Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 991: [Only Big Finance is being beaten]

Since the Norwegian pension fund invested in Tiansheng Holdings, it really did not do anything, and it was investing in a serious manner. Such investors are naturally welcome.

But then again, it is indeed a bit more profitable. In the past four years, Norwegian Pension has generated an absolute profit of more than 379 billion yuan in the target of Tiansheng Holdings.

This is an astronomical number.

If the Norwegian pension continues for a long time and adheres to the left-hand trading strategy that has always been used, it will increase the position every quarter, only buy and not sell.

That number will not only double in the future, but also generate a floating profit of trillions. The total market value of the entire Beishang capital's current A-share positions is only more than 2 trillion yuan.

Even if the Norwegian pension is unwilling to reduce its holdings, Lu Ming has to find a way to wash out a batch of chips in his hands, because it is not a good thing for a single foreign institution to account for too much.

Because there is no absolute guarantee that the Norwegian pension will do anything in the future, the fact that it is honestly paid now does not mean that it will still be so honest in the future.

You know, the penguin next door is a living example.

After a period of time, Penguin's largest shareholder, nespers, will continue to reduce its holdings, causing Penguin's stock price to continue to crash and fall. Kidnapped Penguin and even the Hang Seng Index.

Because the price trend of Penguin deeply affects the trend of the Hang Seng Index, and the trend of Penguin is influenced by the largest shareholder, nespers.

Tiansheng Holdings' current influence in the A-share market is actually far greater than that of the Penguin Hang Seng Index. It is not too much of a problem to say that the stock king has kidnapped the Shanghai index now.

Then, foreign institutions cannot have the ability to influence the market in Tiansheng Holdings, even if it is a short-term impact, it must be taken seriously.

Of course, the Norwegian pension fund in Tiansheng Holdings has not achieved the same influence as nespers in Penguin. The shares held by Norwegian pension funds account for less than 3% of the total share capital of Tiansheng Holdings. This can actually be regarded as a major shareholder, but relatively It is also a small shareholder, after all, it still cannot enter the list of the top ten shareholders.

But the current absolute market value of nearly 400 billion is not a small number, especially if it does not move, the scale will reach trillions in the future. If the Norwegian pension does something, such as being persuaded by Laomei, it will be possible in the future. cause a lot of trouble.

Trillions of selling pressure were suddenly concentrated, and the power was quite terrifying.

Lu Ming didn't want to bury a hidden danger in his own field. Now the Norwegian pension took the initiative to run away, and he was happy to see it.

The time comes to next Tuesday, May 19th.

Today, the three major indexes of the a-share market opened higher across the board, and the Shanghai index opened higher by +0.77%. After the market opened higher, it fluctuated sideways.

After the end of the board, st Tiansheng, which adjusted for six trading days, also opened up +1.5% today, but today's real beauties are the technology track stocks, especially the semiconductor material sector, which led the two markets, and the sector's intraday gains rose sharply 8 percentage points, directly out of the all-time high.

Semiconductor stocks also set off a limit-up tide.

Zhongwei Company on the Science and Technology Innovation Board rose by +17.70%, Qingyi Optoelectronics rose by 14.26%, VeriSilicon rose by +11.29%, and Shanghai Silicon Industry rose by 10.19%.

In addition, Pairui shares, Huilun Crystal, Beijing Junzheng, Beifang Huachuang, Ziguang Guowei, and Jacques Technology, which have created three traditional sectors in Shanghai and Shenzhen, have reached their daily limit.

Yesterday on Monday, the semiconductor sector opened high and moved low. Today, it is directly reversed, and the track stocks are getting more and more hilarious.

In addition to technology semiconductors, new energy vehicles, automobiles, auto parts, defense and military industries, biomedicine, medical equipment, and liquor consumption are all continuing to break through and continue to rise.

Only big finance is being beaten!

Investors were completely disappointed, and the seesaw that was promised was lonely.

During this time, Da A's investors were really disappointed with Da Finance, especially the securities companies. This sector will take off in the future, and it will take a lot of effort to re-attract investors to "change their minds".

