Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1011: : Mayor Tang began to avoid suspicion (2 more)

Zheng Shuqin's screams can penetrate the roof.

The neighbors are also curious. The Mao family is also really funny. Mao Guosheng quarreled when he came back for half a month?

Mao Guosheng also thought of this, and he was immediately anxious:

"If you have something, just say it well, and let the neighbor listen to the joke."

Zheng Shuqin was breathing fire all over: "Mao Guosheng, that's 600 yuan, not 60 yuan! If you want to have a job like this, I don’t care if they will laugh, laugh at anyone who wants to laugh! You tell me carefully, What the **** is going on!"

Mao Guosheng had a guilty conscience about this matter. He also knew that he didn't know how many people were rushing to ask for a job with a monthly salary of 600 yuan.

Even the dean of the Provincial Construction Institute still earns less than 600 yuan.

The Provincial Construction Institute is a national unit and must follow the wage standards set by the state. What kind of level you receive and how much wages are all divided, and how many pairs of eyes look at, even if the unit is particularly profitable, it does not dare to raise wages randomly, and there is a fixed number of bonuses.

The Provincial Construction Institute sounds lofty, but in terms of actual benefits, it is really inferior to the Construction Engineering Group.

It is the third grandson who draws the picture, and the big master is the one who pays!

The design institute has always been tepid, not to mention the monthly salary of 600 yuan, even if it is reduced by half, Zheng Shuqin will be crazy.

If Mao Guosheng didn't make things clear, Zheng Shuqin would really end up with him. In Zheng Shuqin's words, this day would be impossible!

Mao Guosheng bit his head and talked about the cause and effect, and plausibly asked his wife:

"She said that to me, how can I go to work in her company?"

Zheng Shuqin pucked fiercely:

"You know what a shit, Brother Zhou Maotong transfers your work relationship to you, and asks you to hang under the construction of Guangdong Province, and then go to work at the Xiaoxia sister company. You are just like the old man, a specially-appointed consultant. What shame? Xiaoxia respects the old man , How can you disrespect you, such a good opportunity is lost by you, why don't you think about it, if you can get 600 yuan a month, how much money will our family's life be? Mao Guosheng, you have three children to raise, they It costs money to go to school and to get married in the future. Look at the old Li’s house on the fourth floor to marry a daughter-in-law at the beginning of the year. There are four major things to buy—thousands of dollars. People in the old Li’s family mentioned this. His family only has one son, Mao Guosheng, you have two sons!"

Zheng Shuqin spoke quickly, and Mao Guosheng couldn't hold his head up in a few words.

Zheng Shuqin will also see Feng turn the rudder. From Xiao Xia to the affectionate Sister Xiao Xia, she has a very natural transition.

Mao Guosheng timidly retorted: "The little girl nowadays is too realistic. She wants a TV for a refrigerator. How easy it was for us to get married at that time, buy a new set of clothes, and get a marriage certificate..."

Mao Guosheng's voice became smaller and smaller, because Zheng Shuqin seemed to be breathing fire.

She really breathed fire, "You still have the face to say, surnamed Mao, I didn’t ask for anything when I marry you. I don’t care about the face-off, you have to find Junior Sister Xiao Xia to get this job back!"

Mao Guosheng is one head and two big ones.

He said so badly that he almost said that the poor can't eat and would rather eat **** instead of going to work under Xia Xiaolan's hands.

Now I have to slap myself again. Is it true that he is holding a bite of rice rewarded by Xia Xiaolan and saying "It's so fragrant" while eating?

He is unwilling and can't stand his wife's noise at home.

But what should Xiaoxia do to solemnly invite him back to Pengcheng?

Mao Guosheng was lost in thought.


Comrade Mao Guosheng was daydreaming, Xia Xiaolan knew nothing.

To know that Mao Guosheng regretted refusing to work, Xia Xiaolan was afraid to laugh three times.

Because of Teacher Mao’s face, she wanted to try to rescue Mao Guosheng, but should she respectfully invite Mao Guosheng to work in the company?

Bah, the skill is not enough, the shelf is not small.

600 yuan a month's salary, who can Xia Xiaolan invite?

It's not easy to see Wang Houlin in a special situation when she quits sick in her prime. It is quite easy for her uncle Liu Yong to hire two retired engineers. Money can make ghosts grind, and the older generation of technical experts has served as the iron rice bowl of state-owned units for a lifetime. Stability is stability. Under the temptation of such high salaries, it is not difficult to find a few who are willing to bend for 600 yuan. .

It is true that 600 yuan can not be invited to the level of Maokangshan.

Xia Xiaolan's company was founded, and its main business is extremely simple residential buildings in the eyes of big guys, and there is no need for big guys like Mao Kangshan to take the initiative.

Xia Xiaolan only needs the help of someone with real ability. When she is not in Pengcheng, she can handle the construction technical problems here.

For the time being, Wang Houlin alone is enough.

Wang Houlin is a construction worker in Guangdong Province. He has handled the scene. The person recommended by Zhou Maotong is more suitable than Mao Guosheng, who can only paint. It's not that Mao Guosheng wants to work for Xia Xiaolan, but that Xia Xiaolan doesn't need extra people for the time being... she can only draw design drawings, and she is not rare for such people. Can you ask people from the design institute to draw architectural drawings? Give some money, there are so many people who know how to draw.

People like Wang Houlin are what Xia Xiaolan really needs.

This is the benefit of having acquaintances recommended. Senior Brother Zhou Maotong considered her and would not cheat her.

In addition to construction engineers, Xia Xiaolan also needs financial personnel, which is more difficult to recruit, and you have to find someone you trust.

Everyone who might be trusted by Xia Xiaolan has his own business.

Ge Jian?

Ge Jian couldn't do it, he didn't have relevant professional knowledge, let alone Xia Xiaolan arranged a better position for Ge Jian and let Ge Jian be the project manager.

Ge Jian had to replace her and stared at the construction site firmly. After the start of the first project of sailing, nothing could go wrong.

Secretary Peng heard that Xia Xiaolan was recruiting an accountant and recommended someone to Xia Xiaolan:

"This person is more reliable, and his life is quite rough, but you can trust someone the leader also knows."

Xia Xiaolan would definitely not refuse: "This is what Uncle Tang recommended to me, right? Then I'm relieved! By the way, if Uncle Tang is free today, I happen to have something to see him."

Secretary Peng's expression is a little unnatural:

"...The leader went to another place."

Xia Xiaolan didn't think much, "Are you on a business trip? That's not a coincidence, I still want to ask about the land."

Of course it's not a business trip, but what Tang Hongen is going to do, Secretary Peng is really hard to say in front of Xia Xiaolan. Xia Xiaolan mentioned land, and Secretary Peng immediately changed the topic: "Futian Sub-district Office has already reported your investment intention to Shangbu District. The district has no objection. You just reported it to the city today. Whether it can pass depends on your project. Can the plan move the city government. At this time, the leaders are really not suitable to stay in Pengcheng."

Mayor Tang wants to avoid suspicion!

Xia Xiaolan suddenly realized.

Wait, Uncle Tang was not afraid of other people's gossip before, but now he is avoiding suspicion... So, just as she thought, the relationship between Mayor Tang and her mother has already made a major breakthrough?

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