Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 565: [Zheng Hongrui's Vision (2

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Lu Ming attaches great importance to the first batch of listed companies on the Science and Technology Innovation Board, and the requirements for the following are also very clear. The three listed companies in charge of Tiansheng Capital have to get good bids.

After a while, Han Qiulin replied: "Fortunately, there was an emergency response plan in this area earlier. There are six targets on the record, and four semiconductor targets, namely Leonwei, Zhuo Shengwei, Star Semiconductor, and Si Rui. Pu, as well as a photovoltaic target Tianhe Solar, and a medical device target Wantai Bio.”

Lu Ming leaned back slightly on the boss's chair, and made a decision after thinking for a moment: "We have already participated in the primary market for the six listed targets, and I understand that they are all good, with huge potential for growth. , it doesn't matter which one you go to fill the gap... Then go to the semiconductor, Zhuo Shengwei!"

After getting Lu Ming's final decision, Han Qiulin left the company and passed the matter to her subordinates to execute it.

Compared with Mihayou’s voluntary withdrawal of IPO applications this time, these six major companies are actually lining up for IPO, and some may not be listed until a year or two later, so these companies are eager to complete their plans for financing and listing ahead of schedule.

Tiansheng Capital is not a brokerage institution, but it can still greatly shorten the time to market by operating from it.


Half an hour later, Lu Ming left the company headquarters and went to Tianchi Technology's headquarters with his assistant Han Qiulin for inspection. It was not far away, also in Ningzhou City.

Tianchi Technology is the most important new energy company in Ningzhou. There is no doubt that the company was hatched from Tiansheng Capital. The early stage was dominated by Lu Ming, and it was destined to be extraordinary from the moment it was born.

"Chairman, according to the company's established plan, we will be able to launch the first model for consumers in March. Since the beginning of the new year, the product launch promotion has already started." Zheng Hongrui, the leader of Tianchi Technology, accompanied him at the moment. Lu Ming inspected them together, and they were in a production workshop.

"It's generally going well, right?" Lu Ming said casually as he walked.

"Smooth!" Zheng Hongrui replied with a smile.

"How is the autonomous driving module going?" Lu Ming doesn't understand the specific technology research and development, but he attaches great importance to this area. The real money for Tianchi technology is not the sale of complete vehicles, but the in-vehicle operating system. The core technology of Tianchi Technology is located.

From the point of view of profit, the core profit point is the huge database accumulated by the vehicle!

"According to the current research and development progress, it will not enter the commercial stage until around 2021 at least." Zheng Hongrui replied truthfully, and naturally he had nothing to hide from the father of the gold owner.

"Step-by-step is the basic, but we have to hurry up. Tesla's super factory in Shanghai has already started construction at the beginning of the month. The domestic speed is not comparable to that of foreign countries. It is expected to start production around the beginning of next year. This first battle is very critical. , I'll leave this to you, and I can handle the capital market matters." Lu Ming said as he walked.

Zheng Hongrui patted his chest and smiled confidently: "Understood, the chairman can rest assured that this big move has been held back for so many years, and the parent company invested regardless of the cost. Although we started late, we are the fastest in the industry to catch up. The biggest player, we have confidence in our products and technology.”

How does Tianchi technology play with cars? There are two high-level summaries: the first is to use the best talents, and in order to achieve the first, the second is to spend the most money!

Lu Ming nodded. For Zheng Hongrui, he has no doubts about employing people. For Tianchi Technology over the years, the parent company has basically made money, made money, and made more money. The following things are left to Zheng Hongrui to do.

Next, Lu Ming continued to learn about other related aspects of Tianchi technology. In terms of sales, Zheng Hongrui decided to adopt Tesla's model, which is direct sales from exclusive stores. In fact, Tesla's model also adopts offline retail of smartphones. shop pattern.

Tesla's Gigafactory in Shencheng started construction in January this year, and Tianchi Technology's first factory has been put into production, and the second has been launched. The production capacity is definitely not worth the main competitor of Tesla.


Lu Ming inspected the production workshop for about 20 minutes, and now he has come to a lounge in the Tianchi technical office building. There are three people in the room: Lu Ming, Han Qiulin and Zheng Hongrui.

