Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 636: 【Enchanted Girl Opens Subscription】

At around 19:00 that night, Anshi Group issued a blockbuster announcement that a package of assets represented by the company's cultural and tourism industry was sold to Huijing Group for 87.3 billion yuan. The transaction has been settled.

At the same time, Anshi Group also disclosed that the company will resume trading on March 27.

This news has caused quite a stir in the capital market. The news that Anshi Group is going to sell one of its core high-quality assets has long been rumored, and now it is a real hammer.

This transaction includes but is not limited to project assets such as theme amusement, attraction-based, resort hotel, etc., as well as the cinema companies under the Anshi Group are also packaged and sold.

Various institutions or analysts feel that the Anshi Group is crazy. Before this, the assets sold could bring it billions of yuan in net profit every year. It was very stable, and it was tantamount to selling a cash cow.

For a time, the two brothers of the An family were in the news again. After all, the transaction amount was huge, and everyone believed that the biggest reason for such a big change in the An family was the internal disputes in the family. .

Then the two brothers were once again scolded by retail investors who held Anshi's shares. Not only retail investors, but also many large households who were quilted were also scolded. The management was a good deal, but the current chaotic situation of Anshi Group's management has made everyone All agree that the future is dark.

The big V of online stock reviews is also bad.

After this asset change, Anshi Group is obviously going to be revalued by the market. The current total market value is 395 billion yuan. Some institutional analysts believe that the current market value of Anshi Group after revaluation should be reasonable in the range of 300 billion yuan.

In other words, the valuation has to be further reduced, and it will fall by about -24%. Anshi shares are still facing the huge risk of "Davis double play".

No one would have thought that this company had a total market value of more than 1.6 trillion at its peak. At the beginning of last year, when the blue-chip big white horses were in a frenzy, the market shouted a target market value of 2 trillion.

In the past year or so, the market value of Anshi's shares has reached less than 400 billion, and it has to fall.

The worst blue-chip big white horse of the year is Anshi Co., Ltd.

The most chilling thing for the retail investors who are trapped in it is that in the hot spring market, all blue-chip big white horses are rising. Many blue-chip stocks that have been cut in half have doubled, Mao Ti has also risen by more than 60%, and Tiansheng Holdings is even more. Outrageous, the total market value once exceeded 5.2 trillion yuan when the stock price reached an all-time high.

However, in this round of hot spring market, Anshi's shares are in the suspension stage, and the whole process is lonely. If there is no suspension, Anshi's shares will make up for the popularity of the previous period, right?

Now that the market has come to the present, everyone actually knows that the most frenetic node has passed, and it is almost time for the stage to peak.

Therefore, the retail investors trapped in it are hated, and they are still very uneasy. Now that the market has returned to the 3000-point water level, the momentum has slowed down significantly. Anshi shares resumed trading on March 27, and the market did not catch up when it took off and rose. , If you encounter adjustments, then you should not be beaten further?

It's no wonder that the retail investors inside will scold, not only the funds are trapped in it and miss this hot market, but the resumption of trading is very likely to further kill.

Contrary to the general bearishness of Anshi's shares in the market, Huijing Group has become a favorite and is favored by various institutions. At least on the surface, Huijing Group has picked up a lot of bargains, although it is a bit at risk. Thinking that the relationship between Huijing and Anshi Group at the beginning also made many people sigh, but there is nothing to say about the chaos in the shopping mall.

Not to mention that the allies of the year took advantage of the danger, and the two brothers of the An family were fighting with each other.

Wei Jianping is also in high spirits and is quite proud. After the news was disclosed, Huijing also announced the resumption time on March 27, which is very targeted. Huijing Group is a real estate listed on the Big A Shanghai Stock Exchange. The company's stock name is Huijing Development.

The total market value of Huijing Development before the suspension was 85.9 billion yuan. At the beginning of last year, the total market value of the Baotuan market was also more than 160 billion yuan. In the bear market last year, Huijing's market value was almost cut in half. Enjoy the rise of this spring market.

