Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 522: [New pattern of Ningzhou property market]

At the Science and People's Livelihood Foundation, although Lu Ming holds the title of chairman, he basically does not make decisions on matters without major strategic level. The Secretary-General Lou Yiyun works there, but there is no doubt that he attaches great importance to the foundation. Yes, An Yirou was specially appointed as the assistant to the chairman of the foundation, and he regularly reported the situation of the foundation to him.

It has been more than a month since this second-hand housing trading platform in Ningzhou was handled by the foundation, and the advancement of various work has also entered the normal channel of operation.

At this moment, Lu Ming read the material report and put it aside, then searched the local TV news in Ningzhou on his work computer, and found a news report from yesterday, about a minute and a half long video of the interview. Interview with Lou Yiyun, Secretary General of Minsheng Foundation.

Lu Ming immediately clicked on the video, and as the video played, Lou Yiyun in the picture replied to the interviewer:

"As for the release of the guiding price of second-hand housing in Ningzhou, in the 'notice' document issued by Ningzhou more than a month ago, it has clearly proposed to speed up the establishment of second-hand housing transactions on the basis of the normal release of second-hand real estate online transaction prices. The release mechanism of the guide price.”

"The current property market in Ningzhou is very special. Due to the rapid development of the city in the past few years, a large number of new population has flowed into our city, and there is not much new land supply, resulting in insufficient new houses to buy and buyers unable to buy new houses. In the second-hand housing market, the price of second-hand houses will rise.”

"It is an inevitable trend to launch a second-hand housing guide price. The market will play a tangible hand to supply the basic order of the market and make up for the needs of market defects, so as to achieve the result of stabilizing the property market..."

After watching Lou Yiyun's interview video, Lu Ming closed the webpage. The work in this area was progressing in an orderly manner, so he stopped paying attention.

However, this matter is a major event for the people of Ningzhou City. It is one of the three major livelihood issues of medical care, education and housing. It is not necessary to say more about the attention. The news came out a month ago, and the heat of attention has been on the rise. Stay high.


In a residential building in Ningzhou.

Liu Hua, who is in his thirties, is a tenant here. He has married and brought his family of three to Ningzhou the year before. The reason is that his company opened up a new business in Ningzhou, and Liu Hua transferred his job to Ningzhou. State, or came here with a family of three.

For more than a year, he has been very satisfied with his work and life in Ningzhou, which gave him the idea of ​​settling in this city, so he has been considering the issue of housing. As a foreigner, it is not necessary to settle in Ningzhou. Difficulty, the city has introduced a lot of measures to attract the net inflow of population, the only headache for Liu Hua is the issue of housing.

At this time, Liu Hua looked at the latest local news report and said excitedly: "After waiting for more than a month, it's finally here!!"

About two months ago, Liu Hua and his wife discussed buying a school district house in Nancheng District. There were no new houses, only second-hand houses, but after looking at second-hand houses for a while, they were not satisfied, so they waited. for a while.

After waiting for about half a month, an unexpected or very sudden news appeared, and he was immediately looking forward to it. It was the rumor that the second-hand housing price was advertised. As soon as this matter came out, it was discussed throughout Ningzhou. Continuously, its heat even went out of the circle.

When I heard that Ningzhou was going to release the guide price for second-hand houses, once it was officially implemented, Liu Hua thought that the price of second-hand houses would definitely drop, so he decided to wait and wait. With this mentality, Liu Hua and his family discussed the suspension of the plan to buy a house. .

In fact, most of the second-hand house buyers in Ningzhou, like Liu Hua, have clear house purchase goals. The purpose of replacing houses is to have better educational resources.

Therefore, the school district housing in the city is undoubtedly the most concerned area, and the transaction volume of the school district housing is also the largest, so many parents like Liu Hua have made this a goal.

The second-hand houses in Nancheng District of Ningzhou City are old and small. The overall environment is not as good as imagined, but the housing prices are among the best in the urban area.

It is worth mentioning that the average price of houses in Ningzhou is near the water level of 10,000 yuan, but this is only the average price. There is still a big gap in housing prices in different regions. Let alone the new financial center that has just been built, and directly ask The prime locations in the first-tier cities are on par. The cheapest ones all start at 53,000 yuan/square meter, and they are still rising rapidly. Ordinary people simply ignore them and don’t even need to think about them, because there is no need for reference.

However, excluding the special commercial area such as the new financial center, the area with the highest housing prices in Ningzhou is the so-called school district housing.

