Listening to the running and shouting outside, Ling Qiyue waited for the prey to take the bait.

The one running was Cheng Xin, who was blown away by Wu Ling's words and thought he was really discovered. It just so happened that

Wu Ling's small hammer hit Cheng Xin's hiding place.

As a result, Cheng Xin, who thought he was discovered, jumped out of his hiding place and wanted to slip away quickly.

When he wanted to run to the stairs, Yue Ming was guarding there.

This made Cheng Xin change direction instantly and run towards Ling Qiyue.

When Cheng Xin ran here, Ling Qiyue jumped out suddenly and shouted"Ah"!

Cheng Xin was suddenly frightened, and even showed a husky's frightened expression. His legs softened and he fell to the ground.

Yue Ming, who came from behind to block him, took the opportunity to pounce on the frightened Cheng Xin like a vicious dog, and hugged him tightly.

At this time, Cheng Xin, who was caught, also recovered from the shock just now, and smiled bitterly at Ling Qiyue who was making trouble.

Yue Ming and Wu Ling were almost laughing like crazy, mainly because of Cheng Xin's expression just now, which was a vivid expression package.

Cheng Xin had worked with Yue Ming, Wu Ling, Wen Ya and Dong Lin before, and he was considered a quasi-first-line actor.

After receiving the task, he had no time to greet Dong Lin and others because of time constraints and had to hide first.

Unexpectedly, he was caught before he lasted more than half an hour.

Yue Ming, Wu Ling and Dong Lin who came out also greeted Cheng Xin at this time

"Oh no~ Cheng Xin, the little rabbit, was also caught out!"

As the fox's voice came, Cheng Xin followed Dong Lin and the other man depressedly, looking at each other.

The two of them were definitely going to be punished, but they didn't know how long the rest of them could hold on.

But soon they heard the sound of running again.

It was Wen Ze who was hiding on the first floor with them.

And Wen Ze happened to be chased by his sister Wen Ya.

It turned out that Wen Ze hid very well.

But that was the place he chose himself. Nailuo watched him go in and could only help him disguise.

Originally, the disguise was very good. After Wen Ya came in, she looked around and was ready to leave, but Wen Ze's stomach inexplicably started to beat at this time.

I don't know if he ate too much or didn't eat at all!

It was the sound of the stomach that made Wen Ya's steps turn back again.

Listening to the sound that was gradually approaching , Wen Ze didn't want to sit and wait for death, so he threw the disguise on his sister and jumped out.

Wen Ya was hit, and when she saw it was Wen Ze, she gritted her teeth and ran out.

The noise from their side also attracted Ling Qiyue and the other two.

But Yue Ming was not guarding the stairs, which gave Wen Ze a chance to slip away.

Wen Ze did not run upstairs, but ran downstairs.

Seeing this, Ling Qiyue and the other two followed and caught him.

Of course, the closest one was Wen Ya who was chasing him closely.

When they ran to the third floor.

Ling Qiyue watched Wen Ya fall to the ground and then screamed in pain.

This scene scared Wen Ya's fans again.

Wen Ze also heard the sound from behind and saw his sister fall. In the end, he hesitated for a while and finally ran back.

"Sister, are you okay?" Wen Ze hurried over to support Wen Ya , who was holding her ankle with a painful expression on her face.


"Sister is fine, but Xiaoze, you have been caught~"

Wen Ze:"......"

Wen Ze looked at his sister who was holding on to him tightly, and he almost couldn't help vomiting blood. His little face turned red, and he looked at Wen Ya who was playing tricks angrily.

"Sister, you are cheating!"

Wen Ya's face no longer showed the pain just now. The corners of her mouth also showed a smile of victory, and then she patted her brother's head lightly.

"All is fair in war. Don't forget, sister is the hunter! You are the prey!"

Wen Ze gritted his teeth in anger, angrily shook off the hands that were supporting his sister, and walked to the side with a depressed face, not ready to speak.

【Ha ha...Wen Ze, you are such an idiot!】

【I have to say, Wen Ze still cares about Yaya very much. Yaya, is it okay for you to plot against your own brother like this!】

【Isn't my brother meant to be plotted against? I've seen another side of Goddess Yaya! 】

As the fox's voice came, Wen Ze was caught.

And just at this time, the half-hour bonus time was up.

This was undoubtedly another critical hit on Wen Ze.

Wen Ze was almost mad, gritted his teeth and looked at his sister angrily.

Ling Qiyue witnessed the whole incident, and then nodded his head wildly.

【What does it mean when you nod and your eyes sparkle in July!】

【July: I learned it, I learned it, I can use this trick to deal with Nai Xiaoluo! 】

On the other side, in Nai Luo's live broadcast room, his little fans were watching him and worried about him.

Because Nai Luo was not hiding at all, but was at the stairs on the fifth floor, listening to the movement below.

【Nai Xiaoluo, stop looking, and hide quickly!】

【Just came from Wen Ze, Nai Xiaoluo, run quickly, the hunters all use tricks, the July Goddess just went to steal their skills!】

【Ha, idiot, why are you pretending here? When you see the hunters coming up later, will you still dare to be so arrogant! 】

In Nailuo's live broadcast room, there were people who were worried for him, and there were also people who scolded him for being self-righteous.

But Nailuo couldn't see those.

The reason why he was like this was completely a subconscious instinctive reaction.

Before the enemy discovered him, his first priority was to try his best to understand the enemy's situation.

And his brows were slightly furrowed at this moment.

Because he just heard the voices of Wen Ya and Ling Qiyue.

Nailuo pressed his eyebrows helplessly. Sure enough, since today, the slight uneasiness in his heart was because Ling Qiyue was here.

When he heard the people below starting to come up.

Nailuo also began to quickly dodge away.

The last five floors, there are Nailuo and an actress Tian Yuan.

When Yue Ming was guarding the door, Wen Ya found Tian Yuan.

Tian Yuan and Wen Ya are familiar with each other. When they met, they smiled and hugged each other.

And Ling Qiyue has been looking for Nai Xiaoluo.

Wu Ling also looked for Nailuo one by one.

When Wu Ling came to the largest room, she looked at the curtains in the corner and walked over directly

"I see you, come out quickly!"

There was another explosion, but in Nairo's live broadcast room, he was nervous as he watched Wu Ling approaching.

Because Nairo was hiding there.

Those who didn't like Nairo at first started to mock him. They even asked Wu Ling to quickly open the curtains to catch him.

Wu Ling seemed to have received telepathy from netizens and walked straight towards there.

Wu Ling tilted his head, carried the air hammer, and pulled open the curtains.

As a result......

There was nothing inside.

And Nairo's live broadcast room exploded

【......!!! What did I just see?】

【"Fuck, Nai Xiaoluo, you are going to fly to the sky!"

At the beginning, the one who watched Wu Ling's live broadcast room kept switching to Nai Luo's live broadcast room.

When Wu Ling found Nai Luo's location, he switched back to Wu Ling's live broadcast room.

As a result, the screen was full of~


【Damn, what about Xiao Luo?】

【Wasn't he in here just now? 】

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