Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1038: : You siblings match up (4 more)

Tang Yuanyue's secretary admired Xia Xiaolan very much.

Xia Xiaolan left Hua directly in Yuanhui's office to beautify the office environment.

She wanted to see Tang Hongen before, but Tang Hongen went to the capital, under the guise of avoiding suspicion, went to the capital to meet her mother! When Xia Xiaolan returned to the capital, Tang Hongen returned to Pengcheng, and the two missed it perfectly.

Xia Xiaolan listened to what happened when Tang Hongen went to Beijing.

First, I personally met the potential rival, Director Ma, and then asked her mother for an outing in Fragrant Hills.

Liu Fen didn't say what happened in Xiangshan.

"Xiaotang is very good at pursuing people, and your mother probably won't be able to carry it for long."

That's how Grandma Yu told Xia Xiaolan!

Grandma Yu’s judgment has always been very accurate, and Xia Xiaolan was a little worried. She initially contacted Tang Hongen to find a backer in Pengcheng. After all, she was cheeky and wanted to hug her thighs.

She did get a lot of convenience because of this. The development in Pengcheng was so smooth, not only because she had the foresight, but because of Tang Hongen, other people did not dare to do anything to her business.

But at the moment, it seems that Tang Hongen’s help is not asking for a return. The interest he took is not money, but he told Xia Xiaolan to pay her mother... Mayor Tang is not mean, but he and Liu Fen had no contact. Possibly, Liu Fen, a divorced rural woman, could not reach the mayor if it were not for Xia Xiaolan.

"Who loses and who earns, is really a mess right now!"

Xia Xiaolan muttered a few words at the time, but did not ask her mother about the details of her trip to Xiangshan.

There was never a secret between the mother and daughter, Liu Fen couldn't get to the bottom of her and Zhou Cheng's relationship, and Xia Xiaolan also respected her mother.

However, Liu Fen took the initiative to mention that there is a very low-key house in Xiangshan. Tang Hongen took her to meet an old gentleman in the house.

Liu Fen didn’t think much about it. She has always been able to get along with the elderly, including the odd-tempered grandma Yu, who likes Liu Fen. Tang Hongen took her to see that the old man was very good at talking. How did Tang Hongen meet?

"It's strange, who do you think he is?"

Liu Fen was still confused after seeing everyone. If it weren't for Tang Hongen's parents' death, she would guess that the other party was Mr. Tang.

Xia Xiaolan hadn't seen it in person, and couldn't tell who Liu Fen had met.

Thinking of Tang Hongen’s success in just ten years after being rehabilitated, Xia Xiaolan had a vague guess, but only vaguely told Liu Fen:

"It may be a teacher in Uncle Tang's house or a close elder. You have not seen or met, so don't think about it now."

Her mother is very foolish.

Xia Xiaolan is not easy to fool, why Mayor Tang tricked her mother into Xiangshan, Xia Xiaolan really wanted to ask.

If it is an elder who can be the master for Tang Hongen, then this is "meeting the parents". Anyway, let her mother be prepared!

Xia Xiaolan felt that Mayor Tang’s way of pursuing people was too leap, and it was not good for the man to take the lead in a relationship. She planned to tackle this issue on the sidelines today. When she arrived at Tang Hongen’s house, she couldn’t say anything.

It's not that Tang Hongen is at home alone, Huo Chenzhou is sitting in the living room of Tang Hongen's house!

Xia Xiaolan was quite surprised, "I didn't expect Manager Huo to be there."

Huo Chenzhou was also looking at her. The two hadn't seen her for a long time. Huo Chenzhou was very impressed with Xia Xiaolan.

Others want to save money for project plans, but Xia Xiaolan wants to increase the budget, which doubles as soon as it is increased. Unexpectedly, the renovation plan with a budget of 30 million was passed through the shareholders meeting.

It was said that Xia Xiaolan was in danger.

"Miss Xia, long time no see, I will call you President Xia when we meet again."

Four or five months ago, Xia Xiaolan had not been put in the eyes of Huo Chenzhou. In a short time, Xia Xiaolan became the owner of the hot land of Pengcheng Jinsha Pool.

Even he failed to let Mayor Tang let go and let Dongfeng Holdings lead the first step of Pengcheng's housing reform.

Mayor Tang trusts Xia Xiaolan more?

Huo Chenzhou's eyes are deep, and Xia Xiaolan does have the ability. Her talent is not only in architectural design, but also in land speculation. The land price of Jinshachi has soared from less than 3 million to about 15 million in half a month. It cannot be luck or coincidence.

Huo Chenzhou is more complicated than others.

Xia Xiaolan made huge profits in a short period of time, but the initial capital was provided by Dongfeng Holdings.

Huo Chenzhou has heard about Liu Yong's pressure on the project. When would he still want to talk to Liu Yong, not to lose his reputation in the industry, not only from Yuanhui, but also from Nanhai Hotel and Dongfeng Holdings.

Huo Chenzhou thought Liu Yong was too greedy.

When Qihang Real Estate was born, Huo Chenzhou understood where the depressed project funds had gone.

Set sail's registered capital.

Set sail to get the money.

All the money was taken from the project fund paid by Dongfeng to Yuanhui!

But I am really capable and bold. Isn't this the empty glove white wolf? There is no cash in his pocket, but he uses the engineering funds given by Dongfeng to make money. This kind of operation makes Huo Chenzhou, the person who pays. Why is the love?

Although Dongfeng Holdings' money was not personally owned by Huo Chenzhou, he agreed with how to use the money.

Dongfeng's method of paying the engineering funds to Yuanhui is extremely advantageous, which is totally beneficial to Yuanhui. All the units paid so easily these days. Of course, this is also how Huo Chenzhou wanted to please Tang Hongen... He knew the truth, and he couldn't overcome the hurdle in his heart.

Xia Xiaolan looked at Manager Huo and seemed unhappy, but she didn't know why this person was unhappy.

She didn't bother to pay attention, and looked around the room:

"Why don't you see Uncle Tang?"

As soon as the voice fell, Tang Hongen came out of the study, "Xiaolan, are you here? You don't need to introduce Shen Zhou anymore, you have already dealt with it before."

Xia Xiaolan nodded, "Yes, Uncle Tang, I also want to thank Manager Huo for taking care of Yuanhui's business."

"Shen Zhou is bigger than you, so you can be siblings in the future."

Tang Hongen said a word, and both Xia Xiaolan and Huo Chenzhou almost jumped up.

Is there any mistake, shouldn’t it be Ji Jiangyuan that she wants to be a sibling? Where did Huo Chenzhou come from?

Huo Chenzhou couldn’t accept it either. Not everyone is qualified to be his sister...what does Mayor Tang mean? He came to Mayor Tang before. This person has a close relationship with Huo’s family, but he was just careless. There is such affection.

Huo Chenzhou was not flattered at all, instead he was very vigilant.

People like Mayor Tang will not aimlessly. What kind of trap is to bring him closer to Xia Xiaolan?

Xia Xiaolan smiled dryly: "It's better to call Manager Huo, you should respect it!"

Hehe, Huo Chenzhou's face was so obvious that she resisted, and Xia Xiaolan could see clearly, and she didn't have the thought of climbing up the pole.

——Why is she rushing to be someone else's sister?

Tang Hongen didn't expect the two of them to react so much, and for a moment he was slightly taken aback:

"Fine, I don't interfere with how you come and go, and I don't understand what the young man thinks. Just when Xiaolan is here, when the Nanhai Hotel can be accepted, you can talk to Shen Zhou."

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