Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 501: [Double killing of stocks and debts, the darkest moment]

As it approached 9:30 in the evening, Lu Ming, who was at home, had just come out of the bathroom. At this moment, he was sitting in the living room wearing a nightgown. There was a computer on the table, and the screen displayed the market order of the US stock market.

I rarely watch the trend of U.S. stocks at night, but I have to pay attention tonight.

At the same time, Qi Wei was leading a group of traders in the trading room to direct the peripheral market at night. The big strategy Lu Ming had already given the order in the daytime meeting, and the specific operational problems were left to Qi Wei. Just wait for someone to execute it, and just watch the fun at home.

In fact, as a big boss, most of the time is very relaxed, but a small part of the time is more tiring. Any boss who works for more than ten hours a day is a nonsense chicken soup. This situation is only occasional.

In fact, the happiness of the boss is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Sleeping five or six hours a day and working more than ten hours a day seems to indicate that the boss is very diligent.

At this time, the US stocks on the other side of the ocean officially opened, and the three major indexes opened lower.

However, less than five minutes after the opening, the market couldn't stop falling. The Nasdaq's decline quickly expanded to -2%, and the three major stock indexes tumbled across the board.

And it is still unsteady. There are occasional back draws, but they are only back draws. After the draws, they continue to hit new lows in the day.

Lu Ming didn't continue to watch the disk, and went to sleep after staring for about half an hour, mainly because the bedroom was urging him. The US disk will be checked tomorrow morning. Now there are other things to do before going to bed. It's not too early.

The next day, Thursday, October 11, Lu Ming came to work in the company.

In the president's office, assistant Han Qiulin handed over Qi Wei's work report last night, and said: "Last night, the US stock market was bloodbathed, and 'Titanic hit the iceberg' came to describe the US stock market last night. The index plunged 800 points, or more than -3.15%, the S&P 500 plummeted -3.29%, and the Nasdaq plunged 4.08%.

Lu Ming calmly took the materials and looked at them. He was not surprised at all by the result, which was in line with expectations.

Yesterday was undoubtedly a disaster day for U.S. stocks. The three major stock indexes set a number of decline records. For example, the Dow Jones index recorded its largest intraday decline of -3.15% in the past eight months, and the Nasdaq fell -4.08%. , also posted its biggest one-day drop in nearly seven years.

Technology stocks and Internet sectors led by FAANG stocks fell across the board. The market value of these 5 stocks evaporated by US$140 billion that day. Of course, Zhonggai stocks were not spared. Ali fell by more than -4%, and Baidu fell by -5.8% As for the so-called "FAANG", it refers to the abbreviation of the first letter of the five major technology companies: Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google.

Han Qiulin suddenly sighed leisurely and said, "After joining Tiansheng Capital for so long, the biggest feeling to me is that the money in this world is too good to earn, and sometimes I doubt life."

Lu Ming, who was looking at the materials, couldn't help but set his eyes on her when he heard this, and said with a smile, "It's never easy to earn money in this world. It's just that when you meet an awesome company, the boss is right."

After reading the material report, Lu Ming threw it away and added, "What other news worth paying attention to?"

Han Qiulin also returned to the topic, and after thinking about it, she said, "Yes, yes, and the popularity is also worth paying attention to. I don't know. Regarding this rare plummet, the current leader in North America couldn't sit still. After the market, he tweeted this one after another. The second slump is directed at the Fed.”

When Lu Ming heard this, he opened the Internet and found the personal social media account of the great commander. Sure enough, there were two latest developments.

[I think the Fed is making a mistake, their monetary policy is too tight, I think the Fed has gone crazy]

[Actually, this is the long-awaited stock market correction, but I really disapprove of what the Fed is doing now]

Obviously, the commander blamed the flash crash of the stock market on the Fed's tightening of monetary policy, but the actual situation is that the "inversion" of U.S. bond yields has become the main reason for the market slump, and the short-end of the U.S. bond yield curve has inverted for the first time in 11 years.

In addition, the decline in share buybacks of North American listed companies is also an important factor.

However, when Lu Ming saw what the commander said, he also felt that this old urchin was really shameless. What is "the long-awaited stock market adjustment" is too shameless.