Around July this year, the price of second-hand school district housing in Nancheng District of Ningzhou has exceeded 25,000 yuan/square meter, and in some places it has even reached 30,000 yuan/square meter. If it is placed in other cities of the same level as Ningzhou, This price may still be in the "reasonable" range, but it is obviously too high in Ningzhou, where the city's average price is just over 10,000 yuan.

Liu Hua is just an ordinary person, and such a price obviously puts "Liu Huas" out of reach. They either postpone buying a house or look elsewhere.

Fortunately, around October, Ningzhou City released a guideline for the price of second-hand housing. At the same time, the science responsible for this area and the newly established second-hand housing trading platform under the People's Livelihood Foundation announced the transaction guidance for 281 second-hand residential quarters in the city. The price has brought hope to many people like Liu Hua who have plans to buy a house.

At this moment, Liu Hua is sitting on the computer desk in the bedroom, and his wife is also by the side. Seeing that her husband has opened the website of the second-hand housing trading platform under the Science and People's Livelihood Foundation, he can't help but wonder: "This platform is similar to Beike, Le Are the platforms of Youjia the same?"

"Of course it's different!" Liu Hua shook his head again and again, and explained to his wife after thinking about it: "How should I put it, although it is also a second-hand housing trading platform, the institution to which this platform belongs is the Science and People's Livelihood Fund, which is a non-profit organization. Yes, but the biggest difference is that the platform is affiliated with the city, and the data is also the most authoritative and reliable. The data is connected to the city's Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development, so there is no need to doubt the listings above. If this is not reliable, then the other The platform is even more unreliable.”

The wife nodded suddenly, and Liu Hua began to browse various information on the platform.

I don't know if I don't see it, but the young couple were startled at first glance. Liu Hua was very excited on the spot: "Good guy, I am powerful in Ningzhou, and the real estate speculators probably won't be able to sleep!"

Liu Hua's wife was also very happy: "If this is true, then we can save a lot of money by buying a house!"

It is reasonable to be so excited. The guide prices of 281 second-hand residential quarters released by Ningzhou City through the platform under the foundation this time, except the new financial center is not included in the guide price range, other districts have real estate listed, among them There are more communities in Nancheng and Xicheng.

In the past two years, the price of second-hand housing in Ningzhou City has soared, especially in the school district of Nancheng District.

In the list of second-hand housing known price communities released this time, the Xicheng and Nancheng areas are the most prominent. Among them, the second-hand housing guide price in Xicheng is more than 30% lower than the selling price, while the price of second-hand housing in Nancheng has dropped by 45%. %above.

In addition, the guideline price of second-hand housing in Binhe area, northern industrial park area and other areas is relatively basically between 15~25%.

Liu Hua's wife suddenly said: "It's too scary to think about it. How could such a landlord dare to sell the second-hand house when it has fallen by half?"

Hearing the words, Liu Hua immediately said: "This shows that Ningzhou has an unprecedented determination to squeeze out the property market bubble. This must be the biggest core factor. I used to think that it would be difficult to control housing prices. The tenant thinks that the new population in Ningzhou will be influxed, and the house will definitely not be able to hold down, so the previous measures seem to be good but still have no fear. An axe is enough for a house flipper to drink a pot, and three axe down, it is estimated that the hope of the house skyrocketing has been shattered, and I want to rush to cash out and leave."

His wife added: "But it won't drop so much directly!"

Liu Hua shrugged and said, "It's probably similar to buying stocks. Everyone's holding costs are different, and their requirements for profitability are also different, which leads to some people getting stuck, some people getting out of it, and some people selling. Hold the money and wait and see, or some people are simply bullish on the bulls and continue to carry it.”

At this moment, Liu Hua's wife suddenly turned to him with a sullen face after hearing what he said, "Are you secretly investing in stocks?"

Liu Hua hurriedly shook his head and denied it, and said with absolute certainty: "Of course not, I don't know how much I have? It's not about playing the stock market at all, let alone speculating in stocks, I even know the first brother's fund. I didn’t buy it, I want to buy it, but I can’t buy it now. I’m very happy to live honestly. How can I afford to lose when I’m middle-aged? Take a step back, I’m quite happy now, life There is a head start, and a well-off life can be expected in the future. This time, if the money for buying a house can save hundreds of thousands, which can be used to improve our quality of life, it will definitely be greatly improved.”


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