Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 557: 【Economic downturn, infrastructure first】

On the disk, the large capital of 300 small and medium-sized enterprises took the lead in firing the first shot of ignition. The power of 200 million was that the stock price "searched" directly at a 90-degree vertical angle, and in more than ten seconds, it was underwater from the water. The -4.7% decline turned red and surged directly to +2.26%.

The barrage also exploded.



"Niubi Niu Bi 6666, 6 has to fly!"

"Can this Nima become popular?"

"The hateful main force is attacking at the end of the game again!"

"Nima didn't have time to place the order, didn't dare to place the daily limit and scan the goods, and the result was that he couldn't buy it at all, and the surge was too fast."

"Votes with such a large volume actually used 200 million to directly hit an amplitude of 8 points. It seems that the panic trading has almost been killed."

"Still rushing? What is this for?"

"Isn't it? You won't want a ceiling, will you? No? Not so much, right?"

"Fuck the rhythm, Nima will turn from weak to strong within a day?"

"It's on the board, the old monster in the east is on the top."

"Niubi, YYDS, the old demon from the east, I've eaten a lot of meat today haha, it's the first time in my life that I have caught the ground, it's an exciting one haha!!!"

"Worini Xuema, you are pulling the board after the limit fell? The main force is NTMSL, right? Yesterday, you hit the board and ate the floor. Today, if you hit the limit, you will pull the floor with your backhand?"

"Stop scolding shameful things in the street here. Whoever comes in to play doesn't know that they are gambling. I don't look down on gambling dogs, but if you lose a bet and pick up a flying knife, then you can't bear it. If you can't afford to lose, don't come here. Playing demon stocks."

"The labor and management scolded you for taking care of your business, and scolded you? Are you looking for scolding? Goby!"

"Just be happy, oh, it doesn't look like you're happy either, but everyone is happy... [hands funny]"

"Go to NM."

"When you are an adult, you are willing to admit defeat, don't be like a clown, don't play if you can't afford it."

"Yesterday, I smashed into the sky at the end of the game. Today, I made a sneak attack on the backhand at the end of the game and pulled the floor. This market is at the right rhythm.

"I just watched the excitement, and the simulation disk followed me happily. I didn't dare to go to the real warehouse. My little heart couldn't bear it... [covers face]"


With Feng Xiaocheng, the trader of Small and Medium Chuang 300, sweeping the list, other funds quickly joined forces to take charge of the tough battle.

At 13:58, another hot money joined the ranks of the closed board. At 14:00, the daily limit was traded for 13,000 lots, 10,000 lots were traded again at 14:01, 8992 lots were traded at 14:02, and continued at 14:05. 10,000 lots were traded, and 6,762 lots were finally traded at 14:33. So far, the Dongfang Lao Yao's short-selling power has been completely exhausted, and no one has left.

Because the orders on the board have reached millions of orders, there has not been a single fried board after the moment of closing the board until the closing, a rather strong weak-to-strong form, and the divergence turned to the same within the day.

In the end, Dongfang Laoyao's share price closed at the daily limit of 37.41 yuan, and a huge amount of 6.2 billion Tongtian was released throughout the day.

The turnover of Tiansheng Holdings today is about 5 billion. The stock king is the daily leader in the daily turnover of individual stocks in the big A and two cities, but every three or five times, some popular monsters or individual stocks in special circumstances will suddenly explode in volume. , and then the stock king is pushed down, but it is not a matter of being pushed every three or five times, and the stock king is used to it.


In the afternoon, Tiansheng Capital's new headquarters.

At the moment, Lu Ming is holding a strategy meeting with the company's internal investment research department. In addition, Li Mingyang and many other public and private fund managers also attended the meeting.

"In terms of the general environment, the overall downward pressure on the economy continues to increase. This is a real problem to be faced. Stimulating consumption to stimulate economic growth has had little effect. Consumers' wallets are running low, and there are still new populations. The downward trend year by year, these are unavoidable problems.” said one analyst who attended the meeting.

Lu Ming sat in his seat against the chair, covered his mouth with one hand and did not speak, but listened to everyone's speech.

At this time, a public fund manager who attended the meeting said: "Since the consumption stimulus cannot stimulate the economy, according to the traditional operation, it can only be stimulated by moving out of large infrastructure."

