Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 585: 【Do you want to invest in stocks for office workers? 】

At this moment, Lu Ming, who was chatting with the majority of netizens in the live broadcast room, did not know that his company's stock was already rising, and he did not watch the market at this moment.

The current number of people in the live broadcast room has soared to 100,000 people, and the barrage comments are super hot, and even many big Vs and many industry insiders have heard the news and come to dive and watch.

Today's world's richest man is broadcasting live. This is a rare event, which naturally attracts audiences from all walks of life to watch.

Audience: "The main force is really staring at my account. As long as the tickets I buy, they will not move. When I sell them, they will rise sharply. So I used each stock to buy 100 shares, which contained about 10 trillion. Funds, bulls are bullshit... [Aojiao]"

Audience: "Hahaha, die of laughter, talent!"

Audience: "Brother, tell me what you bought next time."

Audience: "I have a very iron brother who was going to make 2 million a few days ago, and now has more than a dozen consecutive boards, Emperor Shunhao, but fortunately he was persuaded by my bitter words, otherwise... He made a fortune [covers face and laughs]"

Audience: "Fuck you, you are so rude."

Audience: "My old waist was almost snapped, talent!"

Audience: "I'm trying to persuade my friend, how is your friend recently?"

Audience: "e... My brother is sending me messages every day now, Shunhao hit the daily limit today, hit the limit today, hit the limit again today, hit the board again, doubled again..."

Audience: "Hahaha, you can feel your brother's full of resentment after stepping into the air between the lines."

Audience: "Ah... I don't dare to face him now. I'll keep my mouth shut in the future, and don't bet on investment advice."

Audience: "You're fine, fortunately it wasn't the day when the old demon in the East peaked, you suggested him to buy it and then start to cut the limit in half the next day, or your brother would have to bring a knife to chop you... [dog head]"

Lu Ming was a little dumbfounded when he saw these comments.

Audience: "One brother, one brother, I am an office worker. I also have the idea to enter the market to speculate in stocks, but it is a bit false. As an office worker, can I go to stock speculation? Can you give me some advice?"

Audience: "The old iron in front said that Shaobeibei investment advice is such a thing."

Audience: "Can one brother be the same?"

After seeing the question raised in this comment, Lu Ming thought about it and said, "Whether office workers can trade stocks, this has always been a hot topic. In fact, office workers all want to speculate in stocks, but you have this idea and do you speculate well? Well those are two concepts."

Lu Ming: "And what is stock speculation? In fact, the understanding is also different. Anything called speculation is just as fast as you are cooking vegetables, so the transaction speed is very fast, that is, high-frequency trading. This is called speculation. When you buy a stock, you basically don’t move, and holding it for a long time is called investment.”

Lu Ming: "Generally speaking, hype is speculative, so whether you invest in stocks or speculate in stocks is very important. Oh, what should I say, for office workers, my personal opinion is, Since you have work to do, if you trade frequently, it will definitely affect your current work, there is no doubt about this, the two must not be both.”

Lu Ming: "If you are a stock trader, then you have to keep an eye on when the stock market is changing and when there is a change. Your class is definitely not good, but from a broader perspective. Speaking of which, I think it’s okay for office workers to hold stocks, but you can’t trade frequently, but it’s okay to hold stocks for a long time.”

Lu Ming: "It means that you have done your research and hold a certain stock, especially a stock you know to hold for a long time, not just buy a stock and hold it for a long time!

Lu Ming: "Then you will definitely ask the office worker how should I choose stocks? What stocks should I buy? My opinion is that if you are an office worker, don't think about high-frequency trading. You are not allowed to high-frequency trading during working hours. , and your research on stocks is definitely not as good as that of a professional team. If you really want to do it, you might as well buy a fund or something, but you have to choose a team to buy a fund, right?"

