"How many organizations have you contacted?" Lu Ming put away his thoughts and looked at Han Qiulin.

"Up to now, there are 173 institutions, of which 67 are from the world's 100 largest sovereign wealth funds." Han Qiulin looked through the materials and added: "All 173 institutions add up, and the scale of asset management can reach $862 billion."

Rao was used to seeing big scenes, and when Han Qiulin read out this number, her eyes were still filled with exclamation.

It is equivalent to the average of each institution entrusting nearly 5 billion US dollars of funds to Tiansheng Capital Management.

Obviously, the global capital has recognized the ability of Tiansheng Capital, and in the face of such an unprecedented dazzling record, it has to be convinced.

"More than 860 billion? US dollars? That's about 6 trillion yuan. Let me see the materials."

Lu Ming was also surprised by this figure, and immediately took the materials from Han Qiulin to browse, focusing on the 67 sovereign wealth funds. To a certain extent, the funds management of these 67 institutions is from the country where the institution is located. The behavior of the state is of great significance.

"Are we really going to take over these overseas funds? There is at least $200 billion in it or a Wall Street background directly or indirectly." Han Qiulin couldn't help asking.

"The more the better, we will accept as much as they dare to give, regardless of the background source of the funds." Lu Ming browsed the information on the materials and replied without hesitation: "The bigger the scale, the bigger the impact, and the bigger the bigger the better. If you can't fail, the more you fail to fail, the safer it will be. Wall Street capital, European capital, or other funds of unknown or unknown origin, as long as they can send the money to us, all of them will be accepted. . . "

In this fiasco, there was a vote of people on Wall Street who chose to lie down, and no longer thought about going against Tiansheng Capital. After several years of successive fiascoes, they finally came to their senses and began to reflect.

Technology has national borders, education has national borders, and even art has national borders. Only capital has no borders, and capital flows around the world. Wherever there is profit, it flows.

But why not join?

No, there is a group of people on Wall Street who have turned their heads.

As for the previous grievances, capital is driven by interests, and no matter how big the grievances are, they can be laughed off. In a sense, capital is the least grudge.

"Yohoo~~, as expected of a big dog, one family accounts for about 20%. Generally, if you don't do it, it's not ordinary." Looking at the materials, Lu Ming couldn't help but be surprised. The scale of funds that Shate wanted to entrust was 173 institutions. The largest amount in it.

Other agencies, Lu Ming, didn't dare to guarantee the ticket, but he believed that the big dog was absolutely playing the truth this time. The crown prince had already flown over, and he said nothing sincere.

Han Qiulin further said: "Strictly speaking, the 172.5 billion US dollars that Shater wants to entrust should be calculated separately, of which 100 billion US dollars are from the funds under the name of the Shater royal family, and the other 72.5 billion US dollars are from the Shater Public Investment Fund."

Lu Ming couldn't help but look at the four major sovereign wealth funds in the Middle East. These four institutions are also among the top ten wealth sovereign funds in the world, and their total assets have exceeded 2 trillion US dollars.

Keweit Investment Agency (KIA) ranks third in the world and first in the Middle East with assets of US$692.9 billion. This time, it contacted Tiansheng Capital and proposed to spend US$50 billion for management;

Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) ranks fourth in the world with total assets of US$649.1 billion. This time, it proposed to ask Tiansheng Capital Management for US$60 billion;

Saat Public Investment Fund (PIF) ranks eighth in the world with total assets of 430 billion US dollars. This time, it plans to spend 72.5 billion US dollars for management;

Dubai Investment Company ranks tenth in the world with total assets of 302.3 billion US dollars. This time, it plans to spend 40 billion US dollars to entrust Tiansheng Capital Management.

Lu Ming, who was browsing the materials, couldn't help but sigh.

The four local tyrants in the Middle East are really more than each other. The four local tyrants alone account for 322.5 billion US dollars, accounting for more than 37%. They are really not ordinary tyrants, especially Shater. .

