Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 485: 【Open pattern】

The next two days will be the last two trading days of this week. On August 31, Dongfang Communications successfully walked out of the seven-link board, and its stock price rose to 9.97 yuan, a cumulative increase of 94.72% in just seven trading days, nearly one day. times the increase.

This made many moviegoers secretly slap their thighs and regret not getting in the car, and now they are even more afraid to get in because they are afraid of heights.

At the same time, it also makes many investors doubt life, especially those who stick to value investing in Big A. The recent performance of blue-chip white horse stocks is indescribable, and Wu Liangye is about to break a new low for the year.

They are extremely angry at the market situation. The price investors suddenly found that when you talk to him about growth and expectations, he tells you that value investing is king and profit growth is the cornerstone; when you talk to him about value investing At that time, he told you that there is no ceiling in the imagination space, as long as there is growth expectation, the sacrifice can fly to the sky without profit.

For example, Ningde Times, a new stock on the GEM, continued to maintain a rising trend after a slight correction after the opening of the board. Now the stock price has exceeded 100 yuan, successfully surpassing the pig factory Wenshi shares to become the current market value of the GEM The newest brother.

Another example is Dongfang Communications, which is a popular stock out of the seven-link board, and technology stocks are more interested in growth, even if there is no profit, it does not matter.

At the beginning of September, it was weekends and weekends. In the next two days, the market was looking for a reasonable rising logic for Dongfang Communication to support its current stock price. The most popular voice was growth, because 5G The imagination space is large enough.


Monday morning, September 3.

At this moment, Lu Ming at home was having breakfast with An Yirou. She had returned to Ningzhou a few days ago, so naturally Lu Ming couldn't go to Happy Peach Blossom Land either.

While eating breakfast, I also took a tablet to follow the news. To be precise, I was following the North American trip of the founder of Jingdong. People have already gone to Laomei. According to external media reports, Dongge is here. The second time I went to Laos and the United States was mainly to negotiate with Wall Street.

Now it is known in the industry that Dongge wants to spin off Jingdong Finance and Jingdong Logistics. This has caused Wall Street to be quite dissatisfied with Jingdong. Many people expect Dongge to negotiate with Wall Street this time. New progress.

There must be new progress, but the outside world definitely did not expect Wall Street to play a fairy dance for Dongge.

Lu Ming was paying attention secretly, silently buying dips, Meimei's long and short take all.

At this time, An Yirou, who was sitting on the side of the meal, said: "Yesterday, Director Liang of Ningzhou Housing Management Bureau came to the foundation and said that the city is promoting the planning of a 'second-hand housing transaction supervision platform' and wants the foundation to participate. The council also held an impromptu meeting to discuss, but because of the real estate issue, you have to make the final decision.”

Everyone under his command knows the big boss's attitude towards real estate, even though the Science and People's Livelihood Fund is a non-profit organization, and Lu Ming is still the chairman of the board after all.

Hearing this, Lu Ming put down the tablet in his hand and said casually: "Ningzhou's finances for the past two years will not be short of the money to establish a trading platform, the budget is definitely not a problem, and the Foundation will be involved, um... I Look a little sane."

An Yirou looked at Lu Ming and said: "The result of the research and discussion within the council is that the city intends to involve the foundation. This 'second-hand housing transaction supervision platform' may be the first in Ningzhou, and it may be possible in the future. It will be promoted nationwide, and involving foundations can solve the bulk of the funding.”

It's just that the city of Ningzhou does not need the participation of the Science and People's Livelihood Fund. In recent years, the financial situation of Ningzhou is not a problem of lack of money, but a problem of too much money. It provides a second-hand housing transaction supervision platform agency. An adequate budget expenditure is completely free of any financial pressure.

"I agree with this speculation." Lu Ming nodded, then glanced at Xiao An'an and looked at him, then added with a smile: "At the same time, it also allows me to attract positive firepower."

An Yirou said: "Indeed, I have read the draft plan, and the council has discussed it. If the foundation is involved, the vested interests in the real estate sector will definitely be offended."

Hearing this, Lu Ming smiled nonchalantly and said, "Are there still few people we offend? Don't offend those who can't be offended, and don't offend everyone, and the rest who should be offended should be offended, don't be afraid, everyone will be offended. It's unrealistic to want to do things well without offending you. By the way, have you brought back the draft plan?"

An Yirou: "I made a backup and brought it back. I want to give it to you. I'll take it for you."

After speaking, he got up from the dining table and went to get the documents. I have to say that Xiao Anan is now more and more professional, more capable, and growing rapidly.

After waiting for a while, An Yirou appeared in Lu Ming's field of vision again, holding a document in his hand. Lu Ming was just finishing his breakfast, and immediately took it from her hand, opened the document bag and took out the document. read.

Looking at the plan, Lu Ming nodded again and again and said, "The official price guide is high enough, and the pattern has opened up. Now, unlike ten years ago, the time for this second-hand housing transaction supervision platform to launch is indeed ripe."

