Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 980: 【ST Tiansheng】

Reborn Financial Giant Chapter 980 [ST Tiansheng]

The entire market was waiting for the performance report of Tiansheng Capital, but it was unable to wait until the evening. At this time, investors already knew in their hearts that Tiansheng's financial report was basically certain that it would not be disclosed on time.

At around 8:00 p.m., Tiansheng Capital once again issued a financial abnormality announcement:

Due to the fact that the accuracy and completeness of some of the information involved in the company's regular reports cannot be verified for the time being, further sorting out is required, and the matters involved in the accountant's audit report cannot be verified and explained in a short period of time. In order to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the disclosure of the 2O2O first quarter performance report, the company needs to further verify the relevant situation, so it is unable to disclose the 2O2O first quarter performance report within the statutory period.

As soon as this announcement came out, those who still had a shred of expectations completely lost their thoughts.

The stock king can't actually issue a financial report!

Before the incident, everyone had never thought about such a problem, because no one would have thought that a giant like Tiansheng Capital would experience financial abnormalities and fail to issue performance reports.

Investors call out that the annual April is really a time of thunder, and it is a high-incidence period with explosive performance. Throughout the history of A-shares, there can be no big market during this time in April over the years. .

Even the stock king is not exempt.

The FTSE A50 Futures Index, a stock index composed of the 50 leading stocks with the largest market capitalization in the A-share market, fell immediately, and the decline expanded to more than -2% in the early hours of the evening.

Just looking at the current trend of the A50, those who are going to hold shares for the festival feel that a large bowl of wide noodles is already waiting after the festival.

The next day, May 1, the first day of the long holiday, the village chief brought a surprise surprise to the investors of Big A.

Around 11:00 in the morning, the exchange issued a heavy notice, which caused an uproar in the capital market and caused a sensation.

Due to the abnormal financial situation of Tiansheng Capital, the exchange decided to carry out special treatment for the stock transaction of the listed company and implement a risk warning.

Immediately afterwards, Tiansheng Capital also issued a corresponding announcement:

[Announcement of Tiansheng Asset Management Co., Ltd. on the company's implementation of risk warning]

Stock abbreviation, stock code and start date of implementing risk warning:

The stock abbreviation was changed from "Tiansheng Holdings" to "ST Tiansheng";

The stock code is still: 603230;

The starting date of implementing the risk warning: May 6, 2O2O (Wednesday)

The starting date is Tuesday, May 6, which is the first trading day after the holiday. Tiansheng Holdings officially wears a cap and changes it to "ST Tiansheng", because of "special treatment", the abbreviation is preceded by "ST", Therefore, such stocks are called ST stocks.

Usually, a listed stock will be suspended from trading for one day after being suspended for one day, and the name of the stock will change to "ST XX" after one day of suspension.

"Fairy Wood"

The changed place is the cap, the name has become ST Tiansheng, and the daily rise and fall is limited to ±5%, and if investors want to trade ST shares, they need to open the trading authority of the risk warning section.

However, for the shareholders of Big A, 99.9% of the shareholders still cannot afford it even if the stock king is not sold by ST.

After the stock king is ST, it is absolutely impossible to suspend trading, because the big A still needs the stock king to hold the entire market on the closing trading day when he returns after the holiday. If he is locked in a small black room for a day, the market must be a scene of blood collapse.

The original intention of deciding on Tiansheng Holdings ST is not to completely collapse the market, but to not bring the entire A-share market into the mad cow rhythm during the period when the stock king realizes the performance and revaluation value.

In short, it is not the result that the management wants to bring the big A to collapse or drive it crazy.

It was confirmed that the stock king's lightning cap was not a P picture, nor was it a rumor, but was really ST with a cap. The market has exploded, and there was an uproar.

"Ah this..."

"It's not, this announcement spread on the Internet is a prank by P-picture, right?"

"But it's not the goose, you read that right, the stock king was ST with a hood, you read that right, ST Tiansheng!"

"I Nima live a long time to see a miracle, everyone is stupid."

"It's outrageous to call him Mama to open the door and get home."

"The exchange is still at work today? When are you so diligent? Are you so impatient to give the stock king a hat? Did the big A rise more than a point yesterday and feel uncomfortable? Do you want the big A to die?"

"The stock king can be ST, I'm convinced, there are crouching dragons and phoenixes in the village, right?!"

"Tell me a joke, Big A's first price investment is only ST shares, drunk!"

"What do you know? Although Tiansheng is the king of stocks and has a market value of 11 trillion, the village chief will not be unmoved because of these, and the financial situation is abnormal. Even the king of stocks will still give you ST, highlighting the fact that An unselfish and selfless... [dog head saves life]"

"So messing around, big A can be a ghost if he can get up."

"Since you're all wearing hats, why not just simply put on the stars, and directly [*ST Tiansheng] will do it in one step, which will save you worry and trouble."

"Goodbye to the stock king, the legend of Niubi will finally end one day, but I didn't expect it to come so quickly."

"It's not necessarily a bad thing. Maybe everything is born, and funds come out of the stock king. Other stocks in Big A may be affected in the short term, but it may be good news in the long run."

"Didn't you say that funds can't hold ST shares? My dear, almost a bunch of public and private equity firms have to be sacked? That's not even the rhythm of falling to the limit?"

"I didn't say that you can't buy ST shares, right? I saw that there are many ST shares in the top ten holding stocks of public funds. UU reading"

"The A50 futures index has collapsed. Next week's opening of the big A thousand shares will limit down."

"Family, we will see you next week at 2500 points in the market... [Er Ha]"

"Tiansheng Capital's annual general meeting will be held in four days. It's too embarrassing for the company to be hit by ST at this critical moment. What is the village chief going to make a fuss about?"

Big A did not open for trading today, but the FTSE A50 futures were trading normally. Just after the announcement of Tiansheng Holdings being ST and Tiansheng Capital's announcement was released on the exchange, the FTSE A50 futures index plunged, and the intraday drop exploded by more than 5%. percent.

Referring to the past trend, the FTSE A50 plummeted by 5 points, and the large-cap index of the A-share market also lost about 4 percentage points, or at least 3 percentage points.

And today is May 1st. Fortunately, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, the A50 futures index will not be traded, but it will be traded on May 4th and 5th, and the A-share market will not be traded until May 6th after the holiday. to open.

That is to say, there are still two trading days when the A50 futures index is not open for trading. The index does have a great influence on the trend of the A-share market, and if these two trading days continue to sell, then in May On the 6th, the opening of the A-share market staged the scheduled scene of the thousand-share limit-down, which can be said to be an ironclad.

On the first day of the long holiday, all the stockholders who held shares for the holiday felt that their securities accounts had cooled down, and all the stockholders who held the currency for the holiday before the festival felt fortunate for a while.

It was only the first day of the holiday that such a big bad thing happened. God knows what will happen in the next few days.


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