Rebirth: The Overlord Of The Aviation Industry Started From Building A Large Aircraft

096 Exercise? Military Response! The Second Update, Please Subscribe!

096 drills? The military's response!

"Military Online" is a military program of CCGV7, and the guest invited in this issue is Zhang Pan, a doctoral supervisor of military strategy at the National Defense University.

"Professor Zhang, what do you think of this joint maritime military exercise of the United States of America?"

The female host faced the camera and asked softly.

Zhang Pan: "As we all know, the United States of America conducts many military exercises around the world every year, sometimes they do it themselves, sometimes they pull other countries together, but without exception, these exercises......... It was agreed upon a long time ago.......... It will be written into the white paper of the national defense plan at the beginning of the year, and then submitted to Congress for approval... but this time it is an exception..."

"Professor Zhang, do you mean that this joint military exercise at sea is a temporary initiative of the United States Navy?"

"Yes!" Zhang Pan nodded and continued, "We can see which naval fleets are dispatched for this joint maritime military exercise of the United States of America........

15 On the large screen behind the two people, a 3D simulation of the Pacific Navy fleet animation renderings immediately appeared.

"The main body of the exercise is the seventh aircraft carrier fleet of the Mi Union Navy plus the 1st, 7th, and 23rd destroyer squadrons, of which two destroyer squadrons were also performing escort missions in XX Gulf two days ago, and the three Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers of the seventh aircraft carrier fleet are also in the corresponding maintenance stage, that is, they were completely temporarily transferred to carry out the tasks of this joint military exercise at sea."

The female host nodded, "Professor Zhang, what is their purpose in doing this?"

"Good question, exercises, are always carried out purposefully, either for counter-terrorism, or to show their own strength, deter other countries, the United States as the world's number one military power, the strength is obvious to all, there is no need to show it again, and the middle Pacific waters are not a place where pirates often haunt, then the purpose of their sudden exercise is very obvious, that is, to target our dragon country."

"But... Why?"

"In the long run, it is worried that the rise of our dragon country will affect their status as the world's number one military power, of course, this is a clichéd problem, I have said many times in the program, from the recent analysis, what can stimulate the United States of America is the news of the Phoenix vector engine."

"Professor Zhang, based on your professional level, can you help us analyze whether the rumors of the Phoenix Vector Engine are true or false?"

Zhang Pan smiled and continued: "If you analyze it from a rational point of view, I think the Phoenix vector engine is likely to not exist, or it is just a gimmick, the reason is very simple, our country has not even fully developed ordinary domestic military aviation, how can it be possible to directly cross over to vector engines.........."

"I know, I still have to talk about it, right?"

The hostess continued.


Zhang Pan nodded, "But from the reaction of the United States of America and the eagerness to conduct a joint military exercise at sea to deter the Dragon Kingdom, I instead feel that the news of the vector engine may be true, and the most important thing is ........ Longteng Aviation has created too many miracles, from the first domestic large aircraft, the Longteng 515, to the Kunpeng, Longteng, and later the Longteng 888 ultra-wide-body passenger aircraft. ......... Therefore, I believe that the Phoenix vector engine is by no means out of nowhere: .......”

Lu Ze watched the expert professors on the TV program talking and analyzing them seriously, and smiled involuntarily.

This Professor Zhang Pan judged in the right direction.

The naval fleet of the United States of America was indeed stimulated and decided to temporarily conduct this joint military exercise at sea.

It's just that it wasn't stimulated by the Phoenix vector engine, it was already half a year ago.

And was stimulated by a fighter drop tank.

From the drop tank, they deduced that Ryukuni may have developed a new fifth-generation fighter with a new stealth technology that evades active phase-array radar monitoring.

This is absolutely unacceptable to the United States, so it decided to test the test in the form of joint military exercises at sea.


The door of R&D laboratory No. 2 was pushed open, and Deputy Commander Tang Junhui walked in with many senior military generals.

"Commander Chen, please here, let me introduce you, this is Lu Ze, president of Longteng Airlines, and the chief designer of the Phoenix vector engine and Skydome fighter research and development project

Lu Ze, this is Commander Chen Jingzhong of the Military Region. ”

Tang Junhui introduced.

"Commander Chen is good!"

Lu Ze immediately stood up and took the initiative to greet, this Commander Chen Jingzhong, with three gold stars and an ear of wheat on his shoulder, with the rank of general, was obviously the number one in the military region.

"Only when we are young and promising will our country have hope." Chen Jingzhong looked at Lu Ze, nodded with satisfaction, and praised loudly.

Then he set his sights on the firmament fighter parked outside the window of the No. 2 R&D laboratory, and it instantly became extremely hot.

Eagerly asked: "This is the fifth generation fighter?"


"Really achieved plasma stealth technology?"

"I have already tried, flying the Sky Firmament around the Difia Island military base for a full 3 times, and there is no sign of being detected by their air defense radar, and in our own tests, the Firmament fighter's stealth performance is perfect." Lu Ze said.

When he heard the military base around Fei Difia Island, Chen Jingzhong and many military generals behind him laughed, "Chief Designer Lu, you have a very 640 idea, and you even threw them the auxiliary fuel tank of a fighter.......... Haha, when we received this information, we were all stunned, and we were still thinking about how the fighter auxiliary fuel tank of the Southern Military District ran over the military base on Difia Island, and almost hit an F22 fighter that was undergoing daily training........... Hahaha.........."

"When the bright sword is the bright sword, since we have developed the fifth-generation aircraft, it is necessary to let the enemy know how powerful it is, only in this way can we deter those who are secretly young

"Well said!!"

Commander Chen Jingzhong praised loudly, "A good sentence when a bright sword is a bright sword, if our Dragon Kingdom can have more young talents like you, why worry that the motherland is not strong, Chief Designer Lu, regarding the opponent's joint military exercise at sea, I am ready to let you fly the Sky Firmament fighter to deter them again, I don't know if you are willing?"

After all, there is only one prototype of the Sky Firmament fighter, and Lu Ze is the chief designer, has flown many times, and is more familiar with the performance and control of the fighter than the military's air force pilots.

"To what extent is the shock?"

"Heavy load goes, empty load back, but avoid direct conflict." Chen Jingzhong said in a deep voice.

Heavy load, that is, the load ejection hit, empty load, that is, to launch all the missiles.

"Mission guaranteed!".

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