Zheng Hongrui, who just sat down in the lounge, immediately said: "Chairman, another new project must be launched and can't wait. If it is delayed, it may be too late. Elon Musk has already done it a long time ago. The company needs A new budget for this project."

He said bluntly that he hurry up to make money, Tianchi technology is now a gold swallowing beast that can only enter.

Han Qiulin, who was sitting on the side, glanced at Lu Ming, then set her eyes on Zheng Hongrui and said, "Mr. Zheng, Tianchi has burned more than 200 billion in these years, and gave 18.9 billion in October last year. The parent company..."

At this time, Lu Ming raised his hand slightly towards Han Qiulin and made a small downward gesture. Seeing this scene, Han Qiulin stopped talking and said no more.

What Han Qiulin just said was actually what Lu Ming wanted to say, but he just said it through Han Qiulin's mouth. In this way, no matter what Zheng Hongrui said next, Lu Ming, as the head of the house, would be able to say nothing. Catch without stress.

I saw Lu Ming retracted his hand and looked at Zheng Hongrui with a smile: "What project?"

Zheng Hongrui also replied simply and neatly: "Star Chain!"

When he heard the word "Star Chain", Lu Ming had already made a decision in his heart, and he was more assured that Zheng Hongrui was in charge of Tianchi technology.

Lu Ming had a judgment in his own mind, but he still had to listen to what the other party said to get further confirmation.

Zheng Hongrui nodded and said: "The day before yesterday, when I held a technical department meeting in the company, I came to the conclusion that within three years, many new car-making forces will flood into the field of new energy vehicles, including those well-known smart phones. Manufacturers will come in as well.”

Lu Ming's eyes suddenly lit up, but he just nodded and said nothing. Han Qiulin next to him was surprised by Zheng Hongrui's judgment. Smartphone manufacturers cross-border to build cars?

Zheng Hongrui continued to say in an orderly manner: "Why do companies that make mobile phones go to build new energy vehicles? I said this at the meeting of the technical department. Today's new energy vehicle companies and smart car companies are not traditional car companies. I also said that we are gods. Chi is actually an Internet company, in fact, car building itself is an Internet platform.”

"All your information will become a platform on your new energy vehicle. In general, you will go wherever you go. If it is a smartphone, I will often refuse you to provide me with location services. This is the case for most people. ."

"But what about you sitting in the car? You have to navigate, right? You can tell me your location by navigating, right? As long as you get in the car and connect to the car's wireless device, then in fact who is in your car, I have all the data on who and what to do."

Lu Ming leaned against the sofa with Erlang's legs crossed, and nodded while resting his chin in one hand, still silent.

Zheng Hongrui went on to say: "So I said that the new energy vehicle company is actually an extension of an Internet company, and the car will be irreplaceable as a network in the future. We also noticed that the mobile phone is a smart device, it is restricted It depends on the size of the battery capacity and the size of the phone.”

"But it's different when you put it on the car as a car-mounted station. The power can be much larger and the content that can be accepted is much wider. As long as your power is large and the receiving antenna is large, the car can be used when your mobile phone has no signal. The station must have a signal, and the existing technology is very easy to do.”

"That is to say, once I use it as a vehicle in communication, to what extent can the signal difference in the middle be? At this time, it is time to pay attention to Elon Musk. He said that he will make a big deal of the Starlink project."

Lu Ming, who was holding the armrest of the sofa in one hand, said at this time, "I remember that Musk was not the first to play with the Starlink thing. It should have been the people from Motorola who went there at the end of the last century and made a plan. What's it called..."

Zheng Hongrui burst out: "Iridium Project!"

Lu Ming snapped his fingers and said, "Yes, the Iridium project, but later died tragically."

Zheng Hongrui said unhurriedly: "The Iridium project in the past was ugly because when you used Iridium, you would find that the strength of your mobile phone, the scale of customers, and the signal strength, including the overall transmission rate, were simply not cost-effective. But it is no problem to become a vehicle radio, and the current technology is not the end of the last century. It is said that the current maritime satellite system is not a problem at all, and it is no problem to make a few tons of large."