Lu Ming: "If you don't invest in real estate, if you don't invest in gold, you mainly invest in stocks. My suggestion is, if you are an office worker, buy stocks related to the industry you work in. Why? Because this is the most suitable for work. Because you can play some of your advantages as an office worker, first of all, which company is good for your industry? Which company is not good? In your daily work, you actually have inside information, right? Because you It's an industry insider working in a front-line position in the industry, isn't that the truth? We have to learn to use inside information legally, right?"

Lu Ming: "Which company is the best for you in this industry, and which company earns more money? You don't even need to read his complicated annual report, you probably know the story, isn't that the truth? If you are in the industry, you should have it. All I feel is that investment can only make money within the scope of your cognition. This should be within the scope of your cognition. Why bother to do things beyond your cognition? Some personal suggestions, what I said may not be correct, everyone can rationally screen?"

Audience: "Listening to Brother Yi's on-demand broadcast, my office worker is suddenly enlightened."

Audience: "Thank you, brother, for clarifying the confusion, and it is also easy to understand and down to earth."

Lu Ming said with a smile: "That's right, you just buy the industry you're in, the industry you're familiar with, and then the performance here is good, if you hold it for a longer period of time, generally you won't lose money, and you'll be able to outperform. Index, as long as your industry is good, it is still developing. Leading stocks, leading companies, star stocks, and industry leaders in the industry will definitely outperform the broader market, and even out of the counter-cyclical bear market, you can also have a beautiful return on investment. ."

Audience: "There are bright returns in the counter-cyclical period, I understand, this is Stud Tiansheng Holdings... What? Now it costs more than 4 million to buy one hand? Sorry to bother you!"

Audience: "I agree with what the first brother said. That's what I did. I'm buying the stocks of our company's suppliers now, because we have a detailed assessment of the quality of the suppliers' products, and we know who is doing well and who is not. Well, of course, I bought the stocks of good suppliers for investment. The current income is not bad. Last year, the profit of more than 30 points fell sharply. However, I chose to increase the position because I knew the actual situation, so The more it goes down, the more you buy it and then patiently hold it until it goes up.”

Audience: "Positive solution, a company that really keeps making money and profits keeps going up will always go up, even if it doesn't go up in the current period, it will definitely not go up in the later period. Back then, Anshi's shares were suppressed so badly, and in the end they couldn't help but go up several times. Times, although the first brother's intervention has a lot of factors, the first brother's intervention itself is the company's high quality and low price, and the logic of the increase remains unchanged."

Audience: "The first brother said very detailed, the logic is as detailed as possible, and ordinary people can understand. To sum up, it is to invest in value in the industry that you are familiar I still agree with this, office workers are It is definitely not possible to do a professional team, and it is impossible to play the ultra-short-term demon stocks, so you can only invest in prices, and office workers can save a lot of time to research and select stocks in industries they are familiar with, which saves time and cost.”

Audience: "But brother, the industry I'm engaged in doesn't seem to be very good. What should I do?"

When Lu Ming saw this comment, he couldn't help laughing: "This friend, you said that you can't work in the industry, what I want to say is that if you are not joking, the industry you are engaged in is really going to decline, at this time The problem you are facing is not whether the office workers should invest in stocks. Shouldn’t your immediate priority be to consider whether to transform? The main contradiction and the secondary contradiction must be clearly defined, am I right?”

Audience: "I'm going, but I'm speechless... [covering face and crying]"

Audience: "Change careers, old iron~~"

Audience: "The first brother is the first brother, and when he speaks, he hits the key points with precision and accuracy."

Just when Lu Ming and the majority of the melon-eating audience in the live broadcast room were chatting happily, suddenly many audience members shouted breakthroughs in the comment area.

Audience: "Breakthrough, breakthrough!"

Audience: "What breakthrough?"

Audience: "Breakthrough, the stock king finally broke through and hit a new record high!"

Audience: "Non-stock speculators ask if they don't understand, what is the stock king?"

Audience: "The king of stocks is Tiansheng Holdings, the stock with the largest market value in Big A, Tiansheng Capital, a company founded by a brother."

Audience: "It really broke through, and it's a new high, the stock king yyds, the first brother yyds!"


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