But at present, the entire market is super optimistic about this target. After the resumption of trading, it is certain to make up for it. It is a real positive for Huijing. The resumption of trading on March 27 will definitely be the rhythm of the top.

The transaction value of 87.3 billion yuan is higher than Huijing's current total market value. The transaction was completed with cash plus 29% of Huijing Group's equity. The equity valuation was 41 billion yuan, far exceeding the market price and reasonable. After all, Anshi The group therefore holds a 29% stake in Huijing.

The rest is the completion of the cash transaction, but Huijing is obviously unable to generate such a huge cash flow of 46.3 billion. Wei Jianping obtained the money to complete the transaction by means of pledge of his own company's equity. In general, Huijing's current debt ratio has soared to 109%.

However, the market is optimistic about Huijing now. Although the debt is a little heavy, after the completion of this transaction, Huijing's performance will also greatly increase, and it is expected to bring billions of net profit growth every year.

Wei Jianping's sale of 29% of his own company's equity also prevented the possibility of being acquired by Anshi Group through a reverse takeover in the secondary market. If there is such a motive, then Anshi Group only needs to increase its holdings by 1% to trigger a placard.

In this way, there is a reaction time, and Wei Jianping will inevitably take measures to stop the trading at the first time, such as the "poison pill plan" to dilute the company's equity to prevent the other party from gaining control of the company.

Although 29% of the equity is Huijing's second largest shareholder, it still has no substantive control. Without 34% of the equity, there is no veto even during the voting of major matters.

At least Wei Jianping will not feel the risk of losing control of Huijing. After all, after the "Antian Equity Dispute" that year, many domestic companies have further improved their top-level design to a certain extent.


At around 20 o'clock in the evening, Lu Ming posted the latest news on his personal social media account:

[The absolute number of affirmative votes lead to the winner, then the clearing will start tomorrow. At the same time, the day after tomorrow, that is, Friday, March 15th, Tiansheng Value Growth Mixed Fund will open the subscription channel again. For this subscription, we will decide the highest subscription for a single trading day. The upper limit is 50,000 yuan, and the fund sales share ends at 100 billion yuan. 】

Don't think about it, the subscription will be opened on Friday, and it will definitely reach 100 billion that day. In fact, the scale of the car's funds will definitely exceed this amount. Lu Ming is still very confident in his appeal.

Now everyone knows that Tiansheng Value Growth Hybrid Fund is almost guaranteed to make a profit without losing money. One brother's concept of mutual wealth is one batch for another, and the target group is the public. This is similar to the social security fund that cannot lose money. Therefore, if you buy it, you will earn it. Naturally, there will be a huge number of Christians rushing to subscribe.

Obviously, this time, a new batch of people got on the bus, and the average subscription price for each Christian is 50,000 yuan, and there are also 2 million new Christians who get on the bus, but in fact it must be greater than the number of 2 million, because it is impossible for everyone to buy it. Top Gera is full, there may be hundreds of yuan, thousands of yuan, ten or twenty thousand yuan, etc. The lower limit of subscription for public funds is very low, and fund platforms such as Zhifubao can buy 10 yuan. purchase.

As soon as Lu Ming posted the latest dynamic content, the news spread immediately. At this moment, countless people were staring at his social account.

A lot of Christians are ready, this is the time to fight fast, everyone knows that there must be a lot of people snapping up, the events have been so widely fermented in the past few days, and there are so many people who are paying attention, it will definitely be on Friday. If you buy it, you may not have a chance to get on the car if you take a slow step.

And not long after Lu Ming updated this news, many Christian Democrats with relatively bold deposits were less than 50,000 yuan. They wanted to reach the maximum subscription limit, so they went to friends to borrow money, and even went to borrowing, Baitiao and other platforms to do it. When the money comes out, most people can still make a few thousand yuan, ten to twenty thousand yuan from these platforms without any problem.

Even if the annual interest rate of these platforms reaches 16% or more, it is necessary to get cash, because everyone calculates the interest rate of the annualized income after buying the Tiansheng Value Growth Mixed Fund, so it is as much as you can get. How much to do.


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