Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 985: [After being hit by ST, a new high-pressure shock was created in history]

Lu Ming's announcement at the shareholders' meeting was unexpected, let alone the US$1.16 trillion in assets owned by foreign LPs. No wonder he said at the beginning of the meeting that he was very satisfied with the first quarterly report. .

At that time, when investors from all walks of life heard this, they were still suspicious, thinking that Lu Ming was playing tricks.

What shocked investors even more was that the part of foreign LP alone reached 1.16 trillion, and they understood that the self-operated and domestic capital of Tiansheng Capital must also be a super huge number.

Imaginative space opened immediately.

In the next question and answer session, Lu Ming continued to answer more than a dozen questions, and ended the session after collecting 55 questions.

However, most of the following questions are more macro-oriented, generally around questions and answers in the fields of new energy, love, liquidity, economic recession or recovery, and technology semiconductors.

But none of them have previously revealed that the 1.16 trillion US dollars is the best of foreign capital.

The most violent news is undoubtedly the real performance of Tiansheng Capital in the first quarter. This Lu Ming did not break the news at the shareholders' meeting.

According to past practice, after the general meeting of shareholders, a dinner will be held that evening, and all attendees can attend.

However, this time it was held online, so the dinner party was also omitted.

After the shareholders' meeting, relevant news on the Internet was also refreshing, and the capital circle was hotly debated.

The focus of attention at this shareholders' meeting, the first is obviously that Lu Ming suddenly broke the news of 1.16 trillion. This is the most popular. Again, the outside world did not expect such a result before. Wall Street has already known about it, but No one said that, after all, they were hitting their own face.

The second focus of attention is that one brother sings more in the market, almost outspokenly expressing his feelings. Rate.

Such return expectations still refer to the overall average return of the market. In other words, buying a CSI 300 index can get so much investment return.

In addition, it also shows that it is optimistic about growth and track stocks.

It can be said that what industry to buy in the second half of this year has already pointed out the direction for the entire market. The so-called track stocks are high-boom industries, which are nothing more than new energy, semiconductor, medicine and other sectors.

New energy includes lithium batteries, photovoltaics, wind power and other concept stocks.

At the shareholders meeting, Brother Yi almost directly named specific stocks during the question-and-answer session and gave them the trading codes.

Many retail investors who are superstitious in Yi Ge have no ability to pick stocks themselves. Christian Democrats are going to buy public funds that hold track stocks outside the market. Investors simply plan to go straight to ETFs in the industry. Since they don’t have the ability to pick stocks, they will buy the industry. Index ETFs can also get good returns. If the industry is just in the wind, the returns of ETFs are not worse than that of individual stocks at all, and even many individual stocks cannot outperform ETFs.


The time came to Wednesday, May 6, and the first trading day after the holiday arrived as scheduled.

Market confidence is indeed a very delicate thing. After the shareholders meeting of Tiansheng Capital yesterday, the market's long and short sentiment suddenly reversed.

Before the general meeting of shareholders, the market sentiment during the holidays was generally pessimistic, and they were basically bearish on the market outlook.

There are too many negatives during the holidays. The panic brought about by Tiansheng Holdings is enough for the market to drink a pot. During the holiday, the a50 index plummeted and continued to sprinkle salt on the wound.

But after the shareholders meeting of Tiansheng Capital, the overall market confidence turned sharply.

Although the stock king was st, it is indeed a long time to see series, but when Lu Ming broke the news, the market reacted, as if he was scaring himself, and Tiansheng Capital did not hold the thunder.

Even holding a large amount of banknotes.

Investors are no longer panic about Tiansheng Holdings' being st

There have been a lot of outrageous things in these years, especially since the love affair, all kinds of outrageous things have emerged one after another, and everyone's threshold has also been raised in a straight line.

At the shareholders meeting, Lu Ming broke the news about the identity of the US$1.16 trillion frozen funds, but he did not disclose the first quarterly report, just to let the market use its imagination, and at the same time not to overdraft expectations.

Anyway, tell the market that Tiansheng Capital is very satisfied with its first-quarter performance, but guess the exact number for yourself!

In short, Tiansheng Capital has no thunderbolt. This is a matter that the market has re-determined at present, which means that there will be no systematic wind direction in the broader market.


After 9:25, today's call auction results for the A-share market came out. The three major indexes rose and fell. .

The opening of the two cities exceeded market expectations. You must know that during the holiday period, the market generally predicted that the broader market would open more than 2 percentage points lower today.

The call auction of the Shanghai Index can open at the top, which is completely brought up by st Tiansheng. If st Tiansheng opens flat today, then the Shanghai Index has a high probability of opening nearly 1 percentage point lower than the Shenzhen Component Index.

At 9:26, the major market software pushes news:

[st Tiankai opened higher + 5.00% daily limit, the stock price was reported at 148,659.91 yuan per share, a record high, and the latest market value was 11,892.7 billion yuan]

The stock king has become the most beautiful boy in the two cities today, and is firmly in the top position of the top list of individual stocks today.

The performance of the first trading day after the st was presented in front of all investors in the form of a one-word daily limit, and he was stunned to rely on his own efforts to top the stock market in the red.

In addition, the stock market leader alone pushed the entire securities sector index higher by more than 3 points, but when I opened the scumbag sector, all the securities companies in it were green, and only the stock market leader was red. of.

There are still a few minutes before the opening of trading, and the popular stock king, now the comment area is very lively.

"What about st? Let's see what a stock king is!"

"Haha, the stock king was stung, and then the backhand hit the one-word daily limit, creating a new high-pressure shock in history."

"Fortunately, this ticket is called st Tiansheng. If you change it to another ticket, the village chief just gave you a hat. You pull up the daily limit the next day and come out and fight against the village chief. If you have a backhand, you will reward a small black house."

"Bidding for 520 million will raise the price with a single word. This volume is shrinking. It seems that institutions are very consistent in seeing the bulls, and there is no selling pressure on the market."

"5.20 is also a show, the main force will play."

"It's a pity that the stock king was stung, otherwise the daily limit of 10 centimeters will come out today. According to the current weight of the stock king in the broader market, the Shanghai index should gap up by more than 1 point."

"Brother Xinyi, the bidding has been full, and the 300etf of Stud Shanghai and Shenzhen is already full, and I will be satisfied with the profit of 30 points at the end of this year."

"Has Stud Semiconductor!"

"Has Stud New Energy!"

"This year's main line should be semiconductors, new energy and other continue to lurk brokers. I feel that brokerages must have a big market this year."

"Brokers? The stock kings who can buy can't afford them, and all they can afford are sets, things that dogs don't play with!"

"Khan~~, securities companies are so unpopular."

"I still like to drink, and take some medicine by the way. Yesterday, although my brother was crazy about semiconductors, this sector has risen too fiercely from last year to the beginning of this year, and so is new energy. Tianchi is still in the middle. I still drink and take medicine. , things that brokerage dogs don't play, I agree with this... [manually funny]"

"Brokers: In the end, I took it all by myself... [covers face]."



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