Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1026: : The whole city is a sensation! (2 more)

The gold is not big, and it can be hidden by plugging it anywhere.

The people at the police station asked these people to hand over the gold, the courageous threw out two golden beans, and the courageous pretending to be stupid. Later, during the body search, some people hid the golden beans in their clothes pockets, some in their shoes, in the seams of the feet, and even under the root of their tongues, and stuffed them in the groin was a real heavy taste.

Some villagers who found gold and wanted to run were all caught by the police station.

In the end, a total of 627 grams of gold was cleared from the pool, and the police station did not know what to do with the gold.

Ge Jian thought to himself, this wastage was really big enough. I buried 1,000 grams of gold nuggets of various sizes. In the end, I found only over 600 grams. Maybe some slippery fish were not dug out in the pond, or there may be someone hiding it secretly at the scene. Gold.

Ge Jian couldn't show that the amount of gold was wrong. Facing the cadres who came from the police station and Futian Sub-district Office upon hearing the news, Ge Jian looked at Mao Kangshan with his eyes asking for help.

"Mr. Mao, the boss is not here anymore, only you can call the shots for the boss!"

In this scene, Mao Kangshan and Ge Jian rehearsed several times. Mao Kangshan's lines were serious, and his acting skills were deliberate. After thinking for a while, he gave a solution:

"The dug up gold should be kept by the Futian Sub-district Office. Work on the construction site will be temporarily suspended. Let the geological survey team first check whether there is a gold mine here."

How to deal with gold mines?

It is impossible to return to Qihang Real Estate to build a house.

Who will develop the gold mine is a question. First, determine whether there is a gold mine.

Mao Kangshan's proposal was unanimously approved by everyone.

The news that Qihang Real Estate sorted the foundations, but dug up gold, spread throughout Pengcheng in a very short time.

Although people from the geological survey team later came over and repeatedly confirmed that there were no mineral deposits here, and where the gold came from, it should have been brought by the spring of living water, and it was in the sand itself.

The development of the gold mine was left unfinished, and the name of Jinshachi resounded throughout Pengcheng.

Who doesn't believe that this is a treasure of geomantic omen, and the words of Luo's family are the proof. In just a few days, the whole Pengcheng knew about this land, and ordinary people were discussing the "Golden Sand Pool" regardless of whether they had the money to buy a house.

The first to sort out the good news was Bill, who had been ordered by the Boss and had been observing the movement of Qihang Real Estate.

Bill handed the collected information to Harold, and Harold threw the file on the table:

"Ellen, do you think there will be such a thing?"

Butler Allen replied conservatively: "It doesn't matter how things are. The important thing is that gold was dug in the pool. Sir, this is not a bad thing for our project. Our golf course is right next to that piece of land."

Harold sneered, "You mean, I still want to take advantage of her now?"

Allen dared not answer.

It is not necessary to distinguish who has the advantage. The best way is to include that piece of land in the golf course project, but Allen knew that Xia Xiaolan would not sell the land... All of this was originally manipulated by Xia Xiaolan. The sly Chinese girl made Allen admire him with admiration.

If you can't buy land, you should take advantage of this public opinion storm.

The cunning Xia Xiaolan can use the attractiveness of the golf course project to build commercial houses, and Mr. Harold should also use Xia Xiaolan's movement in turn.

Harold was probably angry.

There is a bit of appreciation in anger.

Xia Xiaolan is indeed the most unique young girl he knows.

Harold interacted with actors and models who became famous at a young age. They all have beautiful looks and super high emotional intelligence. But Xia Xiaolan is obviously not only beautiful and high in EQ, she is excellent in IQ and sophisticated in business manipulation...As a victor who defeated the other heirs of the family, Harold really appreciates smart people.

Smart people are not common, and smart women are even rarer. Harold is annoyed by Xia Xiaolan's perfunctory, but also sympathizes with Xia Xiaolan's methods.

After annoyed for a long time, as a qualified businessman, Harold was not against money after all:

"Let Bill continue to follow up, he knows what to do!"

Staying in China is very troublesome, and Harold wants to go back to the United States.

The United States does not have a stupid nephew who is always overbearing.

There are no Chinese girls in the United States that bother people. Perhaps he should return to the familiar environment and find confidence in passionate American girls.

This wave of operations at the Sands Pool has not only blown up Harold.

Those who really pay attention to Jinshachi, as Xia Xiaolan expected, are Hong Kong businessmen who pay attention to feng shui!

Qihang Real Estate, the boss is Xia Xiaolan.

Du Zhaohui's throat got itchy as soon as he heard the name. Xia Xiaolan was like a thorn. If he wanted to forget this woman, she would always jump out and dazzle.

Du Zhaohui, who couldn't vomit or swallow, was not uncomfortable.

Tang Yuanyue also heard of Jinsha Pool. On the left is the golf course built by the Americans, and on the right is the Xiangmihu Resort. The place is not big. Tang Yuanyue is not interested in developing houses, but wants to buy it privately:

"How about repairing a villa and giving me Lao Dou?"

That is of course very good.

All the wealthy people in Hong Kong believe in Feng Shui, especially the older generation who started from scratch.

Du Zhaohui was also moved. He heard that it was a piece of land of more than 20 acres.

Maybe he should also try to buy it, build a villa and give it to the old beanie Du Xingrong.

But will Xia Xiaolan sell that piece of land?

Maybe it would be sold to Tang Yuanyue, but he would never sell it to him. Du Zhaohui knew this dim sum.

"Brother Tang, that piece of land is not small. It's better to buy it together, divide it into two, and build two villas. In the future, our family will be able to move around more."

Tang Yuanyue didn't want to buy with Du Zhaohui at all.

He can walk in with Du Zhaohui, anyway, this is Pengcheng.

But to put the Tang family and Du Xingrong together, the more Tang Yuan was afraid that his old bean would not be willing!

There is also a chain of contempt among the wealthy in Hong Kong. Like the Du family, who is half black and not white, the Tang family does not want to get too close.

On Du Zhaohui’s proposal, Tang Yuanyue was noncommittal:

"Do you think Miss Xia will sell that piece of land?"

Du Zhaohui was distracted, yes, will Xia Xiaolan sell land?

According to Du Zhaohui's idea, as long as a business can make money, it is possible to talk about it. However, I have dealt with Xia Xiaolan several times, and Xia Xiaolan's method of doing things has exceeded Du Zhaohui's expectations every time. It is really impossible to guess her thoughts with common sense.

"Are we trying to make a price?"

Du Zhaohui didn't have much confidence in what he said.

Tang Yuan smiled, "It's better for me to come forward, Miss Xia and Zhaohui, you seem to have a bit of a misunderstanding. I'm afraid that when you show up, she will either not sell the land, or even if she wants to sell it, she will raise the price of the land very high. Both you and I There is no shortage of money, but you still have to be particular about how you spend it."

Spend a thousand yuan to buy a feng shui treasure, he said that he has foresight.

He spent 100 million to buy a 20-acre plot of land in Pengcheng. He probably wouldn't appreciate it at all.

Du Zhaohui's face was ugly, Tang Yuanyue actually went to inquire about his relationship with Xia Xiaolan?

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