Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1044: : Idiot, who do you see the joke? (Add 55)

People who like to watch gossip can't change their temperament. Dahe Village is like this.

While trying to profit from Xia Dajun, it would not delay everyone talking about his unmarried pregnancy with Xiao Yu.

I'm all curious about the origin of Xiao Yu's new daughter-in-law.

Xiao Yu didn't talk much, so she wouldn't say any more.

Xiao Yu kept the baby in the hospital for two days, and Xia Dajun left Anqing and returned to his hometown of Hedong County. It's also convenient to have two counties next to each other. Xia Dajun brought a big bag of things, anxiously went to Fan's family to propose marriage.

The Fan family never expected that the daughter who left without leaving would return.

Xiao Yu and Fan Zhenchuan got together, and were troubled by her former fiance. Fan's family lost the adult, and it was only when this daughter died outside!

But Xiao Yu came back this time and said that he was going to marry. Xia Dajun looked a round older than her, but he had a formal job. Xiao Yu was pregnant with a child again. How could the Fan family dare to criticize Xia Dajun’s conditions and what his daughter was? The reputation is in my mind.

Not at all embarrassed by Xia Dajun, he quickly helped fix Xiao Yu's proof.

It's good to marry, let's harm the Xia family in the future!

Because of this inability to speak out, Xiao Yu returned to Hedong County to prove that it went smoothly beyond Xia Dajun's expectation. Xia Dajun bluntly said that Fan Yu's parents are good.

Holding the newly released marriage certificate, Xiao Yu was also determined:

"Brother Dajun, they don't embarrass you because I'm pregnant. It's not a good reputation to get pregnant when you are unmarried. You must not despise me in the future."

Xia Dajun was full of joy, "What nonsense are you talking about, we are now a righteous couple. You gave birth to a son for me, Xia Dajun, why would I despise you!"

The newly married couple is a bit fresh, even Xiao Yu looks at Xia Dajun with two more sincere eyes.

If you can live steadily with Xia Dajun, it seems really good.

Xiao Yu was married and was leaving, but Father Fan’s 50th birthday was the day after tomorrow. Xia Dajun, the new son-in-law, said that he was going to show his father-in-law's birthday.

Is it not easy to have money? If you spend a few hundred dollars and put it to Fan's mother, what kind of decent birthday banquet can't be done?

Xia Dajun took Xiao Yu to go shopping in Hedong County. Xiao Yu lowered his head to cover up. Xia Dajun didn’t understand his wife’s thoughts at all, and took her to the department store: “You should pick a new set of clothes first. Good-looking, we will buy more sets when we return to Pengcheng."

People have a good spirit at happy events, and Xia Dajun spends very generously.

Xiao Yu randomly chose one set on the counter, and Xia Dajun chose another set for Xiao Yu's parents.

How many department stores are there in Hedong County?

Didn't Liu Fang work here? When she first saw Xia Dajun, she didn't dare to recognize it. In fact, she had never seen this ex-brother-in-law several times. But Liu Fang wouldn't admit his mistake with Xiao Yu's appearance. Isn't this Fan Zhenchuan's little nanny?

Hooking up with Fan Zhenchuan, the little nanny who angered Fan Zhenchuanyuan has always been disliked by Fan Zhenchuan's mother. Aunt Fan would not be anxious to find a young and beautiful wife for Fan Zhenchuan if it weren't for driving Xiaoyu away.

Liu Fang tentatively called out "Xia Dajun", Xia Dajun turned around, but he could recognize Liu Fang.

No way, Liu Fang was married to a cadre of the country at that time, and his attitude in her natal family was very high!

"Aunt Xiaolan, what are you doing here?"

Liu Fang laughed, "I thought I had admitted the wrong person, you guys..."

Xia Dajun pulled Xiaoyu, "We just got married, come and buy something."

