two trading days, there were basically no more than one out of ten.

Because the turnover of more than 30 billion in two days, for the stock of this stock, it has been fully changed, because among the top ten shareholders, the first and second largest shareholders alone account for nearly half of the proportion. Shares, as well as the Social Security 103 portfolio, etc., these holders will not change hands frequently.


Around 17:30 in the afternoon, Lu Ming's office.

"Chairman, what do you need me to do?" Han Qiulin entered the office.

"Go ahead and spread such a news on the Internet as a netizen, listing a list of Zijing Mining's institutional fund holdings." Lu Ming said while pondering: "Then launch public opinion to ridicule, let the majority of netizens, Jimin and shareholders There's nothing better than throwing a pinch of salt on a wound."

Said Lu Ming with a calm smile.

Tiansheng Capital also doesn't know which institutional funds have been sold in the past two days. If you want to know, you have to go to the village chief to ask for data, but Lu Ming will definitely not do this, which is equivalent to exposure.

However, it is almost impossible to get a batch out of the company, and there is no plan to "publicly execute it", so I have to continue to use it.

When Han Qiulin heard what he said, she couldn't help laughing and teasing: "Chairman, you are really bad. You made such a sinister trick. This is a murder and you have to be punished..."

Lu Ming sat comfortably against the boss's chair, and said calmly, "The tricks are indeed a bit damaged, but they also asked for it themselves. If they don't take advantage of me to trumpet to make more gold varieties, they will ship the products. This kind of thing will not happen, this evil fruit is planted by them, and they have to eat!"

Han Qiulin: "Okay, I'll prepare."

"Hey, wait a minute." Lu Ming stopped Han Qiulin, who turned to look at him: "Does the chairman have any other orders?"

After thinking about it, Lu Ming said: "Remember to have a hazy feeling, don't really hammer it, make a list, don't point with a positive nature, I'm not just to disgust the other party, but to pass Public opinion continues to squeeze short and they are forced to chase up and buy sedan chairs."

Han Qiulin: "Understood."

Once the news spreads on a large scale, those who sell the goods will definitely not be able to withstand the pressure of public opinion, because no one wants to leave an unforgettable black history for themselves and be taken out and flogged from time to time in the future.

It is still possible to cover up the embarrassment of being washed out, that is, before the announcement of the position in the second quarter, hurry up and sneak up to take over the market, and carry the sedan chair. Change can cover up the embarrassment of being washed out.

As for the net value of the fund, it can be dumped on other stocks. The fund is not just buying one target. Although the net value of the fund has fallen, it is not very good, but it is still better than leaving a black history.

Two hours later, a "main preparation list" that did not know where it came from suddenly appeared on the Internet, and it quickly spread. spread.

More and more people are ridiculing that this is a "shooting list". It is rumored on the Internet that this is listed by a bored netizen. It is possible that the institution that holds the stock of Zijing Mining but was washed out by retail investors may Just on this list.

When the parties saw the news, especially when they saw that the fund they managed was on the list of "shot-to-kill", they were suddenly embarrassed.

An institution that was regarded as the top of the food chain was actually washed out by retail investors. In Big A, this is definitely a shameful If it is actually hammered, when it is mixed in the circle in the future, Colleagues may think in their hearts: oh, this is not the buddy who was washed by retail investors.

It's embarrassing to think about, and it's annoying to think about it.

Tonight, this group of people had dinner together again, and they got together again to discuss how to deal with them in order to keep their reputation.

In the end, a consensus was reached, and they took over the offer and bought it back secretly. They didn't struggle for too long when they made such a decision. Anyway, the money from Christian Democrats was accepted as soon as they received the offer.

With the change of day and night and the dawn of the day, Big A also ushered in the third trading day of this week.

The early auction has not yet started, and there are many barrages chatting on the time-sharing interface of Zijing Mining, which shows the high popularity.

This ticket is currently the leader of popularity in the two cities, which is recognized by most people. Although it has only just stepped out of the first daily limit, the certainty is too strong, the recognition degree is too strong, and the popularity attention is also super strong, especially the one The rare case of a large-ticket institution being washed out by a group of retail investors is too topical.


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