"It's not surprising that the commander can't sit still. The big rise in U.S. stocks over the years is the highlight of his performance in his tenure. Lu Ming smiled and closed the page, then looked at Han Qiulin and added:

"There is a double killing of stocks and debts on the old American side. The global stock market will inevitably start to catch a cold, or even a severe cold. The European and Asia-Pacific stock markets will definitely not be able to escape. Even if we have a big A today, it will be gone. Please inform Lao Li and his fund managers. We, the comprehensive strategy of increasing positions established at the voting meeting must be unswervingly implemented, and the company's strategy in the last quarter of this year is to buy, buy, buy!"

Han Qiulin nodded: "Understood."

When the U.S. stock market was bloodbathed yesterday, investors in Big A were already trembling this morning.

Time has passed, as soon as the call auction comes out, the big A is gone. The Shanghai Stock Exchange closed yesterday at 2725.84 points, and today's opening price is 2643.07 points. In the call auction stage, it can easily break down 2700 points in one fell swoop. Integer mark, a -3% gap was opened down.

After the market opened, one of the investors would continue to fall. Unexpectedly, the rebound mode was opened. The market rebounded to a maximum of 2661 points, but the upward momentum was insufficient, and it could not continue to attack. The disk has stabilized in the 2650-point range.

However, this is just a fake back pump to lure more investors. The shock pattern only stabilized the market for an hour. After 10:30, it began to fall continuously, and the funds fled in a stampede manner. At 10:53, the bear army broke down in one fell swoop. The 2600-point integer threshold was reached.

After losing 2600 points, Big A has returned to the era of 2500 points again, which can be said to usher in the darkest moment.

Today, the major stock bar forums and index comment areas are already mourning everywhere.

"Give me the money back and stop playing!"

"It's broken, it's broken, it's all broken!"

"I thought Monday's flash crash was over, I was still too young, there was a blood crash after the flash crash, and today is a blood crash!"

"Oh, the stock price of Tiansheng Holdings is 31,052.82 yuan, and the daily limit is blocked, which directly evaporates 276 billion yuan and loses a magnesium group in one day!"

"The stock king, the stock king of my big A has finally fallen, so I ask if there are still people alive?"

"Even the stock king is dead, you ask if there are still people alive? There is a living person with Gouba!"

"Shanghai Stock Exchange! Shanghai Stock Exchange! I am Shenzhen Stock Exchange! We have suffered heavy casualties! Almost the entire army was wiped out! How are your losses?!"

"Shenzhen! Shenzhen! I am Shanghai! All our troops have been killed! The recording is playing now, please don't reply!"

"Call GEM! Call GEM! GEM, please answer! GEM?! Please answer if you hear! Is GEM still there? Are you still there? Dudududu..."

"Haha, this Nima is definitely a talent. She laughed out loud and burst into tears. She felt inexplicably sad and helpless."

"Today is destined to be a black 'memorial' in the history of Big A. Is the bear market really coming?"

"Is the one who said the bear market serious? It has dropped from 3587 to more than 2500. You ask the bear market? The bear market is almost over. UU Reading"

"No money, really no money, all of them are trapped to death. The most desperate thing is that there is no bullet at this time."

"I've put my words here. Today's blood collapse of the big A indicates that the last batch of floating chips will be washed away. The big A is performing a bull market bottom of the past ten years. In the next few years, it may be difficult to see such a low point again. Believe it or not, I have already sold the RV and bought the bottom. My wife disagrees, and I have a big fight and choose a divorce. It happens once in ten years. It doesn't matter who said it, the first brother may count it otherwise, anyway, the market will naturally tell you in a few months, why worry so much? It's over!"

"Brother, bro, you don't have to be a big A when you sell your RV, it's really brave, it's crazy!"

"Normal people can't make money at Big A."

"Niubi Niu Bi, it blew me out, I have to send a song to this buddy who doesn't want his wife to sell a car, "Let it go" is suitable for you, BGM, let's go... let go and say goodbye There are too many worries, this is the character a man should have, no matter how bumpy the road in life is, he is full of passion, dares to love and dares to do, let go and don’t care too much, who can really understand me when I am unstable, what I want in my life It's free and easy, no matter how many difficulties and setbacks... let it go with a smile~~~[cover face][cover face][cover face]"

"The song is good, I like it, haha~~"

"Then play music, then dance!"

"At this time, there are still people who add bullets to their positions, which means they have money or escaped the big fall, great! And at this time, there are people who still have bullets and dare to let go and increase their positions, super great!"

"Brother, can you beat this wave, come back and see in a few months, Mark!"

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