Ling Qiyue jumped onto Naluo's back again.

Her fans are silent now.

The main reason is that they are not blind, and they can naturally see that Ling Qiyue treats Naluo differently.

Naluo and Dong Lin are both from Jiachen Company, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that Ling Qiyue's attitude towards the two is very different.

Later, Ling Qiyue's big fan explained that Naluo is Qiyue's junior, and they have the same agent, so they are naturally closer.

In addition, Naluo is younger than Xiaoluo, and has just debuted, but he is very talented, so they think Qiyue treats him as a younger brother.

And it is no longer a secret that Naluo is an artist under Fang Qing.

All the girls in the field, except Ling Qiyue, have crossed the finish line.

Looking at Ling Qiyue's actions, Wu Ling looked at her with interest, Jiang Siqi seemed to have figured out the NG scenes when filming with Ling Qiyue before, and Wen Ya lowered her head and smiled.

The most shocked was Tian Yuan.

After all, Ling Qiyue would never have such intimate actions with that boy.


Now the remaining boys are fighting.

Yes, that's right, fighting.

Dong Lin, Yue Ming and Cheng Xin have a good relationship in private, so the three of them are pulling each other, and their respective fans did not blacken anyone, but instead sent crazy comments to complain.

【Is this okay, little dogs! 】

The one who wanted to cry the most in the field was Wen Ze.

He was an innocent victim and had already drunk two glasses of lemonade.

In the end, he gave it his all and fought to the death with a few people.

It was just that Dong Lin didn't wear flippers and could move freely.

At this time, Ling Qiyue's original plan also worked.

After all, she is a girl, Yue Ming and the others will definitely not do anything to her.

Even if they dare to come, Ling Qiyue is not a vegetarian.

After seeing the grouping, Ling Qiyue knew that the only group that could prevent her from winning was Nai Xiaoluo and Wen Ya.

When Nai Luo started from the edge, Ling Qiyue guessed his little thoughts.

Of course, she also had her own way, which was to take a ride and let Dong Lin interfere with other boys.

After all, the fox said there are no rules, isn't it normal to have some small movements~ Nai

Luo was helpless at this moment.

When the ghost doll turned around again, Nai Luo asked Ling Qiyue to come down.

As a result, Ling Qiyue hugged him tighter.

""Sister, you got on this bus with your own ability, why should I get off?"

Naro tried to throw her off.

Ling Qiyue wrapped her legs around his waist and slowly increased her strength.

If an ordinary person was treated like this, he would have collapsed.

The veins on Naro's forehead were throbbing.

【Why don’t I feel sorry for Nai Xiaoluo at all, but rather feel envious!】

【My waist is big in July, and you come to bother me!】

【My waist is as slender as a snake in July, and you are so clingy!】

【You guys are done, I'm Ling, be careful, I'll catch you, Qiyue is here to bother me! 】 Fang Qing, who was watching the live broadcast, almost couldn't help cursing when she saw this scene. At the Chen Family Manor, Chen's mother looked at Qiyue and Nai Xiaoluo in the video, and her beautiful eyebrows couldn't help but frowned

"Why is July so shameless? Let Xiao Luo go immediately!"


Seeing that there was only one-third of the way to the finish line, Ling Qiyue turned around and shouted to Dong Lin:

"Closing the net!"

Dong Lin heard the signal and stopped entangled with Yue Ming and the others.

But it was too late for him to leave now.

Dong Lin and Cheng Xin were just played by him.

Now he wanted to pull up his pants and run away, but it was not that easy.

Dong Lin just wanted to run away, but he was stopped by Cheng Xin. Wen Ze was also implicated and now joined the 18-way anti-Dong army.

It was at this time that the ghost doll turned around again.

Naro was carrying Ling Qiyue and stopped instantly.

The four people on Dong Lin's side were still pulling to stop, but all four fell to the ground.

In the end, the four people retreated back to their original place to drink"nutritional juice".

This time, Dong Lin wanted to avoid the three people, but he was pinned down by Yue Ming and Cheng Xin as soon as he left.

Yue Ming:"Want to run, did my brother let you run!"

Cheng Xin:"We can't leave, and you can't leave either.""

Wen Ze wanted to join in, but seeing that no one was watching him, he just ran.

As a result, Wen Ze seemed too excited to run away and fell down.

This also made the three people discover that he was running away.

The three stood up and changed their targets.

After that, the four of them drank three cups of"nutritional juice". Their faces turned pale and they couldn't drink anymore.

In the end, the four of them looked at each other and decided not to drink anymore.

Naro, who was about to reach the finish line, did not take the last step.

The main reason was that Ling Qiyue had been holding him. She even discussed in his ear.

Ling Qiyue turned off Naro's microphone and her own so that others could not hear.

"Nai Xiaoluo, if you dare to go over there, I will carry you backwards.

Seeing that Nai Luo didn't listen, Ling Qiyue whispered in his ear and started to discuss again.

"If you don't listen, be careful that I will bite you!"


It was Ling Qiyue's"discussion" that made Naro finally...Agreed.

It was mainly because of Ling Qiyue's final discussion that the corners of his mouth began to ache.

Wen Ya was watching from the other side, and the smile in her eyes became deeper as she watched the two of them.

After seeing Dong Lin running over first, Ling Qiyue patted Naluo on the shoulder and asked him to cross the finish line.

Naluo let out a long breath and finally crossed the finish line with Ling Qiyue.

Ling Qiyue got off Naluo's back reluctantly.

And Dong Lin also ran over afterwards.

Naluo and Ling Qiyue's teams took the first two places, each with two point gems, and the door card key to the next level.

Wu Ling looked at Cheng Xin who was still running and shouted anxiously

"Cheng Xin, hurry up, I don’t want to be the last one!"

As soon as Wu Lingjie shouted, Cheng Xin’s fans and Wu Ling’s fans fell silent, and then the fans of the two and other people began to swipe the bullet screen crazily.

【Sister He Ling, please shut up!】

【Sister He Ling, your lips have been blessed, don’t you know?】

【Thanks to sister He Ling for the good words, this is a sure thing!】

【Now I don’t worry about our Yuanyuan at all. I can win without doing anything! 】

Cheng Xin also looked at Wu Ling with wide eyes.

"I beg you to stop talking!"

Yue Ming laughed.

"It's stable, your group will definitely be the last!"

Naro changed his shoes and quickly went to the next floor with Wen Ya.

Ling Qiyue followed behind him in a hurry.

When they reached the stairs, they needed to swipe the door card key to go down.

Naro and Wen Ya swiped the card and went down directly.

After arriving at the next floor, looking at the layout inside, Naro's eyelids began to twitch uneasily again.

Sure enough, when he turned his head, a certain unscrupulous movie queen was no longer pretending.

She just raised her eyebrows and looked at him with a smirk.


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