Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 519: 【Oversubscribed by 15 times】

Tiansheng Capital, headquarters.

"Please come in!"

In the office, Lu Ming responded casually. Not long after the market closed, Han Qiulin entered the office and said, "Tiansheng Zhuan 2 has been oversubscribed by 15 times, and the market response has been quite large, far exceeding expectations."

Han Qiulin further added: "With such popularity in the market, the AAA-level corporate bonds issued by Huawei are just like that."

Hua Wei, who is not bad for money, actually issues bonds, but Hua Wei's corporate bonds are basically impossible to buy, and often there is not enough to share this cake within the organization.

It was oversubscribed by 15 times in one day, which means that the entire market has 450 billion yuan of funds to grab the 30 billion yuan quota. This feels like a large number of investors waving banknotes to block the gate of Tiansheng. , scrambling to lend money to Tiansheng.

The subscription scale of 450 billion is equivalent to the total trading volume of the two markets in the current A-share market in one day. At present, the daily trading volume of Big A is hovering around the line of 400 billion.

"Is this 15 times?" Lu Ming paused for a while, then nodded and said, "Not bad."

It's not surprising that Han Qiulin sees his calm appearance. After all, he is the founder and head of Tiansheng Capital. How can he be the head of this scene even if he can't hold it?

"Today's A-share market is quite lively, because the Tiansheng Zhuan 2 incident has made people laugh and cry. The long shadow line of today's index can be said to be 'drawn' by a group of novice players. A masterpiece." Han Qiulin briefly explained to him some of the news on the market.

In fact, Lu Ming had already read the market and had a little understanding. Now that the market is closed, everyone is discussing this matter.

Looking at the broad market candlestick chart on the computer screen, Lu Ming said leisurely: "When retail investors do not disperse and form a joint force, even if we Tianshengzi have to temporarily avoid its edge, we have to think that Stop, don't overturn the car in the gutter."

This incident made Lu Ming involuntarily think of the classic case of the "Game Station" in the previous life. The North American retail investors worked together to push the short-sellers on Wall Street to the ground, forcing the other party to even use the physical means of "pulling out the network cable". used.

Once the joint force of retail investors is formed, it is quite terrifying, and the destructive power is also amazing. If Tiansheng Capital encounters such an emergency, Lu Ming's strategy will definitely be the first time to admit that he is not hard steel, put down his posture, and temporarily avoid it. sharp.

If it is just confronted with it, it will only usher in a greater rebound, and it will be over in a while.

The combined force of retail investors is terrifying, but the disadvantage is that it is not durable. Just like the hero characters in the game, when there is an outbreak, there is often a lack of continuous output. The combined force of retail investors is a short-term outbreak.

To put it simply, it is fast and fierce, but it is also fast to go.

At the end, Lu Ming said immediately: "Since there is so much over-subscription, let's inform our partners and directly draw lots to lock the final customers."

Han Qiulin immediately went to make arrangements.

But at this moment, the outside world is hotly discussing this matter, knowing that Tianshengzhuan 2 is very popular in the market, but no one thought it would be so popular. There are many factors, one is 30 billion yuan The scale is super debt. Many people think that the probability of winning the lottery is high. On the other hand, when the first convertible bond is issued, the lottery rate is very high. The other is that this time, the entire 30 billion scale will be launched online, and there are no institutions on the Internet. If you are directly assigned, it gives an intuitive feeling that the winning rate is higher.

But the fundamental reason for such popularity is the reputation of Tiansheng Capital. The biggest purpose of everyone snapping up new bonds is not to lend money to Tiansheng Capital, but to unlock the debt-to-equity swap after half a year.

To put it bluntly, I still want to buy Tiansheng's stock.

Soon after, Tiansheng Capital officially released the news that the subscription on the first day was 15 times oversubscribed. Other companies were very angry when they saw this news, especially some small companies.

It can be said that it is the death of drought and the death of waterlogging, which once again proves that capital dislikes poverty and loves riches. I dare not borrow it.

However, the focus of the current investors is the market that came out today. Today's closing coincides with the weekend weekend, and there is enough time to unwind the market. If there is nothing to do, you can chat and talk about it.

"It turns out that the tens of thousands of dollars in my hand can really affect the big A. No wonder I will be monitored by the main force... [Erha Dog Head]"

"Don't say it, the difference is the tens of thousands of yuan in your hand, tens of thousands of yuan per person, and tens of thousands of yuan for tens of thousands of people. That's not a small amount."

"I'm really convinced, I can't laugh or cry. I really doubt that these people don't understand the rules of the game, but they don't read the rules at all. They don't even know Chinese characters, do they, or do they have difficulty in reading comprehension?"

"Don't doubt it. Big A has more than 100 million shareholders. What kind of monsters are there? I'm not surprised if there are more magical ones."

"What era is this, looking at the number of users of Tonghuashun, the stock market has long entered the era of Internet +, and now a smartphone can trade stocks, but anytime, anywhere, much more convenient than before."

"Why are you talking so much, just say that a lot of pink and tender new leeks will come in, and it will be over."

"Uh...that's what I meant...[hands funny]"

"But I have to say that it is these new leeks that created today's dramatic market, which is simply the rhythm of punching the old master to death."

"Haha, this is the most irritating part. Your analysis is as fierce as a tiger, and MACD is a support point and a pressure level. As a result, a group of new leeks came in and went on a rampage, making big A's ups and downs. When you find out that you lose money in your account, ask if you are angry?"


"It can only be said that the influence of the first brother is too terrifying. The issuance of a convertible bond can make such a big noise."

"It's no wonder that the first brother's social account has been calm recently, and he doesn't come out to talk and interact with me and Gousan."

"Normal, as for the current influence of the first brother, it can be called the rhythm of following the law, you can't easily make public comments, and it will be quite shocking to look back at the past few years, the first brother can be called a terror belt prophet~ Without going too far, let’s talk about the recent judgment on the US stock market and the international gold price, which is absolutely terrible, one word is professional!”

"Yeah, if you had followed the first brother's open ideas, let alone the freedom of wealth in life, this Nima could become a billionaire."


There is no doubt that today's banking sector is the most beautiful in the big A and the two cities, and its move up is bound to respond, but today's result is unexpectedly strong. The index turned red for Latai.

With the spread of news on weekends and weekends, big Vs are also unwinding. Everyone knows what the reason is on Friday. There is no other reason. It is the result of a group of small white retail investors' misunderstanding. It can be called random punching. dead master.

In the domestic A-share market, as of now, the number of A-share shareholders is close to 200 million, of which the main force is "one person, one account". According to the Shanghai and Shenzhen accounts owned by each person, there are about 100 million shareholders. The number of shareholders has exceeded 100 million.

As long as there are more people, it is not surprising. The level of investors ranges from top players to novices on the floor, but it is not difficult to see from the early morning surge of the index on Friday and the late somersaults. The scale of small white shareholders is quite large.

The reason why the popularity has rapidly formed in the investor circle is mainly because this wave of operations has at least obtained great satisfaction for many retail investors psychologically and spiritually. After all, they are usually led by big funds and taught be human.


(Ps: I confess, I played Skyline for a while during the holiday, and I accidentally played for a night so that I forgot to update the time, and then fell back to sleep until this afternoon, and now my brain is buzzing, In addition, let's spit it out, it's too difficult to serve the unruly people in the skyline, and the memory feels like the rhythm of smoking)

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