Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 498: 【Fulfillment came too fast】

Many investors saw that Tiansheng Capital once again strongly recommended the allocation of gold assets, and immediately attracted a lot of ridicule. They all said that the first brother is the first iron brother. It has been October since May this year, and almost half a year has passed. Even after getting the gold, he was still lying on his back and didn't move.

If I heard that the people of the first brother had been holding gold in May, not only did they not make any money, but they also lost a few points.

But then again, the fluctuation of gold price is indeed not as big as that of stocks, and the absolute number does not lose much, but it costs a lot of time.

This makes the irritable old brother An unable to bear it, and feels that it is a waste of the market, but the current big A has no market.

As soon as Tiansheng Capital's bearish research report came out, a mocking voice soon appeared in the market, and began to say that Tiansheng Capital was caught in the investment of gold varieties, which is to ask investors to give him Unpack.

Coupled with the fact that almost half a year has passed, the price of gold has not improved much, and with such voices fanning the flames, many people are almost unable to hold on.

Although Tiansheng Capital has never pitted retail investors, many people still think that Tiansheng Capital, as an institution, must be thinking of itself. This cannot be blamed for the distrust of retail investors. The emergence of Sheng Capital is still difficult to adapt to in a short period of time, which naturally affects judgment.

In fact, the keen capital has already judged that the price of gold is about to start today. From the perspective of gold TD, technically speaking, this period of time has reached the end of the convergence triangle, and the low point is not a new low, and the high point is a new high. , keep raising the center of gravity, technically this is a bullish signal, just wait for a big Yang line to pull up to complete an effective breakthrough.

This is on the one hand, and on the other hand, the beautiful country is driving ships to respond to people on this good day. This represents the potential probability of global risk events, which has shown that the external environment is complex and changeable, and as a major avoidance Gold, which is a risky asset, will definitely respond.

Tiansheng Capital recommends everyone to actively allocate gold at this time. Large funds or institutions that want to rush to raise naturally have to jump out and sing the opposite. In order to hope that there will be fewer people rushing to raise funds, otherwise they will become the people who carry the sedan chairs.


What should come is coming, but investors did not expect it to come so quickly.

Just after Tiansheng Capital released a bearish analysis report, on October 2 the next day, Hong Kong stocks fell sharply when the market opened. , otherwise it will definitely be dragged down by Hong Kong stocks.

The so-called unparalleled blessings, misfortunes do not come singly, once bad things happen often more than one.

After the Hong Kong stock market opened sharply, the beautiful country on the other side of the Pacific also had problems. On October 3, the 30-year and 10-year long-term treasury bonds of Magnesium suddenly experienced a large-scale sell-off, which led to the return of long-term U.S. treasury bonds. Violent fluctuations, the North American stock market, especially the Nasdaq index, began a continuous decline, and the three major North American indexes all showed signs of turning heads.

During the holiday week, when the Nasdaq index was about to hit a new record high, it actually fell for six consecutive trading days. The Nasdaq dropped to 7735 points from the previous high of 8133 points, and the Dow and S&P 500 Although the drop is not as large as the Nasdaq, the two major indexes have also turned their heads downward.

Investors of Big A are gradually shivering when they see this situation, and the external market is continuing to deteriorate. According to traditional practice, the probability of Big A following the market opening after the holiday is extremely high.

At this time, the bearish US stock research report just released by Tiansheng Capital was once again hotly discussed by domestic investors.

"The front foot just warned of the risk, and the old beauty started to fall, ah!"

"Is the first brother so fierce? Can it affect the rise and fall of US stocks?"

"It's a bit too much to say that it affects the rise and fall of U.S. stocks. I do not deny that Tiansheng Capital has a great influence, but it is only domestically, and of course it cannot be said to have no influence on a global scale, but it certainly won't be like the domestic market. U.S. stocks still look at Wall Street. Yes, the energy of Tiansheng Capital is definitely not comparable to that of Wall Street.”

"It can only be said that the risk warning of Tiansheng Capital's research report is not intended to deceive retail investors. It is really using its professional ability to remind retail investors to avoid market risks. It is difficult for me to adapt to such a conscientious institution in Big A."

"Is the sentence "One brother never cheats people" false? Go through the analysis report of Tiansheng Capital by yourself, or you don't send it. Generally, the reports sent are objective and neutral analysis. Who makes you believe it?"

"It is worthy of being the most awesome investment institution in China. Generally speaking, it does not speak out, but it is unusual to speak out. It is indeed a conscience institution to highlight a professional."

"Tiansheng's research report should be taken seriously in the future, so don't get along with the small money."

"Looking back at these years, I found that the first brother has always sent wealth codes to the market from time to time, and everyone who caught it has become rich."