"So in the future, the new energy vehicle is a smart tram, which is very different from the traditional oil car. The smart car will become a star chain group one by one in the future, and it will become another communication of your company, so special The competitor Sla is actually playing a lot, and Musk is very ambitious. Although Tesla’s stock price has plummeted recently, from an investment perspective, you should be optimistic about Tesla. Chairman, you should copy Musk’s bottom, for sure Great profit, the capital market has not yet seen it clearly but will definitely see it in the future, haha, just kidding, saying in front of the chairman that investment is a trick.”

As a peer, Zheng Hongrui is on the front line and definitely knows the real situation and future direction of the industry better than most institutional analysts.

As soon as these words came out, Lu Ming couldn't help but smile. In fact, Tiansheng Capital's diving funds had already begun to lurk in Tesla.

Zheng Hongrui returned to the topic and continued: "So when I saw Musk said he was going to do Starlink, I was also anxious. We haven't done it yet. In fact, it is completely integrated with his Starlink and Tesla car. Yes, it is absolutely impossible to just look at it, it is one-sided. Now Internet companies think that they have users and their mobile phones, but smart terminals such as mobile phones have become saturated and entered the stock market, and the restrictions of smart terminals More and more, we will definitely turn to smart cars to explore new growth points.”

"As for our number one competitor, Tesla, there is another important difference caused by regional differences, that is, our domestic mobile phones are real-name systems, which have been real-named a long time ago, and the real-name is given to the website."

"Tesla is a western company and an old American company. The users on the old American side surf the Internet anonymously, which makes me ignorant of the user's situation, but as long as the users of Magnesium are bound to the car, it is completely It's different, Laomei is a country on wheels, this is their culture, and everyone has a car."

Having said that, Zheng Hongrui spread his hands and clapped his palms on the backs of his hands and said, "Isn't that the real name? Your license plate number is no different from your personal name."

Real-name means to truly understand the user, then the massive data is valuable, and it is money, and it has to be re-priced by the market.

Lu Ming nodded again and said, "Under such a scenario, the so-called car-making company, in fact, the entire operating system revolves around people and the Internet. Based on this logic, a valuation is immediately generated. Differently, the valuation of fuel vehicles is based on traditional industries, but for Tianchi technology or Tesla, these new energy vehicle companies have to be valued according to Internet companies, which are all based on 100 times the price-earnings ratio. It's worth it."

Lu Ming's last Tesla's market value can reach one trillion US dollars, how exactly is the market valued? Can the valuation of traditional car companies be estimated at trillions of dollars? Totally impossible.

But if you think of Tesla as an Internet giant company, Google and Amazon, and smart cars as smartphones, if you compare them like this, isn't it right that Tesla's market value can top trillions of dollars? How much market value did the giants such as Google and Apple have in the same period?

Of course, there are only a handful of people who can see this level at this point in time. Tesla's market value is only about 50 billion US dollars, and it is still diving. No matter how you look at it, it is the rhythm of the end. At the end, I pulled a Tesla. The super factory was built and put into production at the "speed of light" and then began to "riot". After the production capacity was up, Tesla's stock price also started a rocket-like surge.

Just after Lu Ming finished speaking, Zheng Hongrui nodded immediately: "Yes, yes, I completely agree with the chairman's conclusion, and we basically leave this part of the motor and battery to the friends in the 'Tiansheng Department' circle of friends. , the technology is also getting more and more mature, we really don't do it, this is not the core node."

"Even from a commercial perspective, the real money-making part is neither the motor nor the battery, or even the car, but the network big data derived from the car itself brings greater benefits. So I say that Tianchi technology is the Internet Companies, of course, have to be valued according to Internet companies, and other new energy vehicle companies will also be valued in the same way, whether they can survive is another matter.”

"Looking back and saying that mobile phone manufacturers will build cars, it's easy to understand, because this is in a circle in itself. If you understand this logic, you will know why I judge that mobile phone companies will build cars in the future, but I can't react now. But it will take no more than three years to react, and those well-known mobile phone manufacturers will definitely end, and they will not dare to end.”

