Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1040: : Good at attracting enemy firepower (1 more)

Xia Xiaolan's thinking jumped fast.

Tang Hongen also laughed:

"Well, don't talk about those heavy and unpleasant topics. Why do you think your mother can't deal with it? Xiaolan, you underestimate your mother. She has a heart. You have to care about gains and losses when you do things. Thinking about it, it’s commendable only by my heart. There is no need for complicated thoughts. She is true and true. No one will hate her. At least I will take her to meet that elder. The old gentleman likes her very much!"

Xia Xiaolan is an exquisite heart.

How Liu Fen gave birth to such a daughter Tang Hongen doesn't understand, but Liu Fen has his own advantages.

Simple people will use simple methods to deal with things. It is also good to do things with their own heart. Unlike Xia Xiaolan who thinks so much, life is not that tired!

Tang Hongen looks good on his and Liu Fen's future life, and Xia Xiaolan has goose bumps.

Grandma Yu said that her mother could not resist Mayor Tang's pursuit, and Xia Xiaolan thought it made sense.

In the eyes of Mayor Tang, her mother is really good in every way. Mayor Tang not only thinks so, but also tells others that way.

Even Xia Xiaolan was forcibly stuffed with dog food from time to time.

That's enough!

She had just eaten and didn't want to eat dog food at all.

"If you tell me earlier, I will definitely get close to Big Brother Huo Chenzhou. I remember that he is the person in charge of the Beijing branch of Dongfeng Holdings. Then we have a chance to deal with each other."

Isn't it just to let Huo Chenzhou retreat when he knows the difficulties, and let the people behind Huo Chenzhou also take a look, isn't Tang Hongen who they can send a junior to instigate?

Attracting enemy firepower, Xia Xiaolan promised to do it well and steadily.

Tang Hongen had a headache: "Don't overdo it, Huo Chenzhou is very proud. I'm afraid it will be troublesome if you offend him too much."

"How is that possible... I have to think about how to play a arrogant, poor person who is rich, who does not know the importance of one step to the sky, and dares to grab food from Huo Chenzhou's bowl. Uncle Tang, isn't this the one who made me play the role? From now on Huo Chenzhou If he wants to do anything in Pengcheng, if he asks you to help, he must take me with him!"

Xia Xiaolan said to herself and arranged all her roles.

Tang Hongen regretted it, he seemed to tell Xia Xiaolan too much!

The old leader's family thought they could instruct him casually, and they have seen him alone in these years, and even wanted to manipulate his marriage, and were always eager to introduce him to someone.

Tang Hongen didn't want to be manipulated by others, so he simply didn't see any of them. The family of the old leader thought that his old love for Ji Ya was unforgettable.

Tang Hongen didn't bother to explain, because of their misunderstanding, he himself was at ease.

This time it didn't work. He broke the other party's delusion when he wanted to be with A Fen. Tang Hongen took Liu Fen to Xiangshan to see the old leader. The old leader recognized him, and the others could not make trouble.

Those people think he is alone and have no relatives to rely on, so they should work for them.

When Ji Jiangyuan returned to China, Tang Hongen wanted to devote his hard work to his son. How can parents not want to pave the way for the child?

But Ji Jiangyuan never got close to him. The estrangement and estrangement between the father and son could not be resolved in a short time. Ji Jiangyuan stayed in Pengcheng for two months this summer, and never saw Tang Hongen privately once, and Tang Hongen was also helpless.

I can understand Ji Jiangyuan’s fear of stimulating Ji Ya. In the end, people’s hearts are grown. He and Ji Jiangyuan don’t know how much time it takes to heal the strangeness if he wants to get close. On the contrary, he and Xia Xiaolan are impressed at the first meeting. .

Originally treated Xia Xiaolan as his niece, but he didn't expect Xia Xiaolan to become his stepdaughter.

The stepdaughter is caring enough, and the daughter is not bad...Since Ji Jiangyuan doesn't need the resources, Tang Hongen doesn't hesitate to give Xia Xiaolan, he really likes this girl. But for his resources, the people on Huo Chenzhou's side were staring at him, and Tang Hongen had to confess to Xia Xiaolan.

Xia Xiaolan was as smart as Tang Hongen thought, and she could say anything at all. Watching Xia Xiaolan leave with high spirits, Tang Hongen didn't know if she was doing it right.

"I didn't turn back the arrow when I opened the bow. I shouldn't know or know it. I hope Affin won't blame me."

Xia Xiaolan didn't hear Tang Hongen's self-talk.

Xia Xiaolan didn't know who Huo Chenzhou's grandfather was, but she went back to Beijing and asked Guan Hui Mo to find out. It happened that she hadn't visited for a long time, and spent the entire summer vacation in Pengcheng busy making money.

Arriving on Saturday, leaving on the weekend, Xia Xiaolan's trip to Pengcheng hurried.

When she arrived at the airport, Tang Yuanyue actually saw him off at the apron.

Looking at Mr. Tang, who was leaning on the hood of the sports car with flowers in her hand, Xia Xiaolan's hairs stood up all over: Tang Yuanyue really took the wrong medicine, and his condition was quite serious!

"President Tang, what a coincidence!"

Tang Yuanyue looked at her without blinking, "Many coincidences in the world are man-made. In order to see Miss Xia, I am happy to make more coincidences."

He passed the words in his hand to Xia Xiaolan, and Xia Xiaolan smiled dryly:

"President Tang, your behavior is easy to misunderstand."

"It's not a misunderstanding, I know Miss Xia has a boyfriend, but what kind of man you want to be with a woman like you, right?"

Can the children of high-ranking cadres in the mainland shelter Xia Xiaolan for a while, can they shelter her for the first time?

Xia Xiaolan is ambitious, and she is not a small mess in her career pursuit. She should find someone of the same kind in the shopping mall, who can understand her to support her, and even help her. Tang Yuanyue thinks he is quite suitable.

Driving a sports car to the tarmac, and sending flowers to chase girls, such a scene can only be seen in foreign movies.

The ground crew at the airport was dumbfounded. Xia Xiaolan took the flower in Tang Yuanyue's hand and gave it to a female ground crew: "Thanks for your hard work, my Hong Kong friend is a bit domineering, is it embarrassing for you?"

Not everyone can drive a car into the apron.

Now that the planes are less and slack in management, Xia Xiaolan still apologizes to the airport ground crew. After all, she caused the trouble.

The female ground crew blushed, and she was stuffed by Xia Xiaolan for some reason.

This Miss Xia often takes the “Yangcheng-Beijing” round-trip flight, and the staff at the airport are also impressed by her.

It’s not surprising that this kind of scene of a wealthy young man chasing a girl, which is only seen in foreign movies or described in Hong Kong tabloids, happened to Miss Xia. Miss Xia is really beautiful and very polite. .

When Xia Xiaolan got on the plane, Tang Yuan leaned on the car and laughed.

He was not discouraged either.

If Xia Xiaolan is really so easy to chase, Tang Yuan won't be in his turn.


"Tang Yuanyue chased people to Yangcheng Airport?"

Du Zhaohui muttered to himself, this was really poisoned by Xia Xiaolan.

Xia Xiaolan's methods were high, and Tang Yuan didn't know how he died in the end. Young Master Du was a little proud of his calmness, not being confused by Xia Xiaolan's goblin, turned his head and asked Ahua:

"What happened to Xia Ziyu's plastic surgery?"

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