Rebirth: The Overlord Of The Aviation Industry Started From Building A Large Aircraft

344 The Journey Of Dragon Airlines Is The Sea Of ​​Stars! (The Finale) Please Subscribe!

344 Longteng Aviation's journey is the sea of stars! (Finale)

Penglai Island

No matter how turbulent and turbulent the outside world is, it will always be a paradise on earth.

Without tourists, Penglai Island looks unusually quiet.

The scenery is still gorgeous.

Gold Beach Coast...

Lu Ze sunbathed quietly.

Gone from the edge of the past.

Very peaceful.

Qin Xiyao walked to him gently, "Brother Lu, there is a plane requesting to land at the commercial airport of Penglai Island. ”

Since the Nimitz aircraft carrier fleet was stationed in the waters near Penglai Island, flights on the island have been completely suspended, and no aircraft have landed on the airport again.

And yesterday Lu Ze just completely annihilated the Nimitz aircraft carrier fleet with space-based weapons metal bullets.

At this time, those who choose to land on the island will obviously not be ordinary tourists.

"It's a special plane of the Dragon Kingdom military, right?"

"Huh? Brother Lu, how do you know?" Qin Xiyao chuckled and asked curiously.

"I guess it is."

Lu Ze smiled and said, "Let's invite the guests here later." ”


The special plane slowly landed at Penglai Island Commercial Airport,

15 minutes later, Qin Yao walked to Lu Ze with Deputy Commander Tang Junhui.

"Deputy Commander, I guess it's you, except for you, no one will come to me at this time, sit!"

Lu Ze said with a smile, and at the same time handed an open coconut to Deputy Commander Tang Junhui, "Just picked, ensure freshness." ”

Deputy Commander Tang Junhui was stunned, and he was even more crying and laughing when he looked at Lu Ze's dress in a pair of beach pants and a polo shirt.

"Do you know what kind of chaos has become outside, you actually lie here and bask in the sun? I really am: ......... Is....... Well, this coconut is nice and sweet..........."

"What's the mess?"

"At this moment, Mi Lian may not know how many missiles are aimed here and ready to be launched, and if you can't get a nuclear bomb to wash the ground, do you know that I risked my life to come to see." you

"It's okay, Deputy Commander, don't worry, their nuclear bombs can't fall."

Lu Ze said confidently.

Immediately, Deputy Commander Tang Junhui narrowed his eyes and captured the deep meaning.

It is clear that space-based weapons are even more terrifying than States expected.

Before his departure, the military meeting agreed that several superpowers could reach a counterbalance with Lu Ze.

Now it seems that perhaps Lu Ze will be able to intercept even a nuclear bomb.

"Lu Ze, what exactly are you thinking about?"

Deputy Commander Tang Junhui asked solemnly and seriously, "The advent of space-based weapons is indeed something that many countries, including the Dragon Kingdom, did not expect, and I admit that we are not only unable to crack space-based weapons now, but even have very little basic understanding.

But don't forget that Blue Star has more than 200 countries, and if you continue to study, there will always be a day when you will crack space-based weapons, and it is simply impossible to suppress all the countries on Blue Star with one weapon.

After all, Longteng Airlines and Penglai Island are based on the Blue Star, I still suggest that you sit down with various countries and have a good negotiation, even if you do not hand over control of space-based weapons, at least negotiate a way to check and balance, otherwise you will always live on the opposite side of the world.

(BFBD) It's time to think about the future of you and Longteng Aviation...

I, as well as the Dragon Kingdom, welcome you back. ”

"The future of Dragon Aviation.........."

Lu Ze whispered, and then smiled, "Deputy Commander, you will know after reading it later." ”

"Look at what?"

Deputy Commander Tang Junhui was stunned, but he soon knew.

Qin Xiyao asked people to move a high-definition TV to the beach, and the picture being broadcast on it was a live broadcast of the manned moon landing in Universal Space.

After more than 40 hours of space flight, the Tianzhen manned lunar rocket has reached low orbit.

Landing soon.

In the live broadcast channel of Universal Space, even after the previous space-based weapon group annihilation of the aircraft carrier fleet, there are still hundreds of millions of viewers watching the moon landing of Universal Space.

In the picture, the Tiangong manned lunar landing rocket slowly lands on the surface of the moon.

Then, three astronauts and a lunar volunteer named Kevin slowly walked out of the capsule and put one foot on the lunar surface.

The whole world, no matter what country, as long as the audience is watching the live broadcast, cheered and rushed to tell each other.

At that moment, it meant that many years later, the Blue Star humans finally took our own footprints on the moon again.

Penglai Island, Lu Ze looked away from the live broadcast screen,

Staring at Deputy Commander Tang Junhui,

Shen Shen said: "Deputy Commander, Dragon Aviation has completed its mission on Blue Star, and our journey will be a sea of stars, so you can rest assured, I don't have the idea of suppressing any country in Blue Star, and I can also sign an agreement that as long as Penglai Island and the headquarters of Dragon Airlines are not attacked, they will never take the lead in using space-based weapons."

But what I want to say more is that since the moment of the launch of the Universal Space Manned Lunar Landing Rocket, whether you want it or not, Blue Star has entered the interstellar era, the moon landing is only the beginning, and the next goal of Universal Space is to land on Mars, Jupiter, Neptune.......... Even flying out of the solar system.......... Galaxy........

I hope that all humans in Blue Star can unite together and move towards a more distant goal!"

(End of book).

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