Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 802: 【1 word limit down】

After the market closed, Tianchi Technology's daily limit ended, and the board was closed for the whole day. Today's transaction volume can be 7.308 billion, which is a decrease of 4.8 billion compared with the previous trading day. It can be seen that the holders are reluctant to raise money. Optimistic about tomorrow's two into three boards.

Today's big a and the two markets have a good profit-making effect, and the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets continued to expand in the afternoon.

As of the close, the Shanghai Composite Index closed at 2,924.11 points, up +1.31%, the Shenzhen Component Index closed at 9,569.47 points, up +2.18%, and the ChiNext Index closed at 1,652.29 points, up +2.57%. The market is basically a general increase. Quotes.

In terms of industry sectors, the big technology category led the gains in the two cities today. The domestic software sector is active, and the chip concept has also risen sharply, while the new energy sector is directly lifted from icu and continues to be hilarious.

Today, as long as you buy big technology stocks, you will basically make money, and the problem of earning more and less.

Tuesday, September 3.

This morning before the market, there are still about 20 minutes before the opening call for auction, a news suddenly spread wildly in the circle, attracting investors from all walks of life to forward it.

It is a screenshot of a holding position, and it is rumored that this is the magician who beat Tianchi Technology yesterday.

In the Internet age, news spreads too fast, and it is directly transmitted by fission. In ten minutes, it is almost spread by one, ten or ten.

Investors have forwarded screenshots of the magician Jintianchi Technology in the exchange group.

The result is that Tianchi Technology voted with its feet and directly checked the button of all staff.

At 9:15, the call auction started, and it was directly pressed on the limit-down board. Until the end of the auction, the final opening price was 61.93 yuan, a decrease of -20.01%.

Investors who were bullish on the second and third boards were collectively dumbfounded.

The stock market lantern magician has become an anti-reflection recognized in the circle. The investors who came in yesterday were stunned, and they were so angry that they cursed the magician!

At this moment, the Magister is still in bed. He didn't buy Tianchi Technology yesterday. Since he came out at the end of last month, he has fulfilled his promise to hold empty positions. After 1 million, the live broadcast was launched on Douyin.

Obviously, this is a rumor, and someone has taken advantage of the Magister's backlash.

When a phenomenon becomes a law, someone will definitely take advantage of it.

At 9:47, the Magister woke up. He picked up his mobile phone and glanced at it, and found that the news of WeChat and Kou Kou had all exploded!

Then the magister was also stupid, with a question mark hanging over his head.

"Why are you saying that I entered Tianchi? What happened?" The magister muttered to himself in a daze, and opened the software app to take a look. Good guy, Tianchi Technology is blocked on the limit-down board, and it is The word fell to the limit, and the magician was stunned again.

After a while, I quickly sent a message to the group: [What's the situation? Why are you talking about me again? ]

"Isn't it because you entered Tianchi yesterday? It just hit the limit today!"

Seeing this reply from the group friend, the magister asked a question mark again, and sent a message to reply: [What the hell? who said it? I didn't enter. I went short before I came out. I didn't buy any stocks, not even ETFs. ]

When the people in the group saw the Magister's words, question marks all over the screen immediately swiped over. One of the group friends immediately sent a screenshot to Magister Aite, who was surprised when he saw the content of the screenshot.


The Magister was suddenly startled. He realized that he was being used by some people. The Magister immediately panicked, and he didn't bother to wash up and quickly logged into his social account to update the news to refute the rumor.

He was really frightened, he couldn't bear this pot and couldn't bear it, and even given him ten thousand courage, he didn't dare.

I have already received so much money from the big guys, a full one million soft sister coins, the condition is not to hit the hot spots, not to chase the leader, if those big guys mistakenly think that the mages don't keep their promises and get angry.

The Magister was really scared, he was just an ordinary little fan, but his accidental popularity became a counterpoint, but he was still an ordinary little fan in essence.

Those big guys can't afford to offend any of them, if the other party retaliates...

