Rebirth: The Overlord Of The Aviation Industry Started From Building A Large Aircraft

342 Space-Based Weapons Attack The Aircraft Carrier Fleet! Please Subscribe!

342 space-based weapons attack the aircraft carrier formation fleet!

10 days ago, Lu Ze issued a statement,

The Nimitz aircraft carrier fleet was required to sail away to an area beyond 300 nautical miles from Penglai Island, otherwise the consequences would be borne at their own risk.

It was ridiculed by countless people.

They all think that Lu Ze is crazy and neurotic.

But now, when Lu Ze holds the space-based weapon system in hand and announces that it will launch again

The first thing that everyone thought of was the Nimitz aircraft carrier fleet that was still stationed in the waters near Penglai Island.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage is even more full of sorry.

"I'm sorry, apologize to Lu Ye, I also questioned that statement not long ago.

"Lu Ye: Let you see what it means to salute first and then soldier!"

"I used to think that Lu Ye was crazy for 15, but then I found out that I was crazy, and now I know that it is the world that is crazy!

"Is it really not afraid of causing a third world war? That's the aircraft carrier fleet of the Mi United!"

"When did you see Lu Ye?"

And now the most panicked person is the captain of the aircraft carrier Nimitz, Admiral Williams.

In fact, Lu Ze sensed something was wrong as early as the first time Lu Ze launched a space-based weapon against SpaceX's sea launch site.

Dragon Airlines actually has space-based weapons in its hands.

If he had known, he would not have agreed to the request of Horn, the global president of Bosheng Company, to besiege Penglai Island.

The aircraft carrier fleet was immediately ordered to evacuate as soon as possible.

But of course, he could barely keep his composure.

After all, the importance of the aircraft carrier fleet to a country is self-evident.

Lu Ze may have no qualms about taking out SpaceX Space Exploration's sea launch site, but he may not be so determined when it comes to the Nimitz aircraft carrier fleet

After all, really destroying an integrated aircraft carrier fleet is tantamount to provoking a war.

He even thought of asking the official of the United States to negotiate with Lu Ze,

Fix the relationship.

But Williams never expected that Lu Ze has always played cards according to common sense.

The scene of SpaceX Space Exploration's sea launch site being taken out is still vivid, and Lu Ze announced that he would launch space-based weapons again, and the target was directly at their aircraft carrier fleet.

According to the analysis of the report, the power of space-based weapons against the sea launch site of SpaceX Space Exploration is equivalent to 2-3 nuclear warheads with a yield of more than 100,000 tons.

Don't talk about one aircraft carrier, even if 10 more come again.

Williams was completely panicked, his eyes full of horror.

Trembling all over, he gave the order to retreat.

But an aircraft carrier, the fastest speed is 40 knots per hour.

It takes at least half a day to drive out of the 300-nautical-mile area of Penglai Island, and the metal bullet of the space-based weapon takes only 90 seconds from launch to fall, and there is no possibility of escape.

"Captain, what should we do?"

The adjutant of the fleet asked in a trembling voice.

Admiral Williams barely maintained his composure, and shouted in a trembling voice: "Intercept, intercept the space-based weapons launched by Lu Ze at all costs, all missile defense systems are turned on, all carrier-based aircraft AWACS aircraft take off, even if they are hit, they must be stopped, otherwise all of us will have to die, understand?"


On the deck of the aircraft carrier Nimitz, more than a dozen carrier-based aircraft took off at the fastest speed.

Rush into the sky without hesitation.

All carrier-based aircraft pilots are determined to die.

Once they take off, there is no chance of survival.

I just hope to use the fighter I am flying to intercept as many metal bullets falling from the sky as possible.

Soon, metal bullets from space-based weapons that covered the sky came into their eyes.

Only by seeing it with your own eyes can you feel this despair and pain of facing the end of the world.

Half of the sky turned gray and dark.

The metal bullets, wrapped in huge kinetic energy, fell down like meteorites.

In the state of high-speed flight, these carrier-based aircraft on the Nimitz aircraft carrier are like paper paste, and they become a huge fireball with a light touch.

"Boom boom"

Explosions rang out endlessly.

One, two...............

It's as brilliant as fireworks.

Behind them 273 was the aircraft carrier Nimitz and numerous cruisers and destroyers indiscriminately attacked missiles and close defenses, and Williams, who was close to madness, ordered all artillery to open and do his best to intercept metal bullets falling from the sky.

Those carrier-based aircraft, even if they were not hit by the space-based weapons fired by Lu Ze, would have been blasted to pieces by the aircraft carrier fleet's own artillery fire.

"Mom, I love you!"

A carrier-based aircraft pilot was hit by a close-in shell after shouting his last words, and the fuselage exploded instantly.

Along with him, it turned into a huge fireball.

In the live broadcast room, countless viewers who witnessed this scene were silent.

"It's cruel, how can they be like this!"

"War has always been brutal, it's just the first time we've seen it with our own eyes.

"What about Lu Ye, quickly order to stop the attack!"

"It's just the law of the jungle, I feel that if Lu Ze hadn't mastered the space-based weapon, he would have died now."

"Yes, it's not right or wrong, it's just strength!"

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