"Understood, Stud Gold will open next Monday... [dog head]"

"Just do it!"


The crotch-pulling performance of the peripheral market has made the voices who tried to guide public opinion to question Tiansheng Capital to be self-defeating, and it has further strengthened the authority of the majority of investors, especially in the minds of retail investors.

Believe it or not, the fact that the market has come out is completely consistent with the analysis of Tiansheng Capital's research report, even if people of Tiansheng Capital are unhappy, it is impossible to get along with money.

With the deterioration of the external environment, it is obviously not conducive to the opening of the big A market. Now the big A has not opened the market yet, but it has already opened the market during the holidays, and the panic is extremely contagious.

On October 7, the last day before the market opened, new news came out.

In order to further support the development of the real economy, optimize the liquidity structure of commercial banks and financial markets, reduce financing costs, and guide financial institutions to continue to increase their support for small and micro enterprises, private enterprises, and innovative enterprises, Yangxing decided that, from the 15th, Reduce the RMB deposit reserve ratio of large commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks, city commercial banks, non-county rural commercial banks, and foreign-funded banks by 1 percentage point.

Finally, there is a good news for the reduction of the reserve ratio.

The fourth RRR cut by the central bank this year will release more than one trillion yuan of funds. The market interprets it as reducing the deposit reserve ratio of commercial banks by 1% to hedge external risks.

At the same time, a signal released by the upper management to the market is that the currency Z policy has not turned, which is conducive to boosting market confidence when the external market falls.

It is very encouraging for investors who have just entered the market to see these news. The reduction of the reserve ratio by the central bank is good for the stock market.

However, the old investors were even more panicked, because according to past historical experience, every time the central bank dropped the RRR, it would not rise but fall instead.

In any case, the market will open tomorrow, and the results will be known soon.


On October 8, the A-share market finally ushered in the first trading day after the holiday. Today's big A is destined to be an uneasy day.

At this time, it was around 9:00 in the morning, and the price was invested in Lao Yang's WeChat group.

There are still ten minutes before the call auction. At this time, Lao Yang said in the group: "Today's opening, we still need to make a move. The big guy's position in Tiansheng Holdings is closed by one-third."

Group friends: "Received!"

Group friends: "The order has been placed!"

Group friends: "Old Yang, Tiansheng Holdings is going to fall? Is it so serious? Isn't the RRR cut?"

Lao Yang: "Avoid short-term risk fluctuations, the external market is unsightly, and there has been no increase in the next day after the historical RRR cut news came out in the past. Don't believe in evil. But this is not the point, the focus is on the performance of the external market. Although Tiansheng Capital has been banned by the world, people with discerning eyes know that Tiansheng must have a dark market in the peripheral market. If the outer market moves like this, it will inevitably affect Tiansheng's Qunyou: "Your analysis is wrong, old man. Yang, hey, look, Tiansheng issued a research report to bet against U.S. stocks before the external market fell, indicating that the current market is within Tiansheng's expectations. Since it is definitely short, it is also making money. "

Group friends: "This wave of analysis makes sense."

Lao Yang smiled and said immediately: "It's also a logic, but this is based on a long-term perspective. Short-term fluctuations are not here, but foreign capital."

Group friends: "Foreign investment?"

Lao Yang affirmed: "Yes, my prediction is that foreign capital will definitely be a major force in the market today. The Nasdaq has been overcast for six consecutive years. There is a high probability that foreign capital will free up A-share funds to buy the bottom of the US stock market. For the big A, the outflow of funds is a negative factor. In addition, there are a considerable number of people in China who like to follow the trend of foreign investment, which will inevitably magnify this short-term risk. The logic of short-term downside risk is at this node. It can be said that they can make a profit by buying A shares at the bottom, and they have been doing this all the time.”

Group friends: "I was careless, I thought that on the third floor, Lao Yang was already standing on the fifth floor."

Lao Yang said with a smile: "That is to say, foreign capital will go to buy dips in U.S. stocks, today's foreign capital will flow out, and the day before the opening of the market, the mother of the central government has released the news of the RRR cut, which seems to be positive, but it is actually increasing the market panic, but If you think about it in reverse, you can come up with diametrically opposite logic, you will only lower the RRR if you have a problem, and what will you lower the RRR if you have no problem?”

Group friends: "It makes sense."

Lao Yang: "But Tiansheng Holdings will definitely be bullish in the long run. There is no doubt about this. I firmly believe that if there is a strong premonition that it will decline in the short term, then I will do a little bit of T to reduce the cost. If it is wrong, then admit it. Picking it up during the day and getting higher profits always involves taking some risks.”

After chatting for a while, Big A is about to open.


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