The Magister is even more afraid of eating iron fists, because he doesn't know if this is market manipulation, and what really made him panic was the content of a barrage that floated past, saying that it was the Magister's receipt. Taking other people’s money, and selling short securities, let the magician buy it, changing the direction of manipulating the stock price.

When I saw this barrage, I was really panicked. After all, the news that Yang and Ye were manipulating the market appeared in the securities market last month, and the magician also knew about it.

In fact, as long as you think about it, you will know that it is impossible. At least the barrage is a rumor, because Tianchi Technology has just listed new shares, and there is no securities company that has Tianchi Technology's securities source.

There are no coupons to be melted, so you can sell it short...

At this time, the magician showed his securities account for the first time, and attached the text content update:

[Everyone, pay attention, the pictures posted on the Internet are from p, fake and fake, and important things have changed in three ways. I have been short positions recently and haven’t even looked at the stock market. I just woke up and opened the news. The phone will explode, someone When using me, everyone must screen information on the Internet. Everything is based on the information of the self-media account. All the information on the Internet that the account does not match will be regarded as fake news]

After the news was released, the magister breathed a sigh of relief, and then opened WeChat again, because a big boss was asking him, and he quickly explained the actual situation to them.

This time, the magister was really panicked and couldn't get up.

A small retail investor, such a pot is not something that his magus can carry, he is very clear about this.

The big a of the group of demons dancing wildly, he didn't know some underwater things, but he knew one thing, the water was very deep, and it would take a few minutes to drown him.

The magister was really afraid that he would be inexplicably involved in a vortex that he could not bear. With a false stroke, he secretly cried bitterly: "You immortals fight, don't pull me into the water, you fight a shock. The aftermath spreads over, do I still have it? It's gone."

When something like this happened, the magister felt that 1 million was not so easy to get, and he had to be more careful in the future, otherwise he would not know if it was sold!

As the magister came out to refute the rumor, the news spread quickly.

At 9:56, Tianchi Technology had more than 3 billion yuan of funds on the board. At this time, the army of Wanshou Brother raided, and the funds on the board were quickly robbed.

At 9:58, the daily limit of Tianchi Technology was pried open.

At the same time, a sum of 12.2 million yuan was directly sent to the sky, and the stock price shot up almost in a straight line, and the decline quickly closed up -16%...-11%...-8%...-5%...

Investors can't sit still. Tianchi Technology is pulling green onions in the dry land, and its strength is almost the same as the first floor ceiling, and it has to rush to the rhythm of the floor ceiling.

Investors who have been squeezed can't bear it, and they have followed the trend to grab money, especially those whose floor prices have been cut, they are so angry that they are popular, but they can directly pursue the "s-b" strategy to grab money.

In the short-squeezed rise, followers rushed to raise money.

Now that the stock price is still underwater, grab the chips and wait for the ground to rise. Not only can you make up for the loss of the limit-down cut, but you can also earn a few points.

At 10:12, the major market software pushes news:

[Tianchi Technology has risen and turned red. Previously, it opened at a limit-down price, with a turnover of 4.1 billion yuan]

A minute later, at around 10:13, Tianchi Technology rose by +0.59%, and the stock price hit 77.88 yuan, and investors continued to follow suit.

However, after the stock price hit 77.88 yuan, the upward impulse could suddenly dry up, and the big capital suddenly stopped. At this time, the person who hit the board yesterday, the person who held back the limit-opening and the upward-rushing process, looked at the stock price. The upswing was weak, so they sold them one after another, at least near the cost price.

After a while, the stock price turned and dived directly. At this time, not only did the main funds not take over, but they also smashed the market to further strengthen the combined force of the shorts, and the stock price swooped all the way -3%...-5%...-8%...

At 11:30, the morning market was closed, and Tianchi Technology closed down -9.89%. From the time-sharing chart, the stock price turned red and turned green again in a few minutes, and began to fluctuate all the way down. Test down, and the lows keep making new lows.

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