Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1014: : Don't talk about the rules with me! (Plus 49)

Liu Fen had no idea what Tang Hongen was doing suddenly in Beijing.

I thought he was here for a meeting, but I didn't know that Tang Hongen didn't change his face: "I just missed you a little bit suddenly, so I bought a plane ticket and came over."

What he said to his rivals was not false, and there was no need to lie. It was indeed to see Liu Fen, and he didn't bother to make excuses for meetings. People of all ages should be straightforward.

Liu Fen didn't dare to tell him more.

Speaking of going to Quanjude to eat roast duck at night, Grandma Yu said that her teeth were uncomfortable:

"I'll drink some porridge at home, Xiao Wang, I think the corners of your mouth are on fire, so stay and drink porridge. Okay, bitter gourd porridge will clear the heat!"

Xiao Wang touched the corners of his mouth, admiring grandma's ability to open her eyes and tell nonsense.

"Thank you for Le, then I will stay for the porridge."

Is he so stupid? Grandma Yu doesn't go, why should he be an electric light bulb.

So the only people who went to eat roast duck at night were Tang Hongen and Liu Fen... Liu Fen was uncomfortable. People around her always put her and Tang Hongen together, and Grandma Yu was very active. It seems that if she missed Tang Hongen, she couldn't find a better person.

Well, it's really hard to find a condition like Mayor Tang, but she doesn't have to remarry.

Last month, Tang Hongen held her hands in front of her ex-wife and so many people in the western restaurant. Liu Fen was too shocked and forgot to break free.

In that case, she was very angry with Ji Ya, but actually didn't want to break free.

Is it the default?

It's the brain that gets hot, and you will have to bear the consequences if you are impulsive. Now that he regrets it, Liu Fen feels that he is shameless.

"What are you thinking? It seems that there is something on your mind. Is it because of the police today?"

Liu Fen's personality is soft, and sometimes she won't take it seriously when she refuses others. Anyway, Tang Hongen didn't take it in front of him, and it wasn't just that he became acquainted with Liu Fen slowly.

Regardless of the reason for holding hands last time, Liu Fen did not break free from him, which means that the two have established a relationship.

It's just that I didn't say it thoroughly, everything is a matter of course.

Upon hearing that Tang Hongen was acting as Director Ma, Liu Fen had a guilty conscience for no reason:

"No, Director Ma is a good person. Xiaolan first met President Wu of the bank. President Wu introduced me and Xiaolan to Director Ma, and Director Ma helped me a lot."

Liu Fen explained the origins of Director Ma clearly, and Tang Hongen knew it:

"Are you afraid of me misunderstanding? No, you are not that kind of person."

It turned out to be the director of a police station. Liu Fen said that she must take care of her clothing store.

A woman is doing business alone in the capital, and her business is still very good. I only learned this afternoon that she had to go to the bank to deposit the day's sales money. It was indeed easy to be targeted.

This was something he had never expected before.

Of course, now that he has thought about it, he doesn't need any help from Director Ma.

Liu Fen was made a blushing face by Tang Hongen. This person is used to being a leader. He has great speaking skills. When he talks around in a circle, it becomes a little more ambiguous for no reason.

Obviously it was nothing, and Liu Fen didn't know how to explain, so he just shut up and said nothing!

Tang Hongen didn't care, and smiled and helped her roll a piece of duck meat:

"I made a joke when I ate roast duck for the first time when I was young. Fortunately, the leadership at the time was generous and did not prevent me from coming to Taiwan. Now I think about it and I am very grateful. Later I learned that there are actually so many rules for eating roast duck. If you like to eat meat, add a few more slices of duck meat. If the taste is heavy, add more sauce. Many rules in this world are mediocre. If you care, you will be restrained everywhere. Once you look away, you feel that you are happy. !"

The duck meat that Tang Hongen helped to roll was bulging in the dough and had to be eaten with his mouth wide open.

To eat duck meat in his mouth, Liu Fen had to let go of his image in front of him.

He is very hardworking, and Liu Fen is not stupid, he can tell other meanings from his words.

Tang Hongen told her not to care about other people's opinions?

She wants to live so happily, but she is alive, how can she not be affected by the surrounding environment!

Tang Hongen looked at her thoughtfully, but didn't force her. People change slowly, and he is not in a hurry.

"Don't talk about anything else, I'm just asking you to eat roast duck today, so I'll have a good meal."

He stuffed the roast duck into his mouth, and Liu Fen gulped after his demonstration. Tang Hongen wants to nourish his stomach, usually eats only 80% full. Tonight, I have dinner with Liu Fen and couldn't help but eat a few more mouthfuls.

After eating the duck meat and drinking a bowl of soup boiled with duck skeleton, Tang Hongen is satisfied both physically and mentally.

A duck doesn't have much meat, two people can eat it. Tang Hongen sees Liu Fen not eating less, he is more happy. I wanted to visit the capital city at night with Liu Fen, and when I was still checking out, I saw a few people walking in.

What a coincidence, it's Ji Lin!

Ji Lin came to Quanjude to entertain foreign guests. He booked a box early, and it was relatively late to come back from the Great Wall.

He did not expect to meet Tang Hongen in Quanjude,

The women next to Tang Hongen are also familiar. They seem to have seen them last time, but they look different from last time... Is it Xia Xiaolan's mother?

Is Tang Hongen crazy, taking a rural woman in and out of Quanjude, not even the box, how many acquaintances will he meet after eating a meal? Tang Hongen didn't even want to be skinny. This was obviously intentional. He wanted to publicly show his relationship with rural women!

Ji Lin's feet flickered and almost fell.


"Nothing, I just saw a friend."

Several colleagues looked at it, as did the foreign guests, and Ji Lin's ghost envoy added: "He is the mayor of Pengcheng Special Economic Zone."

Colleagues' faces shined, and foreign guests looked at Ji Lin with different eyes.

Ji Lin dumb can't tell the bitterness of eating coptis.

Where Tang Hongen is his friend, it is clearly his former brother-in-law.

His sister was really unlucky. She was married to Tang Hongen that year, and Tang Hongen was delegated and almost affected the Ji family.

It's all right now. Without the old man, Ji Lin feels unhappy at work.

Tang Hongen went straight up, but it was not his sister Ji Ya who was enjoying all this, but a rural woman who appeared inexplicably!

Ji Lin was angry and bitter in his heart, but he dared not step forward to provoke.

Just now he said a big deal, he still had to bite the bullet and step forward to greet Tang Hongen.

As soon as he said the word "soup", Tang Hongen had already learned the Ji family's ability to spit out ivory from the dog's mouth.

Ji Lin is going crazy!

Several colleagues and foreign guests are watching from a few meters away!

This thief Tang Hongen is really bullying!

Liu Fen also recognized Ji Lin. Seeing that Ji Lin's face was like a purple eggplant, he couldn't help but ask Tang Hongen after he walked out of Quanjude:

"Is it okay to ignore him?"

Tang Hongen nodded, "Of course it doesn't matter. You are willing to give him face, and you are not willing to give him face. He has nothing to do. As I said earlier, after we are together, many people don’t have to give face to them. Whether to talk to them or not, it all depends on whether they can make you happy!"

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