At the end of today's session, investors couldn't bear it anymore, and they cut meat and big finance, especially brokerage stocks.

Then most of the investors began to embrace the track, admit their mistakes to the market, and admit their mistakes to the first brother. During the annual shareholders meeting of Tiansheng Capital on May 5, the first brother raved about the track as this year's wealth code.

This has been up for more than half a month, and an industry ETF that buys a track stock can have twenty or thirty points.

As of the close, the Shanghai Composite Index closed up +0.81% to 2898 points, oscillating to close in red and close to stars. Today's rise is up, but the volume of the two cities has seen a significant shrinkage.

st Tiansheng closed up +1.52%, with a quotation of 163,734.48 yuan per share, a trading volume of 38.8 billion yuan, and an after-hours market value of 13.09 trillion yuan.

The stock king is also shrinking and rising today, and during the adjustment period since the opening of the board, the daily trading volume is less than 40 billion for the first time, and since the opening of the board, there has been a net outflow of northbound funds for seven consecutive trading days, and today it is a single-day net outflow of 17 A billion is a lot.

The reason is that there is less money on Wall Street to buy, and they are also counting the time. It will be the end of this month soon.

Lu Ming said before that they want to dig holes for profit. Wall Street also knows that this is not for them to dig, but they also hope to get some low-priced chips, and the rest will not be shabby, just make money.

The following day, Wednesday, May 20.

Today's market conditions fluctuated and fell back, and continued to adjust. The position of the broader market was also awkward, and the adjustment was not in place. It could be up or down.

The most embarrassing thing is that the investors who cut meat and big finance yesterday and transferred to the track stocks, today the track stocks are adjusted collectively, and the mentality of the investors is about to collapse.

"Who is this to make sense of?"

"Do you know why it fell? Because brother came in!"

"Anyway, the ones that don't buy keep going up, they fall as soon as they are bought, and they take off as soon as they are sold. It's hard to buy tickets that are going up. As a result, those with heavy positions have gone up very little, and those with weak positions have soared. The yields are huge, and the money actually made is very small.”

"The real world."

"Families (retail investors) do not follow until they rise sharply. It is time for family members to fall. Therefore, family members control half of the market's power. The rise will return to the main force, and the fall will return to the family members... [dog head saves life]"

"Hey, I'm being held to death, I don't want to toss anymore, cancel the account, goodbye, big a, see you again!"

"Congratulations, brother, for getting out of the sea of ​​misery."

"Don't move the grave, lie flat and rotten, anyway, you will die wherever you go, just die in the track stocks, don't increase the position, don't adjust the position, either let me make money and go, or let me lose money and directly delist. "

"The only consolation is that Big Finance didn't go up today. If it went up sharply yesterday and it was beaten again, it would be really boring, and of course it's boring now."

As of the close, the Shanghai Composite Index fell -0.51% to close at 2883.74 points.

st Tiansheng closed down -1.41%, the stock price closed at 161,420.44 yuan per share, the trading volume was 60.8 billion, and the after-hours market value was 12.91 trillion yuan. Today, the stock king's heavy volume fell.

Two hours after the close, Tiansheng Capital headquarters.

In the office, Lu Ming was reading a document, which was a "bad" announcement.

There is also a copy of the material on the desk, UU reading www. is a batch of social security funds to get on the bus, waiting for the stock king to back up again and follow the car.

This "bad" announcement is actually several important agreements reached between Tiansheng Capital and North America. Everything is true, and there will be no holiday content in the official announcement.

But the reason is bad because the complete agreement is not disclosed together, the conditions to be exchanged by Tiansheng Capital are disclosed first, and the conditions for returning the frozen funds at the same time in North America are suppressed first.

Either way, it's super bearish.

"Tomorrow is Thursday, so let's post the news at the end of the afternoon, and first post the news on the Internet to see the market's reaction." Lu Ming put the materials on the table, looked at Han Qiulin, who was also in the office, and added after thinking for a moment. : "The reaction is in line with expectations, then the official announcement will be released around 10:00 in the morning on Friday the day after tomorrow."


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