At the end, Lu Ming looked at Han Qiulin and said, "I will call and reply to these 173 institutions on the working day tomorrow. Tiansheng Capital is very much looking forward to cooperating with them."

Gu Yun

Han Qiulin nodded, and Lu Ming added: "However, Tiansheng Capital is not BlackRock, the annual management fee of 2.5% cannot be less, and the lock-in period is 15 years. In short, the contract is the same as the current LPs of Tiansheng Capital. , even if you don't accept it."

With strength and a sturdy record, there is this confidence.

Now the other party is begging you to manage the money.

Lu Ming believed that the news of the 3.12 trillion cake was divided, and he believed that the news must not be concealed nor planned to conceal it. Most of those well-informed international capital institutions have also heard about it.

Happiness is compared, and envy is also compared.

Among the world's top asset management giants, Tiansheng Capital can be said to be one of the institutions that charge the most management fees. For asset management giants like BlackRock, the larger the client's entrusted funds, the less management fees they will need , and some don't even charge management fees.

But Tiansheng Capital, no matter how big its client funds are, is 2.5% per year. At present, all LPs under it do not feel that the cost of capital management is high, because the growth rate of asset prices far exceeds the annual management cost, naturally no one cares.

If these 173 foreign capital institutions can really hand over 862 billion US dollars to Tiansheng Capital Management this time, it means that the company can collect 21.55 billion US dollars in annual management fees, or about 149.3 billion yuan. of.

For the 15-year lock-up period of 862 billion US dollars, that is to say, the total management cost of funds in 15 years is 323.25 billion US dollars, which means that in the next 15 years, the asset price growth of this 862 billion US dollars must be more than 323.25 billion US dollars to not lose money , this is without counting the currency depreciation over the past 15 years.

However, if these institutions really hand over the money to Tiansheng Capital Management, Lu Ming is almost 100% sure that within the next year, it will not only help them earn the management costs for the next 15 years in advance, but also realize the asset price. doubled.

Because there is less than a year left, the new G is coming. In this unprecedented global public health crisis, the global capital market will fluctuate violently in the short term, and the U.S. stock market will continue to melt.

The Fed started unlimited quantitative easing, and the crazy money printing pushed up the asset price bubble. At this time, the money earned by the Fed is the money printed by the Fed.

Deploying before the crisis breaks out can easily make incredible profits.

The Nasdaq can double within a year after the big circuit breaker. Next year, the value-added of Tiansheng Capital's total assets should outperform the Nasdaq, but it is abnormal if it fails to outperform.


The time came to June 3. Tonight, the U.S. stock market tumbled again at the opening, and the three major indexes all fell by more than 2 percentage points.

The "money shortage" in the market is becoming more and more obvious. From past experience, the end of the quarter and the end of the year are the peak periods of "money shortage" in North America.

The concentration of tax pressures during this period, paying for government bond purchases, and North American banks' relatively weak willingness to lend at the end of the year could all lead to a market crunch.

But the depth of the "money shortage" this time made many people in the industry stunned.

The harvest of Tiansheng Capital has definitely further aggravated the deterioration of the market to a large extent, but this is only an acceleration. The root cause of the "money shortage" is that more funds among the large banks in North America are used to purchase Magnesium government bonds. The demand for funds continues to increase, and there are still a large number of hedge funds that arbitrage dozens of times of leveraged basis. After all, whoever does not do risk-free arbitrage is a fool.

However, during this period of time, the international capital's hunt for Tiansheng QDIE failed miserably, and a large number of hedge funds were facing a tide of bankruptcy, which was likely to spread. A considerable part of the international capital was still holding its pockets to raise money and preparing to hand it over to Tiansheng Capital for management.

The beautiful country tried to come over through the governance level to ask for the return of the profits harvested by Tiansheng Capital, but it did not dare to really take action on the foreign exchange reserves of the seedlings in the Greater China region, and the current market confidence is gradually collapsing.

Amei finally lived in Bengbu, so... relax!


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