Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1028: : Buying a house with a push (4 more)

Buy a house?

Xia Hongbing was tired and muddled, and he didn't react at first.

Old Mrs. Xia said again: "When buying a house, people say that gold was dug up in that place, and if a boss wants to build a house there, the little goblin will seduce the army to buy a house!"

Xia Hongbing finally understood.

"Second brother, do you have any money to buy a house?"

Buying a local bungalow, such as the one they rent now, may cost only 20,000 to 30,000 yuan.

But it is only two to three thousand yuan, Xia Dajun will save more than half a year. Xia Hongbing knows that his second brother’s previous savings have been used up, and now he can’t get twenty to thirty thousand yuan, so he still has the two months’ salary in hand. Inside.

You can listen to his mother's point, the second brother wants to buy a building built by the big boss?

Xia Hongbing works on a construction site. I don’t understand anything else. I heard people boast that Hong Kong boss Liu built a house in Pengcheng before. It cost more than 2,000 Hong Kong dollars per square meter. Half, that square meter also has more than 1,000 Chinese dollars.

A house built by a Hong Kong boss must have at least 70 or 80 square meters, right?

With his second brother’s salary, he would have to save for two to three years without eating or drinking.

Whether to buy a house or not is not something to worry about now, I don't know what his mother is so excited about.

Seeing the little son’s reaction, Old Lady Xia twisted his arm with anger: "Your second brother has no money, but his boss has money. The house in Jinshachi said that the house in that place can send the household registration...she wants to be a native of Pengcheng!"

Be a Pengcheng!

Xia Hongxia was tired like a dead dog, and she was shocked when she heard that.

Working in a city and being a city dweller are two different things.

The former is still a rural household registration, while the latter is an urban household registration. Who doesn't know that urban household registration is superior to others, job hunting and marriage are favored, and rural household registration is discriminated against everywhere, Xia Hongxia's feelings are particularly deep.

"Grandma, can you really get your registered permanent residence in Pengcheng?"

It is too difficult to transfer from rural household registration to urban household registration.

Otherwise, you will be admitted to university, your household registration will follow the school, and you will be settled in your work unit in the future.

Or just marry a city citizen and see if the hukou can be transferred to the man’s home... University entrance examination is the safest way. Marrying is not always necessary. If you marry a person who doesn’t matter, your hukou will change slowly. One drag is for more than ten years!

Although the state does not prohibit the buying and selling of private real estate, such as returned ancestral properties and houses built by farmers themselves, these can all be bought and sold.

But the returned ancestral property, even if you buy the courtyard house on the side of the Forbidden City, has nothing to do with the transfer of your account. Now there is no policy that you can settle down without buying a house. Only in Pengcheng, when Liu Tianquan built the "East Lake Liyuan", the house dared to buy more than 2,000 Hong Kong dollars per square meter, because each house was given 3 Pengcheng household registration quotas.

Buy a commercial house, you can settle in Pengcheng!

As soon as Donghu Liyuan opened for business, it was robbed by Hong Kong people.

In addition to housing prices that are cheaper than Hong Kong, many Hong Kong people buy this house to settle their relatives and friends in the Mainland.

Some people smuggled to Hong Kong to make a fortune, and a large number of relatives stayed in the mainland to eat chaffy vegetables, and they always wanted to help.

Xia Hongxia's eyes were bright and she was patted by her dad:

"Even if you settle down, what does it have to do with you!"

Xia Hongbing also woke up, no wonder the old lady was anxious. There are at most two or three Pengcheng hukou quotas for a house, and it is calculated based on the house built by the Hong Kong boss, with three hukou indicators, one for his second brother, one for Xiao Yu, and the remaining one must be his wife.

Others can't be touched at all!

Moreover, the house built by the big boss is not big, unlike a bungalow with a spacious yard, where the whole family lives together.

Who will move to the new house then?

Xia Hongbing counted, maybe it was Xia Dajun taking Xiaoyu, Granny Xia, and Xia Changzheng's son Xia Junbao.

