Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1004: : Just to buy garbage land (3 more)

On August 20, 1985, Qihang Real Estate was established in a low-key manner.

Two days later, Xia Xiaolan sent the letter of investment intent to Futian Sub-district Office.

"You want to buy land?"

The cadres of Futian Sub-district Office were very surprised.

Although Futian just sold more than 2,000 acres of land, it was sold to foreign companies, not to mainland companies.

What is the origin of Qihang Real Estate?

No, that piece of land is occupied by Xiangmi Lake and the golf course. Where is there any free land, unless it is...

Xia Xiaolan met the other party's neurotic gaze, with a calm expression:

"That's right, I just want to buy the piece of stinky bamboo ditch."

The director of the street office suddenly choked his tea.

"...There is a garbage dump."

Let's not talk about whether this land purchase can be achieved, but we must be careful when choosing a place.

There are 23 acres of land in Oozhugou, which is where the nearby villagers dump their garbage. Except for the bamboo forest, it is a wasteland that is not easy to live on. The boss who is a little more careful will not be interested in a piece of garbage.

Xia Xiaolan is beautiful and beautiful, but the taste is so strange, no wonder the street office people will look at her with strange eyes.

Xia Xiaolan thought, what's wrong with the garbage dump, just ask the workers to clean it out.

Compared with the high land price, the workers' wages are really not worth mentioning.

Seeing that Xia Xiaolan's face didn't change, the director of the street office thought that he really wanted to buy land, "This land seems to be the land reserved by Luo Gui's family in Ganquan Village."

Xia Xiaolan smiled, "No matter who owns the land, it is also the land of the country. Ganquan Village is within the jurisdiction of the Futian Sub-district Office. In Xiaoli, it should be subject to the management of the sub-district office, and in Dali, it should be subject to the unified municipal planning. Look at Futian Sub-district Office not only has Xiangmihu Resort, but also a thousand-acre golf course invested by foreign investors. There will definitely be more tourists coming to Futian in the future. Where is the smelly pool of garbage so an eye-catcher, even if this land is not sold Give it to me, the Futian Sub-district Office has to spend its own money to deal with it."

This is indeed reasonable.

Think about it after the golf course is built, and there is a smelly garbage pool next to it. The picture is beautiful and I dare not look at it. Presumably foreign investors who invest in the golf course will be very dissatisfied.

What's more, someone from the city government asked about the information about Souzhugou, and not long afterward, a real estate company came to the door to buy land.

The director of the Futian Sub-district Office also has a dim sum understanding of God.

This Qihang real estate is not without origin.

Xia Xiaolan's statement can be regarded as scratching the director's itch:

"That's natural. Any individual or collective must cooperate with the unified municipal planning. Everything is given priority to the development of Pengcheng's economic construction. If you want to buy the piece of land in Souzhugou, our street office will meet to discuss it."

Why are you blocking the way for others to get rich?

Anyway, Qihang Real Estate wants to build a commercial house in Oozhugou. Without the approval and instructions of the municipal government, the house cannot be sold if it is built.

The city government disagrees, and the director of the Futian Sub-district Office can't control it either.

The director also thinks that Luo Gui from Ganquan Village is a bit strange. When measuring the land, foreign businessmen don’t care if the land is more than 20 acres or less than 20 acres. If you leave the stinky bamboo ditch alone, you can still make money if you hold it in your hand. What's the egg?

Is it possible that Luo Luogui wants to keep the land and sell it for himself?

Is it because the compensation standard of 10,000 yuan per acre of land is too small and greed?

The director of the street office sneered, Luo Gui could not help thinking things too beautifully, this piece of land was to be bought by Qihang Real Estate, and the money was definitely not given to Luo Gui. This young comrade knows that land belongs to the country. Whether it is sold or not, the country has the final say.

Of course, such a small place cannot alarm the State Council.

As long as the Futian Sub-district Office agrees to sell the land and Shangbu District agrees, it will ultimately be the municipal level approval.

It is how much you should sell per mu, and you really need to have a meeting to discuss it carefully.

The director of the street office is fairly good at talking, and Xia Xiaolan has no conflict of interest with him, so now there is no need to embarrass Xia Xiaolan.

Xia Xiaolan dealt with government officials and did not dare to give gifts like before.

Especially if you want to give gifts, every minute can become a crime of bribery.

So she left the letter of intent at Futian Sub-district Office, and did nothing out of the ordinary.

When she got out of the street, Ge Jian also wandered back from near Ganquan Village:

"It turns out that the Luo family locked Luo Yaozong, and everyone in the village was talking about it. Luo Yaozong jumped to sell the stinky bamboo ditch. The Luo family disagreed. Grandpa Luo Yaozong has always been used to him. This time it is Grandpa Luo Yaozong who advocated locking him up. Grandpa Luo Yaozong was also the head of Ganquan Village."

"The two generations of village heads of a family... The Bao family is here in Futian, which is considered a local snake. Except Luo Yaozong, all the Luo family do not approve of selling land. What do you think they want to do?"

Xia Xiaolan is not surprising, the smaller the grassroots cadres, the easier it is to "hereditary".

It is especially common in rural areas, where local clan power sometimes even overrides the laws.

Ge Jian lowered his voice, "Because Luo Yaozong was noisy after being locked up, and the neighbors would inevitably hear the wind. Grandpa Luo Yaozong insisted that the piece of stinky bamboo ditch was a treasured land of geomantic omen and could protect the descendants of the Luo family. It is said that when he was young, Old Man Luo saw the golden sands in the stinking pool. Before the founding of the People’s Republic of China, this land was in the hands of the Luo family.

Xia Xiaolan thoughtfully.

Not selling land, just feudal superstition?

For the older generation, it's really possible.

But that was the idea of ​​Luo Yaozong's grandfather, who had eluded his dad. What did the current head of Ganquan Village Ludegui think?

Xia Xiaolan just inquired about the compensation for this land occupation. One mu of land reserved for her own use was 10,000 yuan.

The piece of land in Chouzhugou is 23 acres, which means that if the money is bought by Harold, the Luo family can get 230,000 compensation.

230,000 Chinese coins, even for a person like Xia Xiaolan who does business very smoothly, it is not easy to get it right away.

This is not a small amount of money.

Although she didn't believe in what kind of feng shui treasures the smelly bamboo ditch was, she was moved when she heard that.

It doesn’t matter if she believes it or not, as long as the person buying the house believes it, it’s really...

"Don't take care of Luo's house, let Luo Yaozong continue to make trouble. When we buy the land, I would even pay Luo Yaozong to make trouble. He must be made aware that the smelly bamboo ditch is a treasured land of geomantic omen!"

It’s better to build a house and sell it on feng shui treasure land than to build a house and sell it on a stinky garbage dump.

Xia Xiaolan resisted the urge to look at the smelly bamboo ditch again, and asked Ge Jian to carry her back.

She thought her actions were low-key enough, but she didn't want Harold to always try to figure out her intentions and call people to pay attention to her actions.

When Xia Xiaolan came out of Futian Street, Harold received the news.

Xia Xiaolan has recently met with Secretary Peng frequently, and has not escaped Harold's eyes.

"What does she want to do?!"

No one can answer Harold's question.

Bill even thought it was strange that what Miss Xia wants to do in Futian has nothing to do with Boss. Futian was not bought by the Boss as a whole, Miss Xia also has no close relationship with the Boss, and the other party has freedom to do what she wants.

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