Xia Dajun didn't know the bad relationship between Liu Fang and Xia Xiaolan. Liu Fang belonged to Liu's family. He didn't want to lose his momentum in front of Liu's family. There is also a faint show off. Liu Fen does not remarry him, but he married the young and beautiful Xiao Yu. Liu Fen wants to remarry but it is hard to find. Before, he still hangs out with a man who runs a clothing store. Can he marry young Xiao Yu? Can the owner of a clothing store younger than Liu Fen marry her?

Dajun Xia married Xiao Yu!

Liu Fang really wanted to laugh three times.

She wasn't happy for Liu Fen and Xia Xiaolan, she was just gloating, Xiao Yu's broken shoes actually became Xia Xiaolan's stepmother, and Xia Xiaolan might die if she knew it.

Xia Xiaolan is upset, Liu Fang is upset!

Xiao Yu stiffened, so she happened to run into Liang Bing'an's wife. Liu Fang knew her details, or Xia Xiaolan's own aunt, Xiao Yu was really afraid that Liu Fang would pick her up.

I didn't know that Liu Fang smiled at her, but said nothing.

Xiao Yu hurriedly took Xia Dajun away, "Brother Dajun, I am not feeling well, shall we go back first?"

Xia Dajun realized that he had talked more with sister Liu Fen in front of Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu should be unhappy.

Xia Dajun didn't want to show off anymore, for fear that Xiao Yu would have fetal gas again.

"Aunt Xiaolan, I'm leaving now!"

Liu Fang suffocated a smile and watched Xia Dajun carefully help Xiaoyu to leave, touching his belly, is it pregnant? That idiot Xia Dajun, I'm afraid I don't know what Xiaoyu is.

Xia Dajun was unlucky, Xia Xiaolan was upset, Liu Fang gloated and was happy all day.

She was laughing when she came home from get off work, making Liang Bing'an inexplicable.

"Did you pick up money today?"

Today, Liu Fang has also accepted the fact that Liang Bingan is idle at home and not going to work. The two have children and daughters under their names. Liang Bingan cursed others when they were still, and the relationship between the couple naturally gradually eased.

"You can't even think of who I saw today!"

Liu Fang sells the door, but Liang Bingan ignores it at all. On the contrary, Liu Fang couldn't hold it back. He told about the marriage of Xia Dajun and Xiao Yu:

"You said my second sister is so unlucky. Xia Dajun seems to have made a fortune. It is very generous to take Fan Zhenchuan's little nanny to buy things. No one is looking for it. Instead, I want to find Fan Zhenchuan's nanny."

Liang Bing'an was taken aback, awake and furious:

"You are so stupid as a pig. What is your second sister now? Do you see her jokes? No matter how good Xia Dajun's life is, he can still pay you to spend it? It's the second sister who was angry with us before. Slowly there is still room for change!"

Liang Bingan hasn’t figured out who the man came to Liu’s house during the Chinese New Year.

But the Mayor Fang of Anqing County did come to visit him. Just like the people in Qijing Village said, Mayor Fang didn't even enter the gate, and there was a cold wind blowing outside.

Is the man Liu Fen looking for important to the big leader in the eyes of others?

After all, it was Liu Jiapan who had attached to such a big man, and they were willing to get close to Liu's family, but Liang Bingan later ran to Qijing Village with a brazen face, but was completely empty.

He has been thinking about this, but Liu Fen and Xia Xiaolan are not in Yunan, and Liu Yong is not there. Now only Li Fengmei runs a clothing store in the business capital. Liang Bingan asks Liu Fang to go to Lanfenghuang frequently, and he must do well with Li Fengmei. Relationship.

Li Fengmei had a big opinion of Liu Fang. Every time she touched her nose, she didn't want to go there a few times.

Liang Bing'an hates iron but not steel. When he asks for something, it is nothing to listen to a few cold words. He is a big man and it is not easy to pester Li Fengmei all day. Prevent him from repairing the relationship.

"In this way, whether your second sister knows it or not, you go to the business and tell Aunt Huanhuan about it. I know you don't like being a salesperson in a department store. Wouldn't I want you to go out and show your face? Whether it can be restored to the past depends on whether your second sister and niece can calm down!"

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