"The other is that there is still a practical problem for our country. Now these high-end chips outside are stuck in the neck, it will be better, because after the big object like a car, many things don't need to be as sophisticated as a smartphone. , the size of the mobile phone is so large, and the space is very small, so the chips must be miniaturized and miniaturized, and the technology must be cutting-edge.”

"But the car is different. Such a big object can be used with relatively low performance, a little more power consumption, a little more heat dissipation, and a larger chip is no problem, relatively speaking, the neck is less stressful. But it is precisely because of this that the future new energy vehicle market will definitely be in a chaotic pattern of chaos for some time.”

Zheng Hongrui almost finished what he had to say here, and finally looked at Lu Ming and added: "Chairman, you have a lot of influence, and you can listen to it. Maybe you can refer to it internally. It is recommended that the above increase efforts and speed up. To promote the new energy industry, after all, breaking through the predicament of high-end chips is not something that can be achieved overnight, but the immediate problem is imminent, and development cannot be stopped.

Lu Ming didn't answer Zheng Hongrui, but moved slightly towards Han Qiulin's side, stared at her and said, "Qiulin, have you heard? What is vision? Chi, although the board of directors voted in favor of me at the end, I know that nearly half of the directors still disapprove in their hearts. , especially to let Gao Hua take a good look."

Han Qiulin smiled and nodded lightly: "Okay."

Zheng Hongrui, who was sitting on the side, was a little embarrassed when he heard this, lowered his head and touched his nose. Seeing that his immediate boss was in front of him, he was indirectly praising him by talking to Han Qiulin. This was the first time I met him. There are so many ways, Lu Ming is talking to Han Qiulin, so Zheng Hongrui can't answer to show humility, so he can only touch his nose in silence.

In the end, it is the immediate boss, and the ability to control the field is full of words.

However, Zheng Hongrui is not a science and engineering man who only understands technology. Not only did he hear the big boss complimenting him, but he also noticed that the board of directors of Tiansheng Capital was mentioned in the big boss's words. This is the key information.

Zheng Hongrui believes that the big boss is not just saying it casually, but conveying another meaning to him: you Zheng Hongrui has burned so much money and you don’t know when you will be the leader. Can you make a difference in the future of Tianchi? It is still unknown. The board of directors of Tiansheng Capital has a lot of opinions on you. I will bear the pressure of the board of directors. Come.

Thinking of this, Zheng Hongrui's pressure has also come up. Although he is very confident in Tianchi technology, in any case, the company's products have not been tested by "Mr. Market", and he has to face the final test of consumers. Can he succeed? The time has to rely on the shipment volume. Now that the funds have burned out astronomical figures, they have to continue to burn. It is impossible to say that there is no pressure.

Lu Ming just finished talking to Han Qiulin, then turned to look at Zheng Hongrui and smiled: "Internal reference is exempted, it is not necessary, the country's vision is farther, broader and more comprehensive than yours, you are on the fifth floor at most, the country has already stood The atmosphere is over, and in this game of energy, new energy is a big strategic chess game, and the strength, speed and depth of advancement in this area will exceed your estimates.”

Lu Ming didn't forget that carbon neutrality and carbon trading were coming soon.

Zheng Hongrui's eyes lit up when he heard the word "strategy", and he was very excited. New energy can rise to the level of "strategy" at the national level. He knows what this means.

Work hard and you're done!

Lu Ming added: "In a big way, the Tianchi technology you are in charge of has a historical mission, and the elimination of gasoline vehicles is a trend. In the future, every smart car driving on the road will be related to the big data formed by it. The security of National Geographic's core data, information security, including people's travel security, are all things that matter."

After a moment's pause, Lu Ming looked at Zheng Hongrui and added: "If the smart cars running on the road in the future are all Tesla and foreign brands, then these core data related to society and even national security will be controlled by foreign countries. In the hands of the company, the details of the layout of your house, which rooms, several halls, and doors face the bedroom, are clearly understood by others. There is no secret at all. If he messes up, it will be fine? So Tianchi technology is only a commercial success. It is a minimum, far from enough."

What Lu Ming wanted to express was also very simple. The game in new energy vehicles is definitely not just limited to the level of business competition between multinational At the end, Zheng Hongrui nodded slowly: "Chairman, I understand."


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