Rebirth: The Overlord Of The Aviation Industry Started From Building A Large Aircraft

087 Tang Junhui: Get Rid Of Them, I'll Stand Up To The Sky Falling! The Third Update, Please Su

"What's wrong? President Lu!"

Qin Xiyao asked strangely.

Even Tang Li's eyes crossed with a hint of doubt.

"The model is not right.

Lu Ze said in a deep voice, his eyes staring at several gunships in the sky, his face gradually gloomy.

Tower Carl is notoriously good money, especially in the procurement of defense equipment, and most of the tens of billions and hundreds of billions of meters of gold are also the world's leading military weapons plaques.

For example, the AH-64E Apache gunship.

This small, de BO105 helicopter has never been equipped.

So these helicopters in front of you are definitely not the reinforcements sent by Princess Fiona.

"Accelerate, quick!"

Lu Ze shouted.

Tang Li immediately no longer hesitated, and immediately stepped on the accelerator.

Like an arrow off the string, the Humvee flew out in an instant.


In the next second, three gunships in the sky began to strafe the ground, and 23mm caliber cannon bullets rained down.

Instantly pierced the ground, making a crackling sound.

Steven Stephen, vice president of Bosheng Global, sat in the back seat of a BO105 helicopter, triumphantly smoking a cigar, and looked at the embarrassed appearance of military Humvees running crazy on the coastal road.

"The Sandstorm group of guys are really unreliable, they collected my money, but they messed things up, and I must find them to settle accounts when I turn back."

Stephen hummed softly.

"Sir, I've said long ago that sandstorms are just a bunch of rabble.

A mercenary-looking black man in front turned his head and grinned.

They belong to another group of mercenaries.

Just in case, Stephen deliberately found two groups of people in order to be able to completely kill Lu Ze.

The result really made him calculate, and the mercenary team of Sandstorm really failed to succeed.

Fortunately, he still has Plan B.

It was this group of mercenaries in front of him, for this reason, he specially took three helicopter gunships from the border.

The only fly in the ointment is that this light armed helicopter BO105 of the last century does not even have a missile pylon, only a 23mm caliber cannon, that is, an airborne machine gun.

The weapons are really a little worse.

If it is replaced by a military gunship produced by their Wave Sound Company, a Hellfire missile will be able to blow up even the Humvee to pieces.

However, it took a lot of effort to get these three light armed helicopters into the territory of Takar.

"Well, kill them as soon as possible, save the night from dreaming a lot, if it weren't for another prince of Tower Carl dragging that Princess Fiona, we wouldn't have had such an opportunity, and it would be over when Tower Carl's air force guard arrived. 々。 Stephen commanded in a deep voice.

"Noproblem, guaranteed to get the job done."

Old Black grinned.

Order the helicopter pilots around them to speed up and rush to kill them.


Tang Li cursed in a low voice, and the accelerator under his feet had been stepped on to the end.

Like the situation of the Sandstorm mercenary squad just now, she can still maneuver, after all, everyone is a 4-wheeled vehicle.

But now: ............

The opponent drove the helicopter directly.

Even if she really drove the Humvee flying, it would be useless.

If it were not for the dense forests, billboards and other coverings on both sides of the coastal road, the military Humvee they were on would have been pierced long ago.

After all, armed helicopters use 23mm machine gun bullets, and even the general main battle tank armor cannot carry it, let alone military Humvees like them.

"Can you try to take out one?"

Tang Li asked in a deep voice.

The only firearm they have right now is the AK!

Rifle hit helicopter............... A plot that only appears in divine dramas.........

Tang Li also knew that it was impossible at all.

But there is no way, you always have to try, otherwise they will have to wait to be shot through by aerial cannon bullets from three helicopters.

"I'll try."

Lu Ze said softly, while whispering in his heart, it should be possible to hit the fuel tank, after all, this is how it is performed in those special forces TV series.

Just as Lu Ze was aiming, two J10 fighters were flying through the clouds.

While the pilot was operating the aircraft, he was talking to ABP on a radio communication channel.

"Report Deputy Commander, we have entered the tower Carlchen!"

"Very good, immediately search for Tang Li's satellite phone signal and locate their current target.

Deputy Commander Tang Junhui sat at the base and personally commanded.

"After the positioning, according to the coordinate position, Tang Li's satellite signal is on a coastal highway in the territory of Takar, and it is moving rapidly, with a speed of up to 250km/h."

"So soon?"

Deputy Commander Tang Junhui frowned, and immediately detected the surroundings of the target, is there any other situation?"

"Radar detection found that about 2,000 meters behind the target, there were three light helicopters, according to the heat map, they were in the state of artillery firing, deputy commander, what to do?

'.w groove, what to do? him! What are you waiting for?"

"But... This is the territory of another country, according to the international..."

Before the pilot finished speaking, he was interrupted by Deputy Commander Tang Junhui, who roared angrily on the radio communication channel: "Press a fart, the sky is falling down and I am also bearing, on that car, one is a genius scientist in the field of aviation industry who has not met in a hundred years, developed a vector engine, and the other is my own granddaughter... If something happens to them and Lao Tzu shoots you, do you hear?"


The two fighter pilots immediately responded loudly.

Immediately lock onto the three BO105 helicopters in the fire control radar and press the missile launch button.

Three Monster Snake short-range infrared guided missiles flew out instantly, dragging their long tail wings to cut through the sky............

Fighter attack helicopters are basically dimensionality reduction strikes.

Even the gunship until hit by a missile, the money-fired may not be able to detect the presence of enemy jet fighters.

Stephen, global vice president of Bosheng, sat on the BO105 helicopter with a hideous face, as if he had foreseen the tragic situation of Lu Ze being shot through by a machine gun in the next second, and a white light suddenly crossed his eyes, and his pupils instantly contracted.

Before he could see what it was, he was already hit.


The explosive power of the Monster Snake short-range infrared guided missile directly blew the three BO105 light helicopters to pieces, turning into three huge fireballs in the sky and falling rapidly.

The moment the missile hit the target was also the moment when Lu Jin aimed his AK at the helicopter's fuel tank.

After the shot, a huge explosion was heard.

The target helicopter exploded instantly, turning into a huge fireball, no, not one, but three ...

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment.


He decided to go back and rewatch the special forces TV series....

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