Several other participants also nodded their heads, apparently agreeing that the general direction of this meeting must be determined so that the investment strategy can be further refined.

Looking back on the past, we will find that as long as there is downward pressure on the economy, the country will engage in large-scale infrastructure to boost the economy, and even the less money it has, the more it needs to be invested, and it must be invested in places that spend more money, mainly infrastructure, real estate and Production equipment and facilities, in which the role of infrastructure is far greater than the project itself.

Usually, if we want to develop, we first need to issue government bonds. The interest rate is about 3.5, which seems to be quite a lot. However, if inflation is included, returning the money after five or ten years is almost useless.

Another is that when large-scale infrastructure needs to be developed, most of them are already in a state of economic downturn, which means the cost is much lower than when the economy is prosperous.

The development of infrastructure also requires a lot of manpower and material resources, which can drive many upstream and downstream enterprises, drive employment, and achieve obvious results. For example, during the re-opening period, roads are different everywhere, airports are very scarce, and it is difficult for even researchers to go there, so at that time the same The principle is to open up and cultivate.

The two-lane road originally planned to be built will be directly expanded to four-lane, and the originally planned four-lane road will be directly expanded to eight-lane. From the planning point of view, there is no worry about the problem of excess, because there are too many facilities required for urban development, in short, repair it first.

When the economy is down, infrastructure construction comes first. The logic here is not difficult to understand. Money will flow into related companies, and then into the next-level companies, infiltrating step by step, and then promoting economic prosperity in a short period of time.

Everyone expressed their opinions for a while. Lu Ming, who was sitting in the chief, put down the hand covering his mouth, opened a bottle of mineral water and took a sip, and then said, "Of course the old method still has to be used, and it needs to be used, but it can't be used. We engage in path dependence, so our strategy cannot have path dependence, otherwise we will not be able to keep up with the pace of the national strategy.”

Looking around the crowd, Lu Ming added: "In many places, the infrastructure problem is repaired first. As for whether it can promote the development of the local economy, it is pushed to industrial investment and real estate. The result? Many cities have no pillars. The industry and the economy are not good, the local area is unable to collect taxes and the debt is high, the birth rate of newborns is declining, and the original population is still outflowing, and there are empty cities. The country also sees such drawbacks, so..."

Speaking of which, Lu Ming couldn't help but picked up a piece of material in front of his desk. After turning a few pages, he paused. The contents of this page were investment targets in various infrastructure fields.

Lu Ming stared at the list above and said, "I recommend that managers focus on Hilo Cement, Tiansan, Dongfang Yuhong, Sayi Heavy Industry, Hengli Hydraulics, Aidi Precision, Zhonglian Heavy Industry, etc. , as long as the third row of the sixth page is enough, as for the subject matter, there is no need to participate, or do not participate in depth.”

The fund managers present at the meeting all have their own investment logic and have great power. The company cannot force them to buy any stocks, especially active fund managers, and when the performance is not good, they can blame who will let you take care of them. of?

What Lu Ming can manage is the strategic investment of Tiansheng Capital's own capital, such as venture capital in the primary market, private equity investment, investment by members of LP institutions, etc. These are large-scale investment strategies that can easily cost hundreds of billions of dollars.

As for the public funds for Christian, they are all decisions made by fund managers, but Lu Ming's suggestions can naturally affect them to a great extent.

After a while, Lu Ming took his eyes back from the material, looked around at everyone and added: "So this time the downward pressure on the economy will definitely not continue to carry out the original model, but the underlying logic is still there, so the upgrade of infrastructure is adopted. The new version, that is, new infrastructure, focuses on several major fields such as 5G infrastructure, UHV, big data centers, and new energy, and its purpose is self-evident and is still to solve the immediate crisis.”

Everyone couldn't help but nod their heads, especially in the new energy sector. The company's layout started in mid-2017. At that time, Lu Ming slapped his hands to 200 billion yuan. There was a major upswing, and then it began to fall, and it has fallen to the present.

During the period, many people ridiculed that the first brother "Stud" new energy and technology semiconductors were both locked up, and even now some people say yes to this, but Tiansheng Capital didn't pay attention at all, and Lu Ming didn't pay any attention to these remarks. .

Tiansheng Capital has basically completed its layout in these fields, and it will take off in place under the drive of Z policy before and after the next five-year plan.


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