The four moved to the new house happily, but left Xia Hongbing's family. Xia Hongbing and Zhang Cui gave birth to babies when they were free. There was no family planning a few years ago. The couple gave birth to one daughter and two children, so their family altogether There are 5 people.

Xia Hongbing took a deep breath and didn't live close to his second brother. Wouldn't it be worse than it is now?

"Mom, only you will plan for me..."

No matter where he moved, Dajun Xia couldn't leave his mother behind. If Mrs. Xia didn't care about his little son, how could she tell the news.

Granny Xia didn’t get any rehabilitation treatment after a stroke. The symptoms of crooked eyes and slanted mouth did not improve much, and she couldn’t control her words and dripped drool. Originally, Xia Hongbing was extremely disgusted. At this time, look at his mother’s eyes. Also cordial and enthusiastic.

Old lady Xia shivered, "You three brothers, the one that I love most is you. The little fairy has coaxed your second brother, a shameless little bitch, who sleeps with the army if you have no name or distinction. What a good thing."

If you don't talk about the marriage certificate, then you won't be counted as her daughter-in-law.

Sleeping with a man without getting a marriage certificate is shameless torn shoes!

Xiao Yu's methods are superb, and she is good at violating yang and yin. Old lady Xia has never taken advantage of her trying to discipline her.

Dajun Xia had this sweet wife, and most of his thoughts were put on Xiao Yu. He didn't obey Mrs Xia as he did before. Mrs. Xia didn't know how much sulking he was... It would be better to be her daughter-in-law like Liu Fen who doesn't lay eggs. At that time, she told the army to go east, and the army would never go west.

An old rural woman is used to being the master of the house, and what she says now doesn't work anymore. Don't mention how uncomfortable the old lady Xia is.

She now hates Xiao Yu, absolutely above Liu Fen!

If Xiao Yu wanted to leave the third family aside, Mrs. Xia absolutely disagreed.

First, she wanted to sing against Xiao Yu, and Mrs. Xia opposed everything Xiao Yu wanted to do. Second, she really loved Xia Hongbing. She relied on Xia Dajun to raise her, but she thought about Xia Hongbing everywhere—because of her, Xiao Yu secretly did not miss it. Scolded her for dead old woman.

Old lady Xia loves her son, but Xia Hongbing is more selfish.

He knew better than his wife that the second elder brother could not do without the new second wife. If he changed him to find a young and beautiful wife, it must be his wife.

Xiao Yu wants to persuade her second brother to buy a house, and this will probably come true.

Xia Hongbing wanted to buy it himself, but it was a pity that a house would cost so much money, even if he sold his jinlunliang, he would not be able to earn it.

If a suite has three Pengcheng registered permanent residences, one for the second brother Xia Dajun, one for Xiaoyu, and who wants the remaining one?

My old mother is getting older, what does the rural household registration have to do?

Xia Hongbing is most afraid that the remaining household registration will go to his nephew Xia Junbao... With his second brother's character, this kind of thing can really be done! No, he wants to get this place in his hands, and it won't take any advantage. Second brother wants to throw them away and live alone?

Xia Hongbing thought about it, but didn't know that Xiao Yu's thoughts were similar.

Xiao Yu didn't want to huddle with a bunch of people in the Xia family, took Xia Dajun out for a walk, and mentioned the matter of buying a house and settling down.

Xia Dajun was very hesitant: "Everyone is talking about Jinshachi. No matter how good the place is, the house is still untrustworthy. It is not very good for us to rent a house here. The place is spacious and the family can live together."

Xiao Yu lowered her head, "Brother Dajun, I know that you value family affection, and I also think that the family lives together in a lively life. I am not lazy and don't want to cook for everyone, nor am I separating your brothers, I am thinking for him——"

Xiao Yu said, took Xia Dajun's hand and placed it on her belly.

Xia Dajun was stunned, Xiao Yu's voice was always gentle, and at this time it was even more pleasing to the ear, and what he said made Xia Dajun floating in the sky:

"Brother Dajun, I went to the hospital to check it up, and the child is exactly two months old."

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