Early the next morning,

Nailuo followed the crew's car to the filming location.

As for Ling Qiyue, she had trouble getting up normally, and she was even more reluctant to get up in winter.

But fortunately, she still made it on time.

Nailuo's scenes were not included in the first day's filming, but he still came to the crew to see the acting skills of those veteran actors.

Watching the acting skills of those veteran actors, Nailuo also gained new insights.

In this way, there were no scenes for Nailuo for two consecutive days.

But on the third day, Chen Chong had a scene.

It was still a scene opposite Ling Qiyue.

After just one shoot, Director Ai's face turned black with anger.



The whole crew was filled with shouts of"cut", and Director Ai's voice changed from being dignified at the beginning to being furious later.

Chen Chong's face was dark and red.

He was facing Ling Qiyue who was completely letting go of her aura.

Ling Qiyue was completely uncooperative and was just suppressing the show!

Chen Chong was almost in a trance due to Ling Qiyue's aura. She could n't even say a line.

Finally, the deputy director suggested that he read the numbers first and then dub them later.

But after trying this twice, he still got stuck.

Director Ai Qi was even angrier now, because he knew that Ling Qiyue was deliberately suppressing the show.

He wanted her to be more restrained, but seeing the fierce light in Ling Qiyue's eyes when she looked back.

Seeing Ling Qiyue who wanted to show off her acting skills, he could only send Kuang Tianhua to cooperate and shoot the two people's rival scenes first.

As a result of this arrangement, Director Ai finally had a smile on his face.

Seeing the old actor and the new generation of actress competing with each other, the emotional rendering made him nod his head wildly after gritting his teeth at Ling Qiyue.

Chen Chong was originally a paratrooper arranged by the investors. His acting skills were only average. Of course, he couldn't handle being outplayed by Ling Qiyue.

Director Ai called him"cut" more than ten times in a row and scolded him in front of everyone. In addition, the dissatisfied looks from other staff members made him even more angry.

When he looked at Nailuo, Nailuo also noticed his gaze and gave him a cold look.

It was this cold look that made Chen Chong grit his teeth even more angry.

He felt unfair and of course wanted to see Nailuo make a fool of himself.

But today, Nailuo still didn't have a role.

I don't know why Nailuo's role was pushed back.

Of course, it must be Ling Qiyue who did this.

Nailuo's role was definitely not as much as some of the main actors, so she didn't want Nailuo to run away after filming, because that would make her jealous.

So she went to find Director Ai and asked him to put Nailuo's role a little later and put Chen Chong's role forward.

On the fourth day of filming, Chen Chong was called"cut" again. This time, he was acting with Kuang Tianhua.

Originally, when Kuang Tianhua looked at Chen Chong yesterday, he could still think that Ling Qiyue’s deliberate suppression was the reason why he performed poorly.

But when he acted against him today, Kuang Tianhua’s brows also frowned.

He tried his best to cooperate with Chen Chong, but he was still in a very bad state.

Chen Chong went off the stage to rest. Seeing others looking at him strangely, he became even more angry. Finally, he couldn’t stand it anymore and ran to Director Ai to say that he wanted to see Na Luo’s scenes.

He said this because he also wanted Na Luo to embarrass himself.

Ling Qiyue was a little unhappy when she heard it, but when she looked at Chen Chong, the sneer on her mouth became more intense.

Director Ai and Ruan Mingye actually wanted to see Na Luo’s scenes.

Director Ai glanced at Ling Qiyue and watched her nod.


Na Luo’s first scene after joining the crew officially started shooting.

Na Luo is not very old now, only 19 years old, and with makeup, he looks even younger.

Looking at the young Nai Xiaoluo, Ling Qiyue’s eyes lit up again.

Chen Mo, played by Nailo, resisted for the first time when his alcoholic father beat him again when he was sixteen years old.

He then ran out, and his alcoholic father followed him out with a stick and cursing.

However, because he was drunk all day, he missed a step and rolled down the stairs, hitting his head on the corner and bleeding.

Chen Mo, who could have asked someone to help call for help for his father, just watched from the side until he witnessed his father's death.

Watching the man who abused him all day dying little by little in front of him, there was no fear in Chen Mo's eyes, but instead a morbid indifference and enjoyment.

""Okay, cut!"

As Director Ai clapped his hands and called"Cut", he really admired Nailuo now.

Director Zhou said that Nailuo was very talented and rarely made NGs.

He didn't expect that after just the first scene, that look conquered him.

Ruan Mingye, who was watching at the same time, also smiled and nodded.

Director Ai Qi originally wanted a young child star to play the role of Chen Mo.

But he was afraid that it would leave a psychological shadow on the child, so he changed the event that was supposed to happen at the age of thirteen to sixteen.

Nailuo was suppressed to the extreme at the beginning and burst into resistance, and then his eyes showed a moment of panic and escape, and then later He watched the morbid death of Chen's father with cold eyes, as well as the last bit of enjoyment that secretly arose.

Although Nailuo didn't have a single line in the whole scene, his eyes and body movements expressed all of it.

Chen Chong looked at Nailuo and gritted his teeth even tighter. Hearing Director Ai and Ruan Mingye's generous praise for him, as well as the admiring looks from other crew members, made him even more jealous.

Chen Chong walked up to Director Ai and said that he had recovered his form and wanted to act with Nailuo.

Looking at Chen Chong's pleading eyes, Director Ai finally asked someone to arrange it, with the assistant director speaking for him, to satisfy him.

Ling Qiyue His small brows wrinkled uncomfortably.

In the play, Nailuo and Chen Chong only have two scenes against each other.

One is that the policeman played by Chen Chong went to ask Chen Mo some questions after Chen's father died.

The other is that he chased after the masked Mo Mo. What we have to shoot now is the interrogation scene. After all, there is no need to change locations.

Wait until everything is ready.

Chen Chong also walked over in uniform.

When she saw Nailuo, Chen Chong stepped forward and patted his shoulder.

But that pat was very strong.

He did it on purpose.

Chen Chong said a line.

Nailuo looked at his hand that was still grasping his shoulder, and felt that Chen Mo didn't like being touched. He acted it out as well.

Naro twisted his shoulders, then tried to avoid the attack, noting the blind spot that the camera couldn't capture.

Naro's right hand, which was hidden below, suddenly attacked Chen Chong's waist and abdomen acupuncture points with her back to the camera.

In his previous life, Naro studied medicine and was a killer, so he knew the weaknesses of the human body best and controlled his strength well.

Chen Chong took the opportunity to strike him, but Naro was no pushover, so how could he not fight back?

Chen Chong staggered backwards in pain after being counterattacked.

Chen Chong covered her waist and abdomen where she was attacked and grimaced in pain. Her face flushed instantly, and she started cursing.

"You bastard, you dare to hit me!"

Just as he finished cursing, a roar of anger came

""Chen Chong, do you know how to act?"

That was the roar of Director Ai Qi.

But after Director Ai Qi shouted, another person ran over quickly.

Then he kicked Chen Chong away.

"Damn it, who did you just scold?"

"Believe it or not, I can punch you in the head!"

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