Naro got stuck in this scene three times before he finally passed it.

And there were no more scenes for him, so he could take a good rest.

When he went out and saw the unscrupulous girl Ling Qiyue winking at him, Naro gritted his teeth and left in anger.

Wen Ze saw Naro coming out and handed him a bottle of water.

Naro took it, but did not drink it, which was his habit.

Wen Ze thought Naro was in a bad mood because Director Liang told him off for NGing a few times, so he comforted him again.

But Naro's scene was not because of Director Liang, but because of a certain unscrupulous girl.

Naro was also on the crew for the next few days. If there was a role, he would act in it, and if there was no role, he would watch how others acted.

He had to live a dark life in his previous life, and playing other roles in the play also made him slowly feel a kind of...Release.

It's like experiencing another person's life.

This feeling made Naro start to like it.

It was no longer the simple decision at the beginning when he didn't know what to choose.

During this period, Naro also acted out several scenes with Mu Xinyi, who played his favorite character in the play.

The actor who played Mu Xinyi was Jiang Siqi, an artist signed by Lifeng, who was the same age as Wen Ze.

In the play, Gu Yuan, who had been reflecting on his mistakes at home for a long time, came out again and paraded in the streets with Song Hao. As a result, he happened to meet Mu Xinyi. The two of them fell in love at first sight and had feelings for each other.

When Naro and Jiang Siqi were acting together, Ling Qiyue also ran out to watch it on the spot.

He didn't feel any pressure about Ling Qiyue watching.

But Jiang Siqi had several NGs in a row when she acted with Ling Qiyue later.......


This continued until the end of August.

Director Liang also gave everyone a day off.

Naro knew that it was because the Chinese Valentine's Day was coming, and it was also Ling Qiyue's birthday.

Ling Qiyue also came to Naro the afternoon before and asked him if he would go back to Tianqiong City. He thought about it and realized that school would start soon, so he had to go back to report.

Naro then asked Director Liang for four days off.

Fortunately, except for the NG with Ling Qiyue, the subsequent NGs were not his fault.

Director Liang also generously approved his vacation.

After hearing this, Ling Qiyue also ran to ask for four days off.

But how could Director Liang agree? He only gave her a maximum of two days off.

In this way, Naro followed Ling Qiyue on the flight to Tianqiong City.

When they went together, Ling Qiyue looked at Naro with envy in her eyes.

Naro was sitting in the economy class and did not go with her.

This made him quiet for a rare time.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, Naro got off the plane, and Sister Qing came to pick him up.

As for the male assistant from before, he was no longer bothered after Nailuo joined the team.

When Ling Qiyue came out, she looked at Sister Qing and thought she was also there to pick her up, which touched her so much.

In the end, Sister Qing drove Nailuo directly to...Drive away!

This made Ling Qiyue furious again!

Nailuo looked at Ling Qiyue who was furiously hugged by Xiaoke and still kicking her feet, and asked

"Why don't you take her along?"

Sister Qing laughed.

"Someone is picking her up!"

Nailuo looked back and saw Chen Shuang's car, and Ling Qiyue got in the car.

Seeing that it was the boss who came to pick up the boss's wife, Nailuo shook his head and smiled.

After returning to the apartment he had not seen for a long time, Nailuo took a rest after washing.


Nailuo spent Chinese Valentine's Day in the apartment and did not go out.

After that, he was typing on the keyboard in the study.

Then he also logged into the dark web to take a look.

When it was time, he originally wanted to order takeout, but finally decided to go out to buy ingredients.

It was only in the supermarket that he realized that he was now in the public eye when he saw people constantly looking at him and whispering about him.

Nailuo ignored them, picked out the things and went to check out.

The employees here are all under Chen's, so there is no need to worry about anything here.

He went back to the apartment and made a simple lunch. After eating, he also went to rest.

And the fans of Ling Qiyue on the Internet all went to her Weibo to leave a message to wish her.

After all, today is Ling Qiyue's 22nd birthday.

Nailuo opened his mobile phone and took a look.

Seeing Sister Qing, other artists of Jiachen, the crew of"Mo Shang Xuan", and many artists who have worked with Ling Qiyue all sent her blessings.

Nailuo thought about it and sent a Weibo message to congratulate her.

But after he sent it, he found that there was only one Ling Qiyue in the follow column of his Weibo.

Of course, this is not the point!

The point is that he didn't click on this follow button. It must have been clicked when Ling Qiyue helped him register.

Nai Luo didn't look at the others, but soon his phone rang.

Ling Qiyue: [Nai Xiaoluo, this is my sister's gift!】


Nailuo looked at the message from Ling Qiyue speechlessly, then pretended not to see it and went to rest.

But soon his phone rang again.

When he picked it up, he saw that it was a special reminder to follow her on Weibo.

Ling Qiyue posted on Weibo

【Ling Qiyue V: Thank you all for your blessings. Today is Chinese Valentine’s Day, and I wish you all a happy holiday!❤!】

Naro looked at the July fans who were quickly occupying the building below and couldn't help but sigh, their speed was really fast

——【July in my family: Happy birthday, July!】

——【The end of July: Happy birthday to my goddess!】

——【My name is Ling August: Happy birthday to the goddess, why not post a beautiful photo!】

——【Hu Hansan returns: Happy birthday, goddess. By the way, today is Chinese Valentine’s Day and I can celebrate the festival with my girlfriend!】

——【July: The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl are also celebrating my goddess’ birthday together today!】

——【Jungle Wolf: Happy birthday to the goddess of July! The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl above may not have time to spend the holiday with the goddess. They should be very busy today.~】

——【Wind Chaser: Your words above made me think wrongly......Happy birthday to the July goddess!】

——【July:......Damn it, you bunch of dirty turtles!】


Chen Shuang looked at Ling Qiyue who had just posted on Weibo, smiled and walked over to rub her head.

"What happened again?"

"I want to take a vacation, but Xiaoluo only has four days off, and I only have two days! Two days!"

"Whenever I mention Nai Xiaoluo, I get angry. This brat doesn't even give me a gift. It's a waste of me sacrificing half a month's vacation to be his teacher!"

"Humph, this little ungrateful bastard!"

Looking at Qiyue's cute depressed look, Chen Shuang couldn't help but laugh.

""Okay, I'll make up for it later. Don't bully him on the set!"

When Ling Qiyue heard that Chen Shuang was starting to side with Naluo, her mouth puffed up even higher.

"Can I choose the gift myself?"

Ling Qiyue said, and then she looked at Chen Shuang and nodded, and she immediately became energetic.

"Then can you talk to the crew and let me have four days off too?"

After saying that, Ling Qiyue came over and hugged Chen Shuang, raising her pitiful little face.

Chen Shuang's mouth corners slowly raised, and helplessly pinched Ling Qiyue's cheek

""Okay, sister promises you!"

When she heard that it was really possible, Ling Qiyue's eyes instantly curved into a beautiful crescent shape.

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