From the perspective of the official government, most of the problems faced by many early real estate intermediary markets no longer exist. Compared with ten years ago, today's housing transactions and transaction processes have become more and more standardized and standardized.

For example, the landlord's information is on record with the Housing Authority and can be found, so there is no fraud like before. Unless you really don't understand anything, you can find this kind of information when you go to the Housing Authority. It is nothing more than a question of whether you are willing to check or unwilling to check. If you don’t want to go, you can spend money to entrust others to check on your behalf, including house transactions, including third-party fund monitoring, and the Housing Authority also has loan accounts.

In short, many aspects are no longer as opaque as they used to be.

An Yirou said: "The current population in Ningzhou continues to maintain a net inflow. Although the price of houses is under strong control, the desire to rise is quite strong. The "pleasant contradiction" in the city is described as such. On the one hand, due to the strong vitality and low housing prices of Ningzhou City, Ningzhou City has attracted continuous net inflows of non-local population, and the depressed housing prices in turn further attracted more net inflows of population. ."

Lu Ming looked at the materials and said solemnly: "So this second-hand housing trading platform led by the city was born. There are experts in the city. Of course, the general direction is to regulate real estate, mainly to reduce the financial market of real estate. Leverage ratio, the current housing price in Ningzhou should be limited, right?"

An Yirou nodded and said: "Yes, the Housing Authority has records for second-hand housing transactions. In addition, this second-hand housing trading platform as information release is equivalent to a third party. The foundation itself is a non-profit organization, because it does not participate in The profits in it also have to be discounted to operating expenses, so it is more objective and powerful in neutrality, and credit and authority are thus strengthened.”

It is worth mentioning that it is basically impossible to publish information on such a platform. It is very simple. When publishing information, it must be the landlord himself, the real estate certificate number must match, and the ID card must match. There is facial recognition to confirm landlord information.

The current information technology is not as good as it was more than ten years ago, and it will be more advanced in the future. This second-hand housing trading platform and 58 Tongcheng are completely two concepts to send a message, because 58 Tongcheng does not have the database of the Housing Authority.

However, this second-hand housing trading platform is led and promoted by Ningzhou City, and the Municipal Housing Management Bureau itself has the lowest database, which is everyone's house book information. When the person who wants to sell the house publishes the information, it is quite easy to verify .

The official guide price is the killer, which can greatly curb the financial leverage of real estate.

There are two price determinations, one is the seller's own determined price, this is how much the seller wants to put up. For example, the official guide price of a house is 3 million, and the landlord has to put up 8 million. It's no problem. 10 million is no problem, but at the same time this house has an official guide price, and the official will give a market price of 3 million according to the information of this house.

The clever part lies in this guide price. The platform still gives an official guide price, and this guide price is not to guide sellers. From the very beginning, this official guide price is for people who buy houses. Forced to reduce the leverage ratio of home buyers.

At this time, An Yirou thoughtfully said: "The issue of the official price guide, if the seller thinks his house is worth 10 million, and you give him the official guidance of 3 million, he will ask you why, and maybe there will be trouble. ."

Lu Mingyun said calmly: "No reason, even if it is distributed according to the trouble, it is still a matter of scale, and the official is not guiding the sellers 3 million, on the surface, it is the price that guides the buyers, but in essence, it is the guide to the bank. , the reason is very simple, now there are almost no ordinary people who can buy a house with full payment, and if you want to buy a house, you can’t get around bank loans, which is just leverage.”

An Yirou: "That's also Lu Ming has roughly read the planning plan and then closed the document, watching the film and watching Xiao An'an and then said: "Simply put... Let's take an example, such as You want to buy a house, you fancy a house, the landlord is listing it at 8 million, and the official guide price is 3 million. You can choose not to agree with the official guide price, or you can make a deal with the seller at the price of 8 million. "

Speaking of this, Lu Ming changed his words: "However, if the price is higher than the official guide price of 5 million, you cannot go to the bank for a loan, the bank will not give you a loan for this amount of money, if you go to the bank for a loan, the bank will only follow the The official guide price of 3 million is used to make the corresponding mortgage for the house you want to buy, so this is equivalent to being forced to reduce the financial leverage ratio of the buyer. The terms have nothing to do with you, it's the price that you and the buyer and seller are willing to pay, so there's nothing to say."

Obviously, this official guide price is very significant.

An Yirou said: "It's just that this is very unfriendly to people who sell houses."

Lu Ming said with a smile: "Otherwise, how do you want to offend people? From another point of view, the only unfriendly people are those who want to make huge profits by flipping houses. A house is a basic living condition for a person in a city. , the house you live in will not be sold, then it makes no difference to you whether it is worth 1 million or 5 million, it is just a series of numbers.”

Lu Ming added: "And the price you sold for 5 million to realize is that you can't settle in this city unless you leave the city, but you still have to buy a house somewhere else, right? What? Do you want to put the price Top up to 10 million to complete the change, and then go to another city to buy a new house for 5 million, and a change of hands will give you an extra 5 million in cash flow? That’